1 - 25 of 10
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1 Alternatives for Future Urban Growth in California's Central Valley1995-10Text
2 Contra Costa Shaping Our Future2003-07Text
3 The Energy Yardstick: Using PLACE3S to Create More Sustainable Communities1996-06Text
4 Euclid PLACE3S Revitilization ProgramText
5 North Livermore: Last Chance for Smart Growth2000-06Text
6 San Diego Land Use Alternatives - 2020 Cities/County Forecast1998-11Text
7 Shaping the Future of the Nine-County Bay Area2002-10Text
8 Smart Growth Strategy: Regional Livability Footprint Project, Alternatives Report2002-04Text
9 Southern California Compass, Growth Vision Report2004-06Text
10 Tall Order: Choices for Our Future2004Text
1 - 25 of 10