1 - 100 of 12
Number of results to display per page
TitleWhale IdCertainty Of IdentityWith Calf
1 19711012_0094A_p0030111; 0281; 0354; 0354-71
2 19711016_0096B_p0050110; 0110-71; 0167; 0281; 0091; 0091-71; 0038; 0250; 0281; 0167; 0301; 0232
3 19740922_0005C_p0050264-73; 0233; 0281
4 19740922_0005E_p0080281; 0107; 0349
5 19790826_0005_p10112; 0112-79; 0381; 0530; 0281; 0281-79
6 19790927_0001_p200281; 0281-79; 0039; 0039-79; 0348; 0348-79; 0044; 0044-79
7 19790927_0001_p210264; 0281; 0281-79
8 19790927_0001_p220519; 0281; 0459; 0459-79; 0264; 0264-79
9 19871004_0009_p0180134; 0134-87; 0477; 0477-87; 0137; 0137-87; 0281; 0281-87; 0824; 0824-87
10 19871020_0049_p0970204; 0195; 0195-87; 0281; 0281-87; 0195; 0195-87
11 19871020_0050_p0980281; 0281-87; 0195; 0195-87; 0204; 0204-87; 0844
12 19901018_0034_p0680790; 0790-90; 0281; 0281-90; 0037; 0037-90
1 - 100 of 12