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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Ajanta Cave 17 wall painting depicting the story of the Buudha's previous life as Vessantara, a king of legendary generosityca. 462 - 500 CE
2 Altamira Cave, view of ceilingca. 12,000 BCE
3 Anak Tomb 3, Portrait of Dong Shou357 CE
4 Ardèche Valley Cave, ceiling vault wall painting: hyena and pantherca. 25,000 - 17,000 BCE
5 Ardèche Valley Cave, ceiling vault wall painting: mammoths and horsesca. 25,000 - 17,000 BCE
6 Basilica (Herculaneum) fresco, Education of Achilles by Centaur ChironTelephus Masterca. 65 - 79 CE
7 Basilica (Herculaneum) fresco, niche, Hercules discovers son, TelephusTelephus Masterca. 70 CE, composition drawn from early 2nd Century BCE original
8 Basilica (Herculaneum) fresco, Theseus triumphantca. 70 CE, composition drawn from 3rd Century BCE original
9 Beta House fresco, Antelopes and Boxing Childrenca. 1500 BCE
10 Beta House fresco, room 6, Blue Monkeysca. 1500 BCE
11 Bill Abernathy in front of Wall of Respect1967 CE
12 Brancacci Chapel, interior, back wall to right of window, second registerTommaso di Ser Giovanni di Mone Cassai (Masaccio)ca. 1425 - 1428 CE
13 Brancacci Chapel, right wall, scenes from the life of St. PeterMaso di Cristofano (Masolino); Filippino Lippi1424 - 1482 CE, frescoes by Masolino 1424 - 1427/28 CE; completed by Filippino Lippi 1481 - 1482 CE
14 Bystanders at the Wall of RespectRobert A. Sengstacke1967 CE
15 Camera picta (camera degli sposi), view of frescoed wallsAndrea Mantegna1465 - 1474 CE
16 Campo Santo, Triumph of DeathFrancesco Trainica. 1340 CE
17 Cap Morgiou Cave, Aukca. 16,500 BCE
18 Catacomb of Callixtus, Refrigerium: Banquet3rd Century CE
19 Catacomb of Domitilla, Tomb of Veneranda, fresco with Veneranda and Saint Petronilla4th Century CE
20 Catacomb of SS Pietro and Marcellino, fresco: Daniel in the Lion's Denend of 3rd Century CE
21 Catacomb of SS Pietro and Marcellino, fresco: Noah in the Arkend of 3rd Century CE
22 Catacomb of St. Callistus (Callixtus), fresco: Eucharistic Meal3rd Century CE
23 Catacomb of St. Callistus (Callixtus), fresco: Moses Brings Forth Water from the Rock3rd Century CE
24 Cave of the Thousand Buddhas, Cave 12: Shanzi Jataka drawingc. 1050 - 771 BCE
25 Church of Panagia tou Arakos, apse arch, center: The Mandylion1192 CE
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