26 - 50 of 135
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26 House of Sallust, interior view with wall paintingsImage
27 House of Sirico, triclinium fresco: Healing of the Wounded Aeneas by lapyxImage
28 House of the Centenary, Lararium fresco: view of Mount VesuviusImage
29 House of the Golden Bracelet (Pompeii), room 32, left wall, fresco of a garden sceneImage
30 House of the Griffins, bedroom, wall paintingImage
31 House of the Surgeon (Pompeii), fresco: A Painter at WorkImage
32 House of Vettii, Lararium frescoImage
33 House of Vettii: frieze of the CupidsImage
34 House of Vettii: Priapus weighing his penisImage
35 Hunting and Fishing Tomb, fresco, detail of climbing rocks and divingImage
36 Julia Felix House fresco, Still Life with Eggs and GameImage
37 Lioness Tomb, fresco, detail of dancing man and womanImage
38 Lioness Tomb, fresco, detail of reclining banqueterImage
39 Livia Country Villa fresco, garden roomImage
40 Livia Country Villa fresco, garden room, south wall: Garden SceneImage
41 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, cubiculum near tablinuim, Narcissus gazes at his reflection in the riverImage
42 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, the loves of Mars and Venus; Mercury with two goddessesImage
43 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, the loves of Mars and Venus; Mercury with two goddessesImage
44 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, three woman converse under a porticoImage
45 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House, tablinuim, west wall, Bacchus and Ariadne in processionImage
46 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House, view of the atrium and tablinumImage
47 P. Fannius Synistor Villa, bedroom (cubiculum nocturnum), detail of frescoImage
48 P. Fannius Synistor Villa, main reception hall fresco: Enthroned CoupleImage
49 P. Fannius Synistor Villa, main reception hall fresco: Seated Woman playing a Kithara (Lyre)Image
50 P. Fannius Synistor Villa, main reception hall fresco: Woman holding a ShieldImage
26 - 50 of 135