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Number of results to display per page
1 The 100 Most-Cited Articles on Optic Neuritis: Trends of Subtypes, Authorship, and Time2023-09Textehsl_novel_jno
2 20/40 or Better Visual Acuity After Optic Neuritis: Not; as Good as We Once Thought?2016-12Textehsl_novel_jno
3 A 26-Year-Old Woman With Diplopia and Nystagmus2020-12Textehsl_novel_jno
4 A 29-Year-Old Nurse With Fatigue, Anxiety, and Depression2015-12Textehsl_novel_jno
5 A Case of Atypical Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy With Slow, Symmetrical Progression Over Three Years2018-09Textehsl_novel_jno
6 A Case of Bing-Neel Syndrome Presenting Like Giant Cell Arteritis2023-12Textehsl_novel_jno
7 A Case of Extraocular Muscle Enlargement Causing Diplopia: Thinking Beyond Thyroid Eye Disease2013-06Textehsl_novel_jno
8 A Case of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension/Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome Cured by Myomectomy2023-12Textehsl_novel_jno
9 A Giant Tumefactive Virchow-Robin Space: A Rare Cause of a Homonymous Quadrantanopia2017-03Textehsl_novel_jno
10 A Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Clinical Trial: An Industry and NORDIC Collaboration2016-09Textehsl_novel_jno
11 A Rare Case of Glomus Jugulare Tumor Presenting as Papilledema2016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
12 A Reliability and Comparative Analysis of the New Randomized King-Devick Test2020-06Textehsl_novel_jno
13 A Surgical Approach to Orbitotomy Using the Bone Scalpel: A Case Report2020-09Textehsl_novel_jno
14 A Tough NUT to Crack: A 47-Year-Old With Diplopia From a Rare Malignancy2019-09Textehsl_novel_jno
15 Acetazolamide-Induced Nephrolithiasis in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Patients2016-06Textehsl_novel_jno
16 Acute Isolated Sixth Nerve Palsy Caused by Unruptured Intradural Saccular Aneurysm2019-12Textehsl_novel_jno
17 Acute Retinal Necrosis Presenting With Optic Disc Edema2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
18 Acute Zonal Occult Outer Retinopathy Associated With Retrobulbar Optic Neuritis2017-09Textehsl_novel_jno
19 Advances in Neuromyelitis Optica: Take Them to the Clinic2017-09Textehsl_novel_jno
20 Altered Macular Microvasculature in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease2018-09Textehsl_novel_jno
21 An Atypical Case of Lymphocytic Panhypophysitis in a Pregnant Woman2016-09Textehsl_novel_jno
22 Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy After Dental Extraction2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
23 Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy in Graves Disease1996-09Textehsl_novel_jno
24 Apical Orbital Aspergillosis Complicating Giant Cell Arteritis2016-06Textehsl_novel_jno
25 Application of Hemifield Visual Electrophysiology to Diagnose Functional Vision Loss2020-12Textehsl_novel_jno
26 Aquaporin-4 Serostatus and Visual Outcomes in Clinically Isolated Acute Optic Neuritis2019-06Textehsl_novel_jno
27 Are Anemia and Hypotension Causally Related to Perioperative Ischemic Optic Neuropathy?2017-03Textehsl_novel_jno
28 Arteritic Orbital Ischemia Producing Afferent and Efferent Pupillary Defects2020-12Textehsl_novel_jno
29 Ask What? Female Sexual Dysfunction Screening Provider Training2014Textehsl_gradnu
30 Assessing Female Sexual Dysfunction: Creating a Tool for Improved Diagnosis2017Textehsl_gradnu
31 Assessing Female Sexual Dysfunction: Creating a Tool for Improved Diagnosis2017Textehsl_gradnu
32 Association of Multiple Sclerosis and Intracranial Hypertension1994-12Textehsl_novel_jno
33 Asymmetric Papilledema in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: Comment2016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
34 Bilateral Reversible Optic Neuropathy After Influenza Vaccination2019-12Textehsl_novel_jno
35 Bilateral Scalp Necrosis in Giant Cell Arteritis2021-03Textehsl_novel_jno
36 Bilateral Sequential Trochleitis as the Presenting Feature of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus2013-03Textehsl_novel_jno
37 Bilateral simultaneous optic neuritis in childhood systemic lupus erythematosus.1994-06Textehsl_novel_jno
38 Binocular Diplopia Caused by an Epiretinal Membrane With Foveal Displacement2020-03Textehsl_novel_jno
39 Binocular Diplopia Caused by an Epiretinal Membrane With Foveal Displacement2020-03Textehsl_novel_jno
40 Bortezomib-Associated Optic Atrophy in Two Patients With Multiple Myeloma2018-12Textehsl_novel_jno
41 Bulimia Management in a Primary Care Setting2014Textehsl_gradnu
42 Cardiac Disorders in Patients With Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy2018-12Textehsl_novel_jno
43 Catastrophic Allergic Fungal Sinusitis: A Report of Two Cases2020-12Textehsl_novel_jno
44 Causes of Horner Syndrome: A Study of 318 Patients2020-09Textehsl_novel_jno
45 Central Retinal Artery Occlusion Due to Intraorbital Ophthalmic Artery Aneurysm2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
46 Central Retinal Artery Occlusion With Subsequent Central Retinal Vein Occlusion in Biopsy-Proven Giant Cell Arteritis2016-09Textehsl_novel_jno
47 Central Trochlear Palsy: Report of Two Patients With Ipsilesional Palsy and Review of the Literature2016-12Textehsl_novel_jno
48 Cerebellar Ataxia With Neuropathy and Vestibular Areflexia Syndrome Presenting With Neurotrophic Keratopathy2018-09Textehsl_novel_jno
49 Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure Reduction Results in Dynamic Changes in Optic Nerve Angle on Magnetic Resonance Imaging2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
50 Cerebrospinal Fluid Removal for Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: Less Cerebrospinal Fluid Is Best2019-09Textehsl_novel_jno
51 Chemomyectomy of the Orbicularis Oculi Muscles for the Treatment of Localized Hemifacial Spasm1994-12Textehsl_novel_jno
52 Chiasmitis Secondary to Neuromyelitis Optica 25 Years After Initial Optic Neuritis2019-12Textehsl_novel_jno
53 Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Relapse Presenting With Central Nervous System Blast Crisis and Bilateral Optic Nerve Infiltration2016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
54 Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia in the Absence of Ptosis2016-09Textehsl_novel_jno
55 Cigarette Smoking and Activities of Daily Living in Ocular Myasthenia Gravis2016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
56 Cilioretinal Artery Territory Infarction Associated With Papilledema in a Patient With Neurofibromatosis Type 22016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
57 Clinical and Diffusion Tensor MRI Findings in Congenital Homonymous Hemianopia2019-09Textehsl_novel_jno
58 Clinical and Optic Disc Characteristics of Patients Showing Visual Recovery in Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy2020-03Textehsl_novel_jno
59 Clinical Course of Patients With Ophthalmoplegia Caused by Radiographically Detectable Brainstem Demyelination Occurring as a Clinically Isolated Demyelinating Syndrome2011-09Textehsl_novel_jno
60 Clinical Features of Chinese Sporadic Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Caused by Rare Primary mtDNA Mutations2020-03Textehsl_novel_jno
61 Clinical Features of Chinese Sporadic Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Caused by Rare Primary mtDNA Mutations2020-03Textehsl_novel_jno
62 The Clinical Validity of the Spontaneous Retinal Venous Pulsation2013-03Textehsl_novel_jno
63 Color Pupillography in Dorsal Midbrain Syndrome2017-09Textehsl_novel_jno
64 Comparing Hypertropia in Upgaze and Downgaze Distinguishes Congenital From Acquired Fourth Nerve Palsies2017-12Textehsl_novel_jno
65 Comparison of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Patients With and Without Anemia2023-12Textehsl_novel_jno
66 Congenital Cranial Dysinnervation Disorder: An Unusual Phenotype With Multiple Cranial Neuropathies and Novel Neuroimaging Findings2019-09Textehsl_novel_jno
67 Congenital Ocular Motor Apraxia: Sporadic and Familial1994-06Textehsl_novel_jno
68 Congenital Oculomotor Nerve Paresis With Isolated Cyclic Pupillary Spasms2015-12Textehsl_novel_jno
69 Congenital Oculonasal Synkinesis2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
70 Congenital Third Nerve Palsy Associated With Midbrain Hypoplasia Due to Bilateral Segmental Internal Carotid Artery Agenesis2018-12Textehsl_novel_jno
71 Congenital Tonic Pupils Associated With Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome and Hirschsprung Disease2016-12Textehsl_novel_jno
72 Continuous Intracranial Pressure Monitoring- A Last Resort in Pseudotumor Cerebri2011-09Textehsl_novel_jno
73 Correlation Between Optic Disc Peripapillary Capillary Network and Papilledema Grading in Patients With Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Study of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography2021-03Textehsl_novel_jno
74 Correlation of Visual Quality of Life With Clinical and Visual Status in Friedreich AtaxiaTextehsl_novel_jno
75 Corresponding Ganglion Cell Atrophy in Patients With Postgeniculate Homonymous Visual Field Loss2015-12Textehsl_novel_jno
76 Cuban Epidemic Optic Neuropathy1996-09Textehsl_novel_jno
77 Decreasing Premature Termination of Addiction Treatment for Adolescent Females Through the Utilization of an Assessment Tool to Evaluate the Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Level of Motivation2022Textehsl_gradnu
78 Delayed Development of Intracranial Hypertension After Discontinuation of Tetracycline Treatment for Acne Vulgaris2016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
79 Detection of Thyroid Abnormalities in Aquaporin-4 Antibody-Seropositive Optic Neuritis Patients2017-03Textehsl_novel_jno
80 Diagnosing Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia With Temporal Artery Biopsy2017-06Textehsl_novel_jno
81 Dilation of the Perioptic Subarachnoid Space Anterior to Optic Nerve Sheath Meningioma2021-03Textehsl_novel_jno
82 Does Dolichoectasia of the Carotid Artery Cause Optic Neuropathy?2018-09Textehsl_novel_jno
83 Effects of Idebenone on Color Vision in Patients With Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy2013-03Textehsl_novel_jno
84 Effects of Varying Intranasal Treatment Regimens in ST266-Mediated Retinal Ganglion Cell Neuroprotection2019-06Textehsl_novel_jno
85 Eight Syndrome - Horizontal Gaze Palsy Plus Ipsilateral Seventh Nerve Palsy2018-09Textehsl_novel_jno
86 Empowering Tween Girls at a Rural Middle School2015Textehsl_gradnu
87 EMR QI Intervention to Increase Chlamydia Screening Rates2017Textehsl_ebp
88 Endodermal Cyst of the Third Nerve in a Child2017-09Textehsl_novel_jno
89 Endovascular Stenting in a Transgender Patient With Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension2019-06Textehsl_novel_jno
90 Enhanced Depth Imaging Optical Coherence Tomography of Optic Nerve Head Drusen in Children2020-12Textehsl_novel_jno
91 Enlarged and Enhancing Optic Nerves in Advanced Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Meningoencephalomyelitis2019-09Textehsl_novel_jno
92 Epstein-Barr Virus Neuroretinitis in a Lung Transplant Patient2017-03Textehsl_novel_jno
93 Erythropoietin in Treatment of Methanol Optic Neuropathy2018-06Textehsl_novel_jno
94 Establishing a Spanish Focused Advanced Care Planning Educational Session for Latina Breast Cancer Survivors2022Textehsl_gerint
95 Evaluation of an Interdisciplinary Approach to Treating Chronic Pain in Women Veterans at a Veterans Administration Medical Center2014Textehsl_gradnu
96 Evaluation of Horner Syndrome in the MRI Era2017-09Textehsl_novel_jno
97 Evaluation of Optic Disc Edema in Long-Duration Spaceflight Crewmembers Using Retinal Photography2023-09Textehsl_novel_jno
98 Evaluation of Retinal Changes in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Parkinson Disease2018-06Textehsl_novel_jno
99 Evaluation of Vision-Related Quality of Life in Chinese Patients With Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy and the G11778A Mutation.2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
100 Exceptions that Prove the Rules in Neuro-Ophthalmology2013-06Textehsl_novel_jno
102 Extraocular Muscle Findings in Myasthenia Gravis Associated Treatment-Resistant Ophthalmoplegia2017-12Textehsl_novel_jno
103 Eyelid and Eye Movements Following Fourth to Third Nerve Anastomosis2013-03Textehsl_novel_jno
104 Factors Affecting Visual Field Outcomes in the Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Treatment Trial2016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
105 Factors Associated With Lack of Vision Improvement in Children With Cortical Visual Impairment2018-12Textehsl_novel_jno
106 Familial Cavernous Hemangioma2020-06Textehsl_novel_jno
107 Family History of Breast Cancer in Hodgkin Disease and Future Risk of Breast Cancer2017Textehsl_ebp
108 Finding NMO: The Evolving Diagnostic Criteria of Neuromyelitis Optica2016-09Textehsl_novel_jno
109 Finger Extension Weakness and Downbeat Nystagmus Motor Neuron Disease Syndrome: A Series of Two Cases2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
110 Fixation Switch Diplopia2016-06Textehsl_novel_jno
111 Fluorescein Angiography Findings in Susac Syndrome: A Multicenter Retrospective Case Series2023-12Textehsl_novel_jno
112 Focal Capillary Dropout Associated With Optic Disc Drusen Using Optical Coherence Tomographic Angiography2017-12Textehsl_novel_jno
113 Folate-Responsive Optic Neuropathy1996-09Textehsl_novel_jno
114 Fulminant Pseudotumor Cerebri Syndrome Secondary to Over-the-Counter Topical Retinoids2020-06Textehsl_novel_jno
115 Gabapentin and Memantine for Treatment of Acquired Pendular Nystagmus: Effects on Visual Outcomes2020-06Textehsl_novel_jno
116 Ganglion Cell Complex Loss in Chiasmal Compression by Brain Tumors2017-03Textehsl_novel_jno
117 Genetic Survey of Adult-Onset Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
118 Gestational Parasellar Mass as a Cause of Painful Third Nerve Palsy Followed by Spontaneous Improvement During the Puerperium2019-12Textehsl_novel_jno
119 Hemifacial Spasm - An Unusual Manifestation of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension1994-12Textehsl_novel_jno
120 Hereditary Angiopathy With Nephropathy Aneurysm and Muscle Cramps (HANAC) Syndrome Presenting to Neuro-Ophthalmology With Metamorphopsia2019-12Textehsl_novel_jno
121 Herpes Zoster Optic Neuropathy2018-06Textehsl_novel_jno
122 High- and Low-Contrast Letter Acuity Perception Matures With Age in Normally Sighted Children2020-06Textehsl_novel_jno
123 HINTS in the Acute Vestibular Syndrome: Pearls and Pitfalls2018-06Textehsl_novel_jno
124 Homonymous Hemianopic Hyporeflective Retinal Abnormality on Infrared Confocal Scanning Laser Photography: A Novel Sign of Optic Tract Lesion2016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
125 Horizontal Gaze Palsy and Progressive Scoliosis With ROBO 3 Mutations in Patients From Cape Verde2017-06Textehsl_novel_jno
126 Horner Syndrome as the Only Focal Neurologic Manifestation of Hypothalamic Hemorrhage2018-06Textehsl_novel_jno
127 Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy With Clinical and Imaging Abnormalities Limited to Occipital Lobe2016-09Textehsl_novel_jno
128 Identification of Factors that May Predict Career Trajectory Among Neuro-Ophthalmology Fellows2023-09Textehsl_novel_jno
129 Identifying Female Sexual Dysfunction in Primary Care2023Textehsl_gradnu
130 Identifying Female Sexual Dysfunction in Primary Care2023Textehsl_gradnu
131 Identifying Incidence of and Risk Factors for Fluoroscopy-Guided Lumbar Puncture and Subsequent Persistent Low-Pressure Syndrome in Patients With Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension2019-06Textehsl_novel_jno
132 Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and Anemia: A Matched Case-Control Study2020-06Textehsl_novel_jno
133 Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension in Transgender People: Case Report and Best Practice2023-12Textehsl_novel_jno
134 Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Induced by Topical Application of Vitamin A2016-12Textehsl_novel_jno
135 Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Without Papilledema With Improvement in Visual Field Defect Following Optic Nerve Sheath Fenestration2021-03Textehsl_novel_jno
136 Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension-A Comparison of Clinical Characteristics Between 4 Medical Centers in Different Geographic Regions of the World2016-09Textehsl_novel_jno
137 Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: Relation Between Obesity and Visual Outcomes2013-03Textehsl_novel_jno
138 Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation in the Postpartum Period Associated With Preeclampsia2023-12Textehsl_novel_jno
139 IgG4 Disease: Is It or Isn't It?2017-03Textehsl_novel_jno
140 Illegitimate cre-dependent chromosome rearrangements in transgenic mouse spermatids.2000-12-05Textir_uspace
141 Implementing a Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Toolkit for Foster Parents: A Quality Improvement Project2024Textehsl_gradnu
142 Implementing a Sexual and Reproductive Health Education Toolkit for Foster Parents: A Quality Improvement Project2024Textehsl_gradnu
143 Improving Chlamydia Screening Through Universal Screening at Madsen Family Clinic2016Textehsl_ebp
144 Improving HPV Vaccination Rates Through Healthcare Worker Education2017Textehsl_gradnu
145 Improving HPV Vaccination Rates Through Healthcare Worker Education2017Textehsl_gradnu
146 Improving Osteoporosis Treatment After a Fragility Fracture in Primary Care:; A Needs Assessment2022Textehsl_gradnu
147 Improving Screening and Referral for Violence Against Women: Interpersonal Violence and Adverse Childhood Experiences2017Textehsl_gradnu
148 Improving Screening and Referral for Violence Against Women: Interpersonal Violence and Adverse Childhood Experiences2017Textehsl_gradnu
149 Incidence of Nonarteritic and Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy1994-03Textehsl_novel_jno
150 Incidence of Nonarteritic and Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy -- Population-Based Study in the State of Missouri and Los Angeles County, California1994-03Textehsl_novel_jno
151 Increasing Chlamydia Screening at Sugarhouse Clinic through Workflow Redesign2016Textehsl_ebp
152 Increasing Treatment Retention Among Adolescent Females in a Residential Treatment Center2022Textehsl_gradnu
153 Increasing Velocity Slow Phases in Acquired Nystagmus2018-12Textehsl_novel_jno
154 Influence of Tumor Characteristics on Visual Field Outcomes After Pituitary Adenoma Surgery2023-09Textehsl_novel_jno
155 The Influence of Volume and Anatomic Location of Optic Disc Drusen on the Sensitivity of Autofluorescence2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
156 Initial Impairment and Recovery of Vision-Related Functioning in Participants With Acute Optic Neuritis From the RENEW Trial of Opicinumab2019-06Textehsl_novel_jno
157 Intracranial Hypertension in a Dieting Patient1994-03Textehsl_novel_jno
158 Intracranial Hypertension in Transgender Patients2019-06Textehsl_novel_jno
159 Intralesional Injection of Bevacizumab for the Treatmentof an Apical Orbital Cavernous Venous Malformation2016-12Textehsl_novel_jno
160 Intravitreal Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection in a Rodent Model of Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy2018-12Textehsl_novel_jno
161 Ipsilateral Ophthalmic and Cerebral Infarctions After Cosmetic Polylactic Acid Injection Into the Forehead2017-03Textehsl_novel_jno
162 Is Multiple Sclerosis Associated With a Lower Intraocular Pressure?2017-09Textehsl_novel_jno
163 Is Pentoxifylline Plus Vitamin E an Effective Treatment for Radiation-Induced Optic Neuropathy?2013-03Textehsl_novel_jno
164 Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Secondary to Intravascular Lymphoma2019-09Textehsl_novel_jno
165 Isolated Cranial Nerve 6 Palsy in 6 Patients With COVID-19 Infection2020-12Textehsl_novel_jno
166 Isolated Fourth Nerve Palsy in Nontraumatic Tentorial Hemorrhage2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
167 Isolated Horner Syndrome From an Elongated Styloid Process (Eagle Syndrome)2015-12Textehsl_novel_jno
168 Isolated Optic Perineuritis as the Presenting Sign of Sarcoidosis2020-06Textehsl_novel_jno
169 Isolated Trochlear Nerve Palsy Secondary to Dural Carotid Cavernous Sinus Fistula1994-03Textehsl_novel_jno
170 Jugular Paraganglioma and Bilateral Vestibular Schwannoma Presenting to an Acute Ophthalmology Service2020-06Textehsl_novel_jno
171 Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome: Ocular Signs and Symptoms2016-03Textehsl_novel_jno
172 Late Optic Neuropathy in Propionic Acidemia Following Surgical Intervention2013-03Textehsl_novel_jno
173 Leaky' and 'Unstable' Neural Integrator Can Coexist-Paradox Observed in Multiple Sclerosis2020-06Textehsl_novel_jno
174 Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy in a Mother and Daughter Associated With m.10197G>A Mutation2019-03Textehsl_novel_jno
175 Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Mimicking Neuromyelitis Optica2011-09Textehsl_novel_jno
176 Left-sided Horner's Syndrome with an Acquired Preganglionic Localization2002Imageehsl_novel_jmec
177 Letters to the Editor: Photophobia in Trigeminal Neuralgia1994-06Textehsl_novel_jno
178 Likelihood of Diagnosing Neuroblastoma in Isolated Horner Syndrome2019-09Textehsl_novel_jno
179 Literature Commentary2017-03Textehsl_novel_jno
180 Long-Term Stability of Neuroaxonal Structure in Alemtuzumab-Treated Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients2020-03Textehsl_novel_jno
181 Long-Term Stability of Neuroaxonal Structure in Alemtuzumab-Treated Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients2020-03Textehsl_novel_jno
182 Longitudinal Study of Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness and Macular Volume in Patients With Neuromyelitis Optica; Spectrum Disorder2016-12Textehsl_novel_jno
183 Macular Ganglion Cell and Inner Plexiform Layer Thickness Is More Strongly Associated With Visual Function in Multiple Sclerosis Than Bruch Membrane Opening2019-12Textehsl_novel_jno
184 Macular Subretinal Neovascular Membrane Associated With Pseudotumor Cerebri1994-12Textehsl_novel_jno
185 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Abnormalities of the Optic Nerve Sheath and Intracranial Internal Carotid Artery in Giant Cell Arteritis2021-03Textehsl_novel_jno
186 Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: Before and After Treatment2019-09Textehsl_novel_jno
187 Management of Peripapillary Choroidal Neovascular Membrane in Patients With Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension2019-12Textehsl_novel_jno
188 Mechanical Oscillopsia After Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty With Fat Repositioning2013-03Textehsl_novel_jno
189 Medical and Surgical Management of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis1994-12Textehsl_novel_jno
190 Migraine: The Disease of the YearTextehsl_novel_jno
191 Mitochondrial DNA Mutations in Cuban Optic and Peripheral Neuropathy1996-09Textehsl_novel_jno
192 More Than Meets the Eye: The Eye and Migraine -- What You Need to Know2018-06Textehsl_novel_jno
193 The Most Common Causes of Eye Pain at 2 Tertiary Ophthalmology and Neurology Clinics2018-09Textehsl_novel_jno
194 MRI of the Optic Nerves and Chiasm in Patients With Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy2018-12Textehsl_novel_jno
195 Multifocal Choroidal Lesions -- A Rare Complication of Herpes Zosper Ophthalmicus1994-03Textehsl_novel_jno
196 Multilocus Mitochondrial Mutations Do Not Directly Affect the Efficacy of Gene Therapy for Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy2020-03Textehsl_novel_jno
197 Multilocus Mitochondrial Mutations Do Not Directly Affect the Efficacy of Gene Therapy for Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy2020-03Textehsl_novel_jno
198 Multimodal Imaging in a Case of Peripapillary Choroidal Neovascular Membrane Associated With Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension2021-03Textehsl_novel_jno
199 Multiple Sclerosis Therapy: Are We Ready for a One-Size-Fits-All Approach?2018-06Textehsl_novel_jno
200 Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Positive Optic Neuritis Presenting as Idiopathic Orbital Inflammatory Syndrome2021-03Textehsl_novel_jno
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