1 - 25 of 53
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General AssemblyJames Hampton1950 - 1964 CE
2 Devil Devouring AngelsAlyne Harris1987 - 1988 CE
3 Get Wise, Eat an AppleWilliam "Ned" Cartledge1986 CE
4 Holy White City Coming Down #5000.280Howard Finster1986 CE
5 Visions of Other Planets #16000.892Howard Finster1990 CE
6 Angel and DemonsMinnie Evansca. 1975 CE
7 CrucifixionElijah Piercemid 1930s CE
8 Heaven and Hell Pulpit (for Brother John)Jessie Cooper; Ronald Cooper2000 CE
9 I Am the Angel Flying Low #3398Howard Finster1984 CE
10 Heaven and Hell BritchesJas Johns2000 - 2002 CE
11 The Preacher and SatanLeroy Almon Sr.1985 CE
12 Adam Naming the AnimalsLinda Anderson1994 CE
13 That Old Serpent the DevilWilliam Thomas Thompson2001 CE
14 Heaven and Hell Britches (detail)Jas Johns2000 - 2002 CE
15 I Preach the Bible #6000.209Howard Finster1987 CE
16 The Whole Armor of God IYvonne Wells1995 CE
17 The Whole Armor of God IIIYvonne Wells1997 CE
18 The Whore of Babylon Riding on a Beast with Seven HeadsRobert Robergca. 1991 CE
19 CrucifixionMose Tolliver1985 CE
20 Faithful and True (Christ of the Second Coming)William Thomas Thompson2001 CE
21 Whore of BabylonWilliam Thomas Thompson2003 CE
22 Black JesusPurvis Young1974 CE
23 The Biggest Baptist is the Biggest SinnerHerbert Singleton1998 CE
24 Untitled MapHenry Darger
25 Untitled (Madonna)Martín Ramírez1950 - 1953 CE
1 - 25 of 53