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Number of results to display per page
1 Acts of Apostles: Drawing of Cross-section of Binding Showing Board AttachmentImage
2 Album of St. Peter's, engraving of apse mosaicImage
3 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Adam and Eve; Cain and Abel (Genesis 3:21-4:9)Image
4 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Compulsory Servitude of the Israelites in Egypt (Ex. 5)Image
5 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Eliezer Courts Rebecca on Behalf of Isaac (Gen 24:10-27, 31-35, 67)Image
6 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Isaac, Rebecca, Esau and Jacob (Gen 27:1-14, 21, 25, 30-31; Gen 28:1-5, 10-22; Gen 29:1)Image
7 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Jacob's Blessing and Death (Gen 48:15; Gen 50:4-9, 13, 18)Image
8 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Jacob's Separation from and Reconciliation with Laban (Gen 31:33f; Gen 31:44-Gen 32:1)Image
9 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Joseph and the Second Journey of his Brothers (Gen 43:15, 32-34; Gen 44:1ff)Image
10 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Joseph in Egypt and the First Journey of his Brothers (Gen 41:43, 47f; Gen 42:29-38)Image
11 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Lot and Abraham, Sodom and GomorrahImage
12 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Moses on Mt. Sinai, Moses delivering the Law to the Israelites, and the TabernacleImage
13 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Oppression of the Israelites (Ex. 1-3)Image
14 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Plague of Egypt and Death of Firstborn (Ex. 11)Image
15 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Rebecca and her Twins (Gen 25:22-26, 29-34)Image
16 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Scenes from the Story of NoahImage
17 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Scenes of Creation (Genesis)Image
18 Ashburnham Pentateuch: The Deluge (Gen 7:17-24)Image
19 Ashburnham Pentateuch: The Israelites Murmuring Against Moses, Crossing of the Red Sea (Ex. 12)Image
20 Ashburnham Pentateuch: The Temple with Moses and the IsraelitesImage
21 Ashburnham Pentateuch: Title PageImage
22 Author portrait of St. Mark (left), chapter titles from the book of Mark (right)Image
23 Author portrait of St. Mark, Garima GospelsImage
24 Beth Alpha Synagogue, floor mosaic with Torah shrine, zodiac wheel, and the Sacrifice of IsaacImage
25 Beth Alpha Synagogue, modelImage
26 Beth Alpha Synagogue, plan showing mosaic pavementImage
27 Book Cover Showing Saint Gregory Writing Canon of MassImage
28 Calendar of 354: Dedication to ValentinusImage
29 Calendar of 354: Illustration of the Month of MarchImage
30 Calendar of 354: Portrait of Constantine II as Consul (for use of Roman Christian Valentius)Image
31 Calendar of 354: Portrait of Consul of the Year (the Caesar Gallus)Image
32 Canon TableImage
33 Canon TableImage
34 Canon table from the Garima GospelsImage
35 Canon Table, Garima GospelsImage
36 The Canon, a folio from the Georgian Adysh GospelsImage
37 Catacomb of Callixtus, Refrigerium: BanquetImage
38 Catacomb of Domitilla, Tomb of Veneranda, fresco with Veneranda and Saint PetronillaImage
39 Church of Santa Pudenziana, apse mosaicImage
40 Church of the Holy Sepulchre, south façadeImage
41 Church of the Holy Sepulchure, cut-away 3-D reconstruction of the Anastasis Rotunda and ApseImage
42 Codex Amiatinus: Christ in MajestyImage
43 Codex Amiatinus: Ezra Edits / Cassiodorus Writes in ScriptoriumImage
44 Constantius (Constanza) SarcophagusImage
45 Constantius (Constanza) SarcophagusImage
46 Constantius (Constanza) Sarcophagus (side relief detail)Image
47 Cotton Genesis: Abraham Handing Hagar over to Sarah (Genesis 16:5-6)Image
48 Cotton Genesis: Genesis 12:1-3: God Commanding Abraham to Leave Haran (watercolor copy)Image
49 Cotton Genesis: Genesis 18:33: Abraham's ReturnImage
50 Cotton Genesis: Genesis 19:1-2, Lot Meets Two AngelsImage
51 Cotton Genesis: Genesis 19:12-13, Angels Warn LotImage
52 Cotton Genesis: Genesis 1:13-15: God introduces Eve to AdamImage
53 Cotton Genesis: Reconstruction to show Shrinkage of Two of the Pages as the Result of Fire DamageImage
54 Cotton Genesis: Third Day of Creation: Creation of the Plants (watercolor copy)Image
55 Detached leaf with a Canon Table from the Zeyt'un GospelsImage
56 Diptych of Rufius Probianus, mounted on a book boxImage
57 Dove carvingImage
58 Dura Europos, Temple of the Palmyrene Gods (Temple of Bel), restored viewImage
59 Epitaph with Fish and Anchor SymbolImage
60 Four-pillar structure, with pillars representing the four Gospels, Garima GospelsImage
61 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, Dome Ceiling Vault: Cross surrounded by Symbols of the EvangelistsImage
62 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, exterior viewImage
63 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, ground planImage
64 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, mosaic group, northeast corner of the central spaceImage
65 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, North Wing Entrance Lunette: Christ as Good ShepherdImage
66 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, north wing, entrance lunette mosaic: Christ as Good ShepherdImage
67 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, south wing mosaic: Saint Lawrence and Two ApostlesImage
68 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, south wing, lunette mosaic: Saint Lawrence with implements of his martyrdomImage
69 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, south wing, lunette mosaic: Saint Lawrence's bookcase containing the GospelsImage
70 Galla Placidia Mausoleum, upper wall mosaic: Doves Drinking from a VesselImage
71 Georgics III, diagram of frontispieceImage
72 Helena SarcophagusImage
73 Helena Sarcophagus, detailImage
74 Helena Sarcophagus, detail: Subjection of BarbariansImage
75 Homilies of St. John Chrysostom: Emperor Nicephorus Botaneiates with St. John Chrysostom and Archangel MichaelImage
76 Homilies of St. John Chrysostom: Monk Sabas with the EmperorImage
77 Ivory Book Cover with Scenes from the Life of JesusImage
78 Ivory Book Cover with Scenes from the Life of JesusImage
79 Ivory Diptych: Adam Naming the Animals (side A)Image
80 Ivory Diptych: Miracles of Saint Paul (side B)Image
81 Junius Bassus Sarcophagus (detail)Image
82 Junius Bassus Sarcophagus, diagram of scenes on front sideImage
83 Junius Bassus Sarcophagus, front side, scenes from the Old and New TestamentsImage
84 Map showing the dissolution of the former Roman Empire, c. 600Image
85 Marble Funerary epitaph with Fish and Anchor symbolImage
86 Mathematiké Sýntaxis (Almajisti or Almagest)Image
87 Missorium of Theodosius IImage
88 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
89 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
90 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
91 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
92 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
93 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
94 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
95 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
96 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
97 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscripts (detail)Image
98 Palaiologina Gospels (Gospel Book): Canon TablesImage
99 Personification of ConstantinopleImage
100 Personification of RomeImage
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