151 - 175 of 1,591
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TitleCreatorCreation Date
151 Beth Alpha Synagogue, model6th Century CE
152 Beth Alpha Synagogue, plan showing mosaic pavementca. 518 CE
153 Bourges Cathedral, aerial view from the southwesteast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
154 Bourges Cathedral, choir looking southeasteast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
155 Bourges Cathedral, cross section of choireast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
156 Bourges Cathedral, cross section of choir showing lightpathseast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
157 Bourges Cathedral, detail of choir model: photoelastic interference pattern produced by simulated dead weight loadingRobert Mark
158 Bourges Cathedral, nave looking easteast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
159 Bourges Cathedral, nave looking easteast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
160 Bourges Cathedral, portal area of the west facadeeast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
161 Bourges Cathedral, reconstructed original planeast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
162 Bourges Cathedral, section and elevation of four bays in the south side of the naveeast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
163 Bourges Cathedral, view from the southeasteast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
164 Bourges Cathedral, view of the choireast half of building 1195 - 1214 CE, west half ca. 1225 - 1255 CE
165 Brancacci Chapel, general viewMaso di Cristofano (Masolino), Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Mone Cassai (Masaccio)ca. 1425 - 1428 CE and 1480's
166 Brancacci Chapel, interior, back wall to right of window, second registerTommaso di Ser Giovanni di Mone Cassai (Masaccio)ca. 1425 - 1428 CE
167 Brancacci Chapel, interior, left wallMaso di Cristofano (Masolino); Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Mone Cassai (Masaccio)ca. 1425 - 1428 CE and 1480's, fresco cycle finished in 1480's by Filippino Lippi
168 Brancacci Chapel, right wall, scenes from the life of St. PeterMaso di Cristofano (Masolino); Filippino Lippi1424 - 1482 CE, frescoes by Masolino 1424 - 1427/28 CE; completed by Filippino Lippi 1481 - 1482 CE
169 Brihadeshwara Temple1010 CE
170 Brihadeshwara Temple1010 CE
171 Brihadeshwara Temple1010 CE
172 Brihadisvara Temple, south wall, Shiva as Natarajaca. 1009 - 1010 CE
173 Brihadisvara Temple, view from southwestca. 1009 - 1010 CE
174 Byland Abbey, exterior viewc. 1155 CE
175 Byland Abbey, ground planc. 1155 CE
151 - 175 of 1,591