1 - 200 of 113
Number of results to display per page
1 1957 excavations, Glen Canyon Area (UUAP #43)1959Text
2 1958 Excavations, Glen Canyon (UUAP #44)1960Text
3 1959 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (UUAP #49)1960Text
4 1960 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (UUAP #52)1961Text
5 1961 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (UUAP #63)1963Text
6 1961 Excavations, Harris Wash, Utah (UUAP #64)1963Text
7 1961 Excavations, Kaiparowits Plateau, Utah (UUAP #66)1963Text
8 1962 Excavations, Glen Canyon Area (UUAP #73)1964Text
9 A Preliminary Survey of the Fontenelle Reservoir, Wyoming (UUAP #58)1962Text
10 A Reprint of the Archaeology and Ethnology Papers Numbers 1-9 (UUAP #1-9)1950Text
11 A Selected Bibliography of Utah Archaeology (UUAP #102)1979Text
12 A Study in Culture Contact and Culture Change: The Whiterock Utes in Transition (UUAP #15)1953Text
13 A Survey of Vegetation in the Curecanti Reservoir Basins (UUAP #56)1962Text
14 A Survey of Vegetation in the Flaming Gorge Reservoir Basin (UUAP #45)1960Text
15 The Activities of Jacob Hamblin in the Region of the Colorado (UUAP #33)1958Text
16 An Archeological Survey of the Fremont Area (UUAP #28)1957Text
17 An Archeological Survey of Western Utah (UUAP #12)1953Text
18 An Outline of the History of the Flaming Gorge Area (UUAP #37)1959Text
19 Analysis of Prehistoric Coprolites from Utah (UUAP #97)1976Text
20 Anthropology of the Desert West: Essays in Honor of Jesse D. Jennings (UUAP #110)1986Text
21 The Archaeological Excavations at Willow Beach, Arizona, 1950 (UUAP #50)1961Text
22 Archaeological Notes on Stansbury Island (UUAP #34)1958Text
23 Archaeological Survey of the Flaming Gorge Reservoir Area, Wyoming-Utah (UUAP #65)1963Text
24 The Archaeology of Deadman Cave, Utah: A Revision (UUAP #10)1952Text
25 The Archaeology of James Creek Shelter (UUAP #115)1990Text
26 Archaeology of the Death Valley Salt Pan, California (UUAP #47)1960Text
27 Archaeology of Zion Park (UUAP #22)1955Text
28 Archeological Excavations in Beef Basin, Utah (UUAP #20)1955Text
29 Archeological Excavations in Iron County, Utah (UUAP #25)1956Text
30 Archeological Investigations in Nine Mile Canyon, Utah: A Re-publication (UUAP #21)1955Text
31 Archeological Survey of the La Sal Mountain Area, Utah (UUAP #14)1953Text
32 Bull Creek (UUAP #105)1981Text
33 Caldwell Village (UUAP #84)1966Text
34 Carnegie Museum Collection from Southeast Utah (UUAP #57)1962Text
35 Ceramic Studies of the Historic Periods in Ancient Nubia (UUAP #86)1967Text
36 Civilizations in Desert Lands (UUAP #62)1962Text
37 Climate and the Dolores River Anasazi: A Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction from a 10,000-year Pollen Record, La Plata Mountains, SW Colorado (UUAP #113)1988Text
38 Cochimi and Proto-Yuman: Lexical and Syntactic Evidence for a New Language Family in Lower California (UUAP #101)1978Text
39 The Coombs Site: Part I (UUAP #41.1)1959Text
40 The Coombs Site: Part II (UUAP #41.2)1960Text
41 The Coombs Site: Part III, Summary and Conclusions (UUAP #41.3)1961Text
42 Corn, Cucurbits and Cotton from Glen Canyon (UUAP #80)1966Text
43 Cowboy Cave (UUAP #104)1980Text
44 Danger Cave (UUAP #27)1957Text
45 Dentition of Meroitic, X-Group, and Christian Populations from Wadi Halfa, Sudan (UUAP #85)1967Text
46 Early Man in the Columbia Intermontane Province (UUAP #24)1956Text
47 Ecological Studies of Flora and Fauna in Glen Canyon (UUAP #40)1959Text
48 Ecological Studies of the Flora and Fauna of Flaming Gorge Reservoir Basin, Utah and Wyoming (UUAP #48)1960Text
49 Ecological Studies of the Flora and Fauna of Navajo Reservoir Basin, Colorado and New Mexico (UUAP #55)1961Text
50 Ecological Studies of the Flora and Fauna of the Curecanti Reservoir, Western Colorado (UUAP #59)1962Text
51 Excavations at Gunlock Flats, Southwestern Utah (UUAP #83.5)1966Text
52 Excavations at Nephi, Utah, 1965-1966 (UUAP #88)1967Text
53 Excavations at Snake Rock Village and the Bear River No. 2 Site (UUAP #87)1967Text
54 Excavations in Mancos Canyon, Colorado (UUAP #35)1958Text
55 Excavations in Southwest Utah (UUAP #76)1965Text
56 Final Year Excavations at the Evans Mound Site (UUAP #106)1982Text
57 Fremont-Promontory-Plains Relationships (UUAP #82)1966Text
58 The Garrison Site (UUAP #16)1954Text
59 Glen Canyon Archaeological Survey - Part I (UUAP #39.1)1959Text
60 Glen Canyon Archaeological Survey - Part II (UUAP #39.2)1959Text
61 Glen Canyon Archaeological Survey - Part III (UUAP #39.3)1959Text
62 Glen Canyon Survey in 1957 (UUAP #30)1958Text
63 Glen Canyon: A Summary (UUAP #81)1966Text
64 Havasupai Region and Mythology (UUAP #68)1964Text
65 The Havasupai Woman (UUAP #38)1959Text
66 Historical sites in Cataract and Narrow Canyons, and in Glen Canyon to California Bar (UUAP #72)1964Text
67 Historical sites in Glen Canyon, mouth of San Juan River to Lee's Ferry (UUAP #46)1960Text
68 Historical Sites in Glen Canyon: Mouth of Hansen Creek to Mouth of San Juan River (UUAP #61)1962Text
69 Hogup Cave (UUAP #93)1970Text
70 The Hoskaninni Papers: Mining in Glen Canyon, 1897-1902 (UUAP #54)Text
71 Human Skeletal Material from Deadman Cave, Utah (UUAP #19)1954Text
72 In the Beginning: A Navaho Creation Myth (UUAP #13)1953Text
73 Kaiparowits Plateau and Glen Canyon Prehistory: An Interpretation Based on Ceramics (UUAP #71)1964Text
74 Kiliwa Dictionary (UUAP #109)1985Text
75 The Levee Site and the Knoll Site (UUAP #100)1979Text
76 The Main Ridge Community at Lost City: Virgin Anasazi Architecture, Ceramics, and Burials (UUAP #117)1992Text
77 Median Village and Fremont Culture Regional Variation (UUAP #95)1970Text
78 Miscellaneous Collected Papers (UUAP #60)1962Text
79 Miscellaneous Collected Papers 8-10 (UUAP #75)1965Text
80 Miscellaneous Collected Papers, 11-14 (UUAP #83)1966Text
81 Miscellaneous Collected Papers, 15-18 (UUAP #89)1967Text
82 Miscellaneous Collected Papers, 19-24 (UUAP #99)1978Text
83 Mormon Towns in the Region of the Colorado (UUAP #32)1958Text
84 Newe Natekwinappeh: Shoshoni Stories and Dictionary (UUAP #94)1972Text
85 Notes on the Human Ecology of Glen Canyon (UUAP #74)1965Text
86 Notes on the Utah Utes by Edward Palmer, 1866-77 (UUAP #17)1954Text
87 Outline History of the Glen Canyon Region (UUAP #42)1959Text
88 Peyotism in the West (UUAP #108)1984Text
89 Pharo Village (UUAP #91)1968Text
90 Pine Park Shelter, Washington County, Utah (UUAP #18)1954Text
91 Pottery of the Great Basin and Adjacent Areas (UUAP #111)1986Text
92 Prehistoric occupation Patterns in SW Wyoming and Cultural Relationships with the Great Basin (UUAP #77)1966Text
93 Prehistoric Settlement and Physical Environment in the Mesa Verde Area (UUAP #53)1961Text
94 Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in the Libyan Desert (UUAP #92)1969Text
95 Prehistory and Paleoecology of Gualalupe Ruin, New Mexico (UUAP #112)1987Text
96 Prehistory of Utah and the Eastern Great Basin (UUAP #98)1978Text
97 Preliminary Report on Biological Resources of the Glen Canyon Reservoir (UUAP #31)1958Text
98 Proceedings of the Sixth Plains Archeological Conference 1948 (UUAP #11)1950Text
99 The San Juan Canyon Historical Sites (UUAP #70)1964Text
100 Southern Paiute Ethnography (UUAP #69)1964Text
101 Southern Paiute Ethnohistory (UUAP #78)1966Text
102 Sudden Shelter (UUAP #103)1980Text
103 Survey of Vegetation in the Glen Canyon Reservoir Basin (UUAP #36)1959Text
104 Survey of Vegetation in the Navajo Reservoir Basin (UUAP #51)1961Text
105 Swallow Shelter and Associated Sites (UUAP #96)1976Text
106 Two Fremont Sites and their Position in Southwestern Prehistory (UUAP #29)1957Text
107 University of Colorado Investigations of Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic Sites in the Sudan, Africa (UUAP #90)1968Text
108 uploadKiliwa Texts: "When I have donned my crest of stars" (UUAP #107)1983Text
109 The Ute of Utah Lake (UUAP #116)1991Text
110 Ute Rorschach Performance and Some Notes on Field Problems and Methods (UUAP #23)1955Text
111 Virgin-Kayenta Cultural Relationships (UUAP #79)1966Text
112 The Washo Indians of California and Nevada (UUAP #67)1963Text
113 Willard Z. Park's Notes on the Northern Paiute of Western Nevada, 1933-1940 (UUAP #114)1989Text
1 - 200 of 113