1 - 100 of 49
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1 Acanthus Plant (Acanthus Mollis)Imageuu_aah_art
2 The Botanical Garden at Leiden UniversityImageuu_aah_art
3 Brazilian LandscapeImageuu_aah_art
4 Bull's-eye moth with a banana plantImageuu_aah_art
5 Café (Coffee)Imageuu_aah_art
6 Cassava with peacock butterfly and young golden teguImageuu_aah_art
7 Clement A. WhitingImagedha_cp
8 Common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.)Imageuu_aah_art
9 Costa plant with banana stem borer mothImageuu_aah_art
10 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (Notable Commentaries on the history of plants): BlackthornImageuu_aah_art
11 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (Notable Commentaries on the history of plants): CherryImageuu_aah_art
12 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (Notable Commentaries on the history of plants): Digitalis (Foxglove)Imageuu_aah_art
13 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (Notable Commentaries on the history of plants): MaizeImageuu_aah_art
14 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (Notable Commentaries on the history of plants): Portrait of Leonhart FuchsImageuu_aah_art
15 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (Notable Commentaries on the history of plants): Portraits of Heinrich Füllmaurer (transfer artist), Albrecht Meyer (draftsman), and Viet Rudolph Specklin (woodblock cutter)Imageuu_aah_art
16 De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (Notable Commentaries on the history of plants): Winter RoseImageuu_aah_art
17 Deformed MelonImageuu_aah_art
18 Digitated LemonImageuu_aah_art
19 Dioskorides Herbal, folios 41v-42rImageuu_aah_art
20 Dioskorides Herbal: Dioscurides writes in codex; painter copies plant held by personification of thoughtImageuu_aah_art
21 Dioskorides Herbal: folio 50rImageuu_aah_art
22 Dioskorides Herbal: Index of PlantsImageuu_aah_art
23 Dioskorides Herbal: Lady's Bedstraw, Cranesbill, Geranium MolleImageuu_aah_art
24 Dioskorides Herbal: Lesser Burdock and Wild Vine or Wild GrapeImageuu_aah_art
25 Dioskorides Herbal: Princess Anicia Juliana between Personifications of Magnanimity and Prudence (Donor Dedication Portrait)Imageuu_aah_art
26 Dioskorides Herbal: Seven Pharmocologist PhysiciansImageuu_aah_art
27 Dioskorides Herbal: VioletImageuu_aah_art
28 Dioskorides Herbal: Winter Cherry, MulleinsImageuu_aah_art
29 Flowers in a Chinese VaseImageuu_aah_art
30 Flowers in a Wan-Li VaseImageuu_aah_art
31 Herbarius Latinus (Latin Herbal): MarjoramImageuu_aah_art
32 Herbarius Latinus (Latin Herbal): MintImageuu_aah_art
33 Herbarum vivae eicones (Living Images of Plants): Burdock with broken stemsImageuu_aah_art
34 Herbarum Vivae Eicones (Living Images of Plants): Common Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.)Imageuu_aah_art
35 Herbarum vivae eicones (Living Images of Plants): MintImageuu_aah_art
36 Herbarum vivae eicones (Living Images of Plants): Red PlantainImageuu_aah_art
37 Herbarum vivae eicones (Living Images of Plants): St. Benedict's HerbImageuu_aah_art
38 Herbarum vivae eicones (Living Images of Plants): Winter Purslane with eaten/damaged leavesImageuu_aah_art
39 Herbarum vivae eicones (Living Images of Plants): Winter RoseImageuu_aah_art
40 Marcus E. JonesImagedha_cp
41 Metamorphosis of a Small Emperor Moth on a Damson PlumImageuu_aah_art
42 Metamorphosis of the dark tussock moth on a dandelionImageuu_aah_art
43 Pineapple with cockroachesImageuu_aah_art
44 Portrait of Maria Sibylla MerianImageuu_aah_art
45 Pseudo-Apuleius Herbarium (Herbal)Imageuu_aah_art
46 Red and Purple Currants, Raspberries, Snail, and BeeImageuu_aah_art
47 Still Life with Fruit and a GrasshopperImageuu_aah_art
48 Swamp Immortelle with Giant Silk MothImageuu_aah_art
49 View of Olinda, BrazilImageuu_aah_art
1 - 100 of 49