51 - 75 of 330
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51 Comedo extractionThe third step in the Bezzant method is to push at the base of the comedo with the comedo extractor to expel the contents.ComedoKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
52 Comedo extractionThe second step in the Bezzant method is to poke a hole in the top of the comedo or papulopustule with a small gauge needle, such as a 30 gauge. This provides an exit for the material so that it will eject from the skin and not be extruded into surrounding skin when pressure is applied at the sides.ComedoKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
53 Comedonal acneComedonal acne: open and closed comedos can be seen on this patient's skin.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
54 Cotton gauzeThe topical antibiotic and non-adherent dressing are secured in place with tape or a cotton gauze wrap. The third principle of wound care is to ensure good nutrition, and the most important element of that would be to keep pressure off the wound, particularly if the patient is immobilized and can't ...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
55 Decubitus ulcerA decubitus ulcer in an older woman in a nursing home. This was induced because the person was lying in one position for too long, and this compromised blood supply to the skin.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
56 Deep dermal sutureThis demonstrates the placement of the deep dermal suture. Note that the deep dermal suture is placed as far away from the wound edge as possible to avoid compromise of blood flow to the wound. This demonstrates the exit of the deep dermal suture ends from the wound. Note that the order is loop, the...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
57 DermatitisBest control of the dermatitis is achieved by first soaking the skin for 10 minutes in lukewarm water.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
58 Dermatitis biopsyThis is a biopsy of dermatitis. The epidermis (upper purple strip) is being infiltrated by lymphocytes (small purple dots), and they are also infiltrating into the dermis (lower pink area). The consequence of this lymphocytic attack is disruption of the maturation of the skin (scaling), vasodilation...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
59 Dermatitis biopsyThis biopsy demonstrates basically what is happening within dermatitis. Lymphocytes (small purple dots) are attacking the epidermis (thick upper purple area), as well as the underlying dermis (fainter pink area at the base) and induce abnormal maturation of the epidermis (scaling), vasodilation (red...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
60 DermatofibromaA benign growth called dermatofibroma. It can look like a nevus, but it feels rock hard to the touch.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
61 Dr. Maxwell M. WintrobeDr. Maxwell M. Wintrobe told us as medical students to put ourselves in the position of the patient and try to imagine what it would be like to be the recipient of some of the procedures that we do to them. He was a great advocate of empathy.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
62 Ectodermal dysplasiaThis patient has ectodermal dysplasia. The patient lacks normal body hair on the scalp.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
63 Ectodermal dysplasiaEctodermal dysplasia on the vulvae.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
64 Ectodermal dysplasiaEctodermal dysplasia in the axillae. The patient also had abnormal nail plates and teeth.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
65 ElectrocauteryThis shows the biopsy site after light electrocautery.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
66 ElectrocauteryVery light electrocautery can be used to smooth any uneven edges. If using the hyfrecator model, it should be plugged into low and a setting of 30 on the older machines, or setting of 3 watts on the newer machines should be used, and a very light brush kind of stroke should be used to smooth out the...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
67 EpinephrineStandard epinephrine (1:1,000) is shown at the top, and the crystalline form (Sus-Phrine) is a concentration of 1:200. Both are administered into the subcutaneous fat, and a dose of epinephrine 1:1,000 is 0.01 cc's per kg, and the dose of Sus-Phrine is half of that (0.005 cc's per kg), and the Sus-P...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
68 EpinephrineIf a patient is on beta-blockers and experiences severe urticaria or anaphylaxis, often epinephrine does not work. Glucagon can be used in lieu of epinephrine, and generally 1 mg (regardless of body size) is given in the subcutaneous fatKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
69 EpinephrineEpinephrine also comes in a crystalline form, and the brand name is Sus-Phrine. This is a Depo form of epinephrine.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
70 Eversion of a woundThis shows eversion of the wound on the face of a young man. Most of the eversion is created by the deep dermal suture, and not by the superficial sutures shown here. The upper epidermis and dermis were closed here using 4-0 Prolene. It simply provides some stability to the edges of the wound so tha...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
71 Eversion of a woundThis shows a top view of the same wound, and the marked eversion. The reason eversion is achieved is that the forces acting on the wound are downward (as the scar contracts), and laterally from the natural tension created by the surrounding skin. If one anticipates those forces by everting the wound...Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
72 Eversion of a woundThis demonstrates eversion of the wound on the trunk created by a deep dermal suture. Often 3-0 absorbable suture has to be used on the trunk so that the suture does not break when it is being tied.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
73 Exaggerated insect bite reactionExaggerated insect bite reactionKnowledge Weavers Dermatology
74 Exaggerated insect bite reactionExaggerated insect bite reaction.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
75 Exaggerated insect bite reactionExaggerated insect bite reaction.Knowledge Weavers Dermatology
51 - 75 of 330