1151 - 1175 of 1,591
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1151 Saint Madeleine Abbey Church, nave facing eastca. 1120 - 1135 CE
1152 Saint Madeleine Abbey Church, narthexca. 1120 - 1135 CE
1153 Saint Madeleine Abbey Church, narthex, center door into the nave, tympanum (detail)ca. 1120 - 1135 CE
1154 Saint Madeleine Abbey Church, narthex, center door into the nave, tympanum (detail)ca. 1120 - 1135 CE
1155 Saint Madeleine Abbey Church, tympanum of right portal of narthex: Incarnation and Nativity of Christca. 1120 - 1135 CE
1156 Saint Madeleine Abbey Church, tympanum of left portal of narthex: Ascension of Christca. 1120 - 1135 CE
1157 Sopočani Monasterysecond half of 13th Century CE
1158 Sopočani Monastery, Communion of the Apostles and Concelebrating Fathers (right half of composition)c. 1265 CE
1159 Ely Cathedral, nave ceilingbuilt first half of 12th century, ceiling painted 1858-1865 CE
1160 Speyer Cathedral, reconstruction drawingca. 1030 - 1060 CE
1161 Sens Cathedral, reconstruction of original elevationbegun 1140 CE
1162 Beauvais Cathedral, plan in 1272 reconstructedc. 1225 CE
1163 Sens Cathedral, original ground planbegun 1140 CE
1164 Notre Dame Cathedral (Laon), reconstruction of projected composition of volumes as of ca. 1175 - 80 CE
1165 Senlis Cathedral, ground planca. 1153 - 1192 CE
1166 Salisbury Cathedral, ground plan1220 - 1258 CE
1167 Early Examples of Piers with Detached Shafts, France and England
1168 Salisbury Cathedral, exterior view1220 - 1258 CE
1169 Notre Dame Cathedral (Reims), chart of the chevet rosaces indicating order of scenes in the lobes1225 - 1290 CE
1170 Notre Dame Cathedral (Reims), lancet windows, Bay 1001225 - 1290 CE
1171 Saint Étienne Abbey Church (Abbaye-aux-Hommes), application of vaultingc. 1115 CE
1172 Jumièges, Abbey Church of Notre Dame, nave interior elevation1037 - 1066 CE
1173 Jumièges, Abbey Church of Notre Dame, ground plan1037 - 1066 CE
1174 Ely Cathedral, restoration drawing of facade12th Century CE and later
1175 Durham Cathedral, ground planbegun 1093 CE
1151 - 1175 of 1,591