901 - 1000 of 1,104
Number of results to display per page
901 Platvoet, ErwinProcess Heater Firebox Design Considerations for Optimal Burner Performance2013-09-24Paper from the AFRC 2013 conference titled Process Heater Firebox Design Considerations for Optimal Burner Performance by Erwin Platvoet
902 Colannino, JosephProgress and Recent Advances Using Electrodynamic Combustion Control (ECC)-Colannino, Joseph2014-09-23Paper from the AFRC 2013 conference titled "Progress and Recent Advances Using Eletrodynamic Combustion Control (ECC) by Joseph Colannino.
903 Payne, R.; Cole, Jerald A.; Samuelsen, G. S.; Sowa, W. A.; Dunn-Rankin, Derek; Fornaciari, Neal; Carling, R. W.; Gemmer, R. V.; Kezerle, James A.Progress in Development of the Burner Engineering Research Laboratory1992
904 Zeng, YoushengProof of Concept Test for a Real-Time Flare Combustion Efficiency Monitor2013-09-25Paper from the AFRC 2013 conference titled Proof of Concept Test for a Real-Time Flare Combustion Efficiency Monitor by Yousheng Zeng
905 Bell, Ronald D.Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of John Zink Hi Burner for Diesel Application of Radian Corporation's Hybrid Low NOx Process1991
906 Arai, Norio; Kobayashi, Noriyuki; Nakano, Koji; Matsunami, AritakaProposal of Chemical Gas Turbine and Characteristics of Pressurized Low-NOx Chemical Combustion1994
907 Zamansky, Vladimir M.Prospective Techniques for Controlling Combustion Generated NOx Emissions1998
908 Prospective Techniques for Controlling Combustion Generated NOx Emissions1998
909 Chouinard, Jean-GuyPulse Firing Applied to Heat Treating1989
910 Berg, Larry D.; Smith, Joseph D.; Suo-Anttila, Ahti; Smith, Scot K.; Modi, Jay B.Purge rates: husa compared to CFD2006
911 Gitman, GregoryPyretron, a Variable Gas/Oxygen/Air Combustion System1986
912 Essenhigh, Robert H.; Obloza, James J.; Shaw, David W.Pyrometer Design for 2-Color Particle Temperatures Measurements in Large Flames1995
913 Beer, J. M.; Toqan, M. A.; Berg, L.; Testa, A.; Teare, J. D.The Radially Stratified Flame Core Burner a Low-NOx Burner of Novel Type1991
914 Ramadan, O.B.; Lam, C.S.; Hughes, P.M.; Gogolek, P.; Wong, J.Radiant Flux Measurements in the Pilot-Scale IFRF-NFA Burner Operating in a High CO2 Environment at Different Swirl Settings2012-09-06
915 Smith, J.D.Radiation Effects on Surrounding Structures from Multi-Point Ground Flares2015-09-10Paper from the AFRC 2015 conference titled Radiation Effects on Surrounding Structures from Multi-Point Ground Flares
916 Taniguchi, Hiroshi; Mochida, AkenoRadiative Heat Transfer in the Mixture of Gas and Particle With Anisotropic Scattering Effect1994
917 Suwa, Yoshikazu; Ohta, Hiroshi; Shinoda, Masahisa; Aoki, Hideyuki; Miura, TakatoshiRadiative Heat Transfer Simulation of High Temperature Diffusion Combustion in a Furnace by Nongray Gas Model1998
918 Smith, J.D.RANS vs LES CFD for Gas-Fired Combustion Equipment2017-12-12Paper from the AFRC 2017 conference titled RANS vs LES CFD for Gas-Fired Combustion Equipment
919 Miyasato, M. M.; Samuelsen, G. S.Reaction Chemiluminescence and its Relationship to Emissions and Stability in a Model Industrial Burner1999
920 Seebold, James G.; Davis, Bruce; Gogolek, Peter E.G.; Kostiuk, Larry; Pohl, John; Schwartz, Robert; Soelberg, Nick; Strosher, Mel; Walsh, PeteReaction efficiency of industrial flares the perspective of the past2003Dahm, Werner J. A. (2007). Scaling relations for flare interactions, flame lengths, and crosslighting requirements in large flare. American Flame Research Committee (AFRC).
921 Sun, William H., Hofmann, John E.Reaction Kinetics of Post Combustion NOx Reduction with Urea1991-03-18The post combustion reduction of NOx using urea has proven to be an effective method in controlling NOx from various combustion sources...
922 Croce, Greg; Gilmore, TomThe Real Cost of NOx Emission Reduction1998
923 Tliemat, Joseph U.; Lev-On, MiriamReal World Emissions Data from Process Heaters At a Large West Coast Refinery1998
924 Smith, J.D.Real-Time Measurement of Industrial Gas Flare Emissions via UAS Technology2018-09-17Paper from the AFRC 2018 conference titled Real-Time Measurement of Industrial Gas Flare Emissions via UAS Technology
925 Varga, Gideon M. Jr.The Realignment of Doe Combustion Research Activities1995
926 Wakamura, Yasujiro; Samejima, Ryuji; Nakazato, KunihiroReburning and Repowering Technologies for the Solid Waste Combustion Boiler1994
927 Wendt, J. O. L.; Lin, W. C.Reburning of NOx in Overall Fuel Lean, Diffusion Flame Environments1994
928 Farzan, H.; Wessel, R. A.; Sarv, H.; Kim, R. K.; Rodgers, L. W.; Maringo, G. J.; Yagiela, A. S.Reburning Scale-Up Methodology for NOx Control From Cyclone Boilers1991
929 Recent Advances in High Velocity Combustors1979
930 Matthew MartinRecent Developments and Current Insights in Ethylene Flare Technology: The Impact of Burner Design Vent Gas Variability and Ancillary Equipment2016-09-13Conference paper
931 Martin, M.Recent Developments and Current Insights in Ethylene Flare Technology: The Impact of Burner Design Vent Gas Variability and Ancillary Equipment2016-09-13Paper from the AFRC 2016 conference titled Recent Developments and Current Insights in Ethylene Flare Technology: The Impact of Burner Design Vent Gas Variability and Ancillary Equipment
932 Anderson, D. K.; Bianca, J. D.; McGowan, J. G.Recent Developments in Physical Flow Modeling of Utility Scale Furnaces1986
933 Recent NOx Research at IGT1979
934 Heimes, Felix; Dunphy, Jack; Smigelski, John; O'Meara, ThomasRecent Progress with the Intelligent Emission Control System1996
935 Roberts, P. A.Recent Trends in the Ijmuiden Research Programmes1984
936 Drennan, Scott A.; Webster, Timothy L.Reducing Emissions from Biomass Fuel Combustion1998
937 Moyeda, David K.; Pont, Jennifer N.; Payne, R.Reducing NOx Emissions by Coal Reburning: Pilot Scale Process Studies1994
938 Cain, B. E.; Robertson, T. F.; Newby, John N.; Kurihara, Takayoshi; Uchida, SusumuReducing NOx Emissions in High Temperature Furnaces1998
939 Reducing NOx Emissions in High-Temperature Furnaces1997
940 De Santis, R.; Mainini, G.; Sala, M.Reducing Power Boiler Emissions Via "In Furnace Control"1998
941 Liu, Hao ; Gibbs, Bernard M.Reduction of N2O Emissions from a Coal-Fired Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustor by Afterburning1998
942 Toqan, M. A.; Berg, L.; Beer, J. M.; Marotta, A.; Beretta, A.Reduction of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions by Combustion Process Modification in Natural Gas Flames: Fundamentals of Low-NOx Burner Design1990
943 Boyle, John M.; Russell, Armistead; Yao, Shi-Chune; Ekmann, James; Mathur, Mahendra P.; Fu, YuenReduction of Nitrogen Oxides from Post-Combustion Gases Utilizing Molecular Radical Species1991
944 Gibbs, B. M.; Sibtain, S. F.; Salam, T. F.The Reduction of NOx Emissions from a Fluidised Bed Combustor by Staged Combustion Combined with Ammonia Additive Injection1991
945 Sun, W. H.; Bisnett, M. J.; Kirk, D. W.; Steuch, H. E.; Hille, J.Reduction of NOx Emissions from Cement Kiln/Calciner through the Use of the NOxOUT Process1994
946 Zinn, Ben T.Reduction of Pollutant Emissions From Incineration Processes With Cello Pulse Burners1993
947 Ma, H. K.; Pan, K. C.; Lee, W. B.Reexaminatuon of Fuel-NO Reduction in a Gas-Fired Furnace1993
948 Loftus, Jordan ScDRefinery Heater Simulation by the Hottel Zoning Method1989
949 Herman HolmRefinery Sector Rule Focus on Flare Combustion Control Parameters2016-09-13Conference paper
950 Holm, H.Refinery Sector Rule Focus on Flare Combustion Control Parameters2016-09-13Paper from the AFRC 2016 conference titled Refinery Sector Rule Focus on Flare Combustion Control Parameters
951 Newby, John N.Regen Regenerative Burner for High Performance, Heat Recovery in Aggressive Environments1986
952 Schalles, DavidRegenerative Heat Recovery/Burner System as a replacement for Conventional Recuperators2012-09-06
953 Holm, H.Regulatory Update for Refinery and Chemical Sector Flares2017-12-11Paper from the AFRC 2017 conference titled Regulatory Update for Refinery and Chemical Sector Flares
954 Hottel, Hoyt C.Reminiscences of Furnaces and Heat Transfer, and Comments on Oxygen-Enriched Emissivites of Flame Gases1986
955 Hinnrichs, MicheleRemote sensing & analysis of unburned gases from stacks & flares using imaging spectroscopy-presentation2009
956 Hixson, Eric M.Removal of Nitric Oxide from Gas Streams Via Direct Chlorine Injection1990
957 Reorganization of IFRF NET1998
958 Shibata, J.; Hosotani, Y.; Kudo, I.; Miyasita, N.; Nakayama, M.Research on the Operation of the Sinter Bed with the Process Gas Circulating System1998
959 Janus, M. C.; Richards, G. A.Results of a Model for Premixed Combustion Oscillations1996
960 Rodgers, L. W.; Farzan, H.; Sarv, H.; Eckhart, C. F.Retrofit Combustion Modification for NOx Control in Utility Boilers--from Pilot-Scale to Full-Scale Development1990
961 Huey, Sidney; Castaldini, CarloRetrofit NOx Control Technologies for Natural Gas Prime Movers1993
962 Brizzolara, L. G.Retrofitting Biomass Burning Equipment to an Existing Gas/Oil Burning Plant1982
963 Waibel, Richard T.; Somers, SteveRetrofitting Duct Burners for CO Control1996
964 Beale, FrankRetrofitting Ultra Low NOx Burners for Multiple Burner Boilers1994
965 Review of EPA's Combustion Research Program for FY 981998
966 Ghassemzadeh, M. R.; Sommer, T. M.; Farthing, G.; Vecci, S.Rheology and Combustion Characteristics of Coal-Water Mixtures1981
967 Itse, Daniel C.; Penterson, Craig A.; Wakamura, YasujiroRiley-Takuma Technology for Refuse Combustion Plants1987
968 Nowakowski, JohnThe Road to Single Digit NOx for Oilfield Once-Through Steam Generators2013-09-25Paper from the AFRC 2013 conference titled The Road to Single Digit NOx for Oilfield Once-Through Steam Generatorsby John Nowakowski
969 St. John, David; Samuelsen, ScottRobust Optimal Control of a Natural Gas-Fired Burner for the Control of Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)1995
970 Stumbar, James P.The Role of the Boiler Work Group in the Industrial Combustion Coordinated Rulemaking Process1998
971 Gilmer, Lee; Seebold, James G.The Role of the Process Heater Workgroup in the Industrial Combustion Coordinated Rulemaking Process1998
972 Linak, William P.; McSorley, Joseph A.; Wendt, J. O. L.; Dunn, James E.Rotary Kiln Incineration: The Effect of Oxygen Enrichment on Formation of Transient Puffs During Batch Introduction of Hazardous Wastes1987
973 Smith, J.D.Safe Operation of Adjacent Multi-Point Ground Flares Predicted and Measured Flame Radiation in Cross Flow Wind Conditions2016-09-14Paper from the AFRC 2016 conference titled Safe Operation of Adjacent Multi-Point Ground Flares Predicted and Measured Flame Radiation in Cross Flow Wind Conditions
974 Joseph D. SmithSafe Operation of Adjacent Multi-Point Ground Flares: Predicted and Measured Flame Radiation in Cross Flow Wind Conditions2016-09-14Conference paper
975 Varga, Gideon M. Jr.Saving Energy and the Environment the DOE Industrial Combustion Equipment Program1992
976 Zhou, M.Scale Analysis of Pulverized Coal Combustion2018-09-18Paper from the AFRC 2018 conference titled Scale Analysis of Pulverized Coal Combustion
977 Sadakata, M.; Hirose, Y.Scaling Law for Emission of Pollutant from Combustion Furnace1991
978 Hsieh, T.-C. Adrian; Dahm, Werner J.A.; Driscoll, James F.Scaling Laws for NOx Emission Performance of Burners and Furnaces from 30kW to 12MW1996
979 Seebold, James G.; Pohl, John; Gogolek, Peter E.G.Scaling of flare flame emissions2010
980 Dahm, Werner J.A.Scaling relations for flare interactions, flame lengths, and crosslighting requirements in large flare fields2007Flare fields typically consist of many closely-spaced flares arranged in parallel rows. Each flare in the field produces an axisymmetric buoyant jet flame that for a limited vertical distance develops essentially independent of the other flames in the field. However, at a distance above the flare ti...
981 Yegian, D. T.; Cheng, R. K.; Hack, R. L.; Miyasato, M. M.; Chang, A.; Samuelsen, G. S.Scaling the Low Swirl Burner from 15 kW to 600 kW1998
982 Radojevic, M.Scrubbing of Flue Gases with Sea-Water1991
983 Zamansky, Vladimir M.; Ho, Loc ; Maly, Peter M.; Seeker, W. RandallSecond Generation Advanced Reburning for High Efficiency NOx Control1996
984 Bodine, SteveSecond Generation FurnaceMANAGER System Improves Furnace Monitoring2012-09-06
985 Wong, B.; Briker, Y.; Pawlak, W.; Hadley, S.; Ghosh, A.; Humphris, D.; Haq, Zia U.; Moore, D.; Vimalchand, P.; Pinkston, T.; Johnson, T.Selective Agglomeration Technology for Physical Fine Coal Cleaning1991
986 Sun, William H.; Michels, William F.; Stamatakis, Penelope; Comparato, Joseph R.; Hofmann, John E.Selective Non-Catalytic NOx Control with Urea: Theory and Practice, Progress Update1992
987 Bodylski, J. A.; Hass, G. A.The Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction SNCR Process: Experience with the Exxon Thermal DENOx Process at Two Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Commercial Applications1992
988 Lyon, Richard K.; Cole, Jerald A.; Kramlich, John C.; Chen, Shin L.The Selective Reduction of SO3 to SO2 and the Oxidation of NO to NO2 by Methanol1989
989 Fletcher, Thomas H.Sensitivity of Combustion Calculations to Devolatilization Rate Expressions1985
990 Miyasato, M. M.; Samuelsen, G. S.Sensitivity of NOx Production and Combustion Efficiency to Fuel-Air Mixing in a Model Industrial, Natural Gas Fired Burner1994
991 Sherlock imaging spectrometer for flare gas imaging and analysis2009-05-21
992 Gibbs, B. M.; Khan, W. U. Z.The Significance of Air-Staging on Sulphur Capture in a Fluidised Bed Combustor1991
993 Nair, RajeshSimulation of the BERL 300 kW Natural Gas Flame Using FLUENT/UNS1996
994 Dahm, Werner J.A.; Tryggvason, Gretar; Kezerle, James A.; Serauskas, Robert V.Simulation of Turbulent Flow and Complex Chemistry by Local Integral Moment (LIM) Modeling1995
995 Saastamoinen, J.; Aho, M.The Simultaneous Drying and Pyrolysis of Single Wood Particles and Pellets Made of Peat1984
996 Shibuya, Eiichi; Sato, Toru; Yoshikubo, Katsumi; Nomura, TakuroSimultaneous Reduction of PCDDs/PCDFs and Hg Emission from MSW Incinerator1992
997 Redinger, K. E.; Chu, P.; Farthing, G. A.; Vecci, S. J.; Wilkinson, J. M.; Corbett, R. W.Simultaneous SOx/NOx/Particulate Removal in a High Temperature Baghouse1991
998 Chu, Paul; Kudlac, Greg; Wilkinson, John; Corbett, RonSimultaneous SOx/NOx/Particulate Removal in a High-Temperature Baghouse -- Clean Coal 2 Program Update1991
999 Davis, Kevin A.; Hurt, Robert H.Single Particle Experiments for the Investigation of Unburned Carbon in Flyash1994
1000 Fournier, Donald J. Jr.; Waterland, Larry R. Ph.D.; Carroll, Gregory J.Size Distribution of Trace Metals in Flue Gas Particulate from a Pilot Scale Rotary Kiln Incinerator1990
901 - 1000 of 1,104