101 - 200 of 219
Number of results to display per page
101 House of the Centenary, Lararium fresco: view of Mount VesuviusImage
102 House of the Faun, ground planImage
103 House of the Faun, ground plan showing the original locations of the figural mosaicsImage
104 House of the Golden Bracelet (Pompeii), room 32, left wall, fresco of a garden sceneImage
105 House of the Griffins, bedroom, wall paintingImage
106 House of the Mosaic Atrium (left) and House of the Stags (right), ground planImage
107 House of the Mosaic Atrium (left) and House of the Stags (right), restored viewImage
108 House of the Silver WeddingImage
109 House of the Surgeon (Pompeii), fresco: A Painter at WorkImage
110 House of Vettii, Lararium frescoImage
111 Imperial Fora, ground planImage
112 Interior of the PantheonImage
113 Julia Felix House fresco, Still Life with Eggs and GameImage
114 Jupiter Heliopolitanus Sanctuary, restored viewImage
115 Jupiter Heliopolitanus Sanctuary, Temple of Venus, exterior viewImage
116 Jupiter Heliopolitanus Sanctuary, Temple of Venus, reconstruction drawingImage
117 Large Theater (Pompeii), ground plan of final stateImage
118 Lepcis Magna, Arch of Septimius Severus, attic relief: Chariot ProcessionImage
119 Lepcis Magna, Arch of Septimius Severus, attic relief: Concordia AugustorumImage
120 Lepcis Magna, Hunting Baths, exterior viewImage
121 Lepcis Magna, Old Forum, ground planImage
122 Lepcis Magna, planImage
123 Livia Country Villa fresco, garden roomImage
124 MaenadImage
125 Map: PompeiiImage
126 Map: Pompeii in 79 CEImage
127 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, cubiculum near tablinuim, Narcissus gazes at his reflection in the riverImage
128 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, the loves of Mars and Venus; Mercury with two goddessesImage
129 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, the loves of Mars and Venus; Mercury with two goddessesImage
130 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, three woman converse under a porticoImage
131 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House, ground planImage
132 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House, tablinuim, west wall, Bacchus and Ariadne in processionImage
133 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House, view of the atrium and tablinumImage
134 Mausoleum of JuliiImage
135 Mausoleum of Julii, reliefImage
136 Mausoleum of Julii, reliefImage
137 Mausoleum of Julii, reliefImage
138 Mausoleum of Julii, relief: Boar HuntImage
139 Mausoleum of Julii, relief: Boar HuntImage
140 Model of Imperial Rome (view 1)Image
141 Model of Imperial Rome (view 2)Image
142 Model of Imperial Rome (view 3)Image
143 Model of Imperial Rome (view 4)Image
144 Model of Imperial Rome (view 5)Image
145 Mummy Portrait: FemaleImage
146 Mummy Portrait: FemaleImage
147 Mummy Portrait: FemaleImage
148 Mummy Portrait: FemaleImage
149 Mummy Portrait: MaleImage
150 Mummy: Artemidorus (detail of head)Image
151 Mummy: BoyImage
152 Nicomachi - Symmachi Diptych, side A: Symmachus panelImage
153 Pansa House (Pompeii), cut-away drawing to show ground plan and room arrangementImage
154 Pantheon, detail of CoffersImage
155 Pantheon, detail of the RotundaImage
156 Pantheon, pavement of the rotunda (detail)Image
157 Pantheon, pavement of the rotunda and pronaosImage
158 Pompeii Fresco DetailImage
159 Pompeii, reconstruction drawing of the room with garden paintingsImage
160 Porta Nigra, general viewImage
161 Portrait of Emperor CaracallaImage
162 Priapus depicted with the attributes of MercuryImage
163 Roman Forum, ground planImage
164 Roman Forum, restored view from Arch of TitusImage
165 Roman Forum, view of ruins from the Arch of TitusImage
166 Roman Forum, view of the ruinsImage
167 SarcophagusImage
168 Sarcophagus with Meleager and the Calydonian BoarImage
169 Statue of an Old WomanImage
170 TetradrachmImage
171 TetrarchsImage
172 Thamugadi (Timgad), aerial view of ruinsImage
173 Trajan Baths and Titus Baths, ground planImage
174 Trajan Forum and Market, reconstruction drawingImage
175 Trajan Forum, Ulpia Basilica, reconstruction drawing of restored interiorImage
176 Trajan Market, analytical drawing of the AulaImage
177 Trajan Market, view of the hemicycle from the level of the forumImage
178 Trebonianus GallusImage
179 Triumph of Poseidon, detail: fish and rope patternImage
180 Tropaeum Traiani, reconstructionImage
181 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, oecus n, south wall, central image, Zethus and Amphion tie Dirce to a bull to avenge their mother, AntiopeImage
182 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, oecus p (lxion room), Daedalus offers a wooden cow to PasiphaeImage
183 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, oecus p, east wall, 2nd aedicula from the north, Apollo and PythiaImage
184 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, triclinium (Pentheus room), Hercules strangles serpents before Alcmene and AmphitrionImage
185 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, triclinium (Pentheus room), Pentheus slain by MaenadsImage
186 Vettii House (Pompeii), garden and peristyleImage
187 Vettii House (Pompeii), ground planImage
188 Vettii House (Pompeii), oecus q, north and east wallsImage
189 Vettii House (Pompeii), small oecusImage
190 Vettii House (Pompeii), south triclinium (view 1)Image
191 Vettii House (Pompeii), south triclinium, view of frescoes: Hercules strangling serpents, and architectural scenes (view 2)Image
192 View of a Harbor TownImage
193 Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma): Temple of VespasianImage
194 Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma): The ColosseumImage
195 Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma): view of the Arch of TitusImage
196 Villa Arianna, room 26 wall fragment: Primavera di StabiaeImage
197 Villa of Mysteries (Pompeii), ground plan in 2nd Century CEImage
198 Villa of Mysteries (Pompeii), ground plan in 79 CEImage
199 Villa of Mysteries, room 5, fresco diagramImage
200 Villa of Mysteries, room 5, fresco diagramImage
101 - 200 of 219