1 - 25 of 201
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Beat the Whites with the Red WedgeEliezer Markowich (El Lissitzky)1919 CE
2 Art Workers' Coalition DemonstrationJan van Raay1970 CE
3 WarOtto Dix1932 CE
4 Dead Soldier in TrenchOtto Dix1924 CE
5 A imagem da violência (The Images of Violence)Antonio Manuel1968 CE
6 Jornal (Newspaper)Antonio Manuel1968 CE
7 Sem Censura (Uncensored)Antonio Manuel1968 CE
8 Mercenaries IVLeon Golub1980 CE
9 Peasant's War: OutbreakKäthe Schmidt Kollwitz1903 CE
10 Poster: "Vienna is Dying! Save Her Children!"Käthe Kollwitz1920 CE
11 Live Baby Chicks as FertilizerSue Coe1995 CE
12 Goat Outside SlaughterhouseSue Coe1995 CE
13 End of the EmpireSue Coe1995 CE
14 HatcherySue Coe1995 CE
15 FeedlotSue Coe1995 CE
16 Modern Man Followed by the Ghosts of his MeatSue Coe1995 CE
17 Boys Playing Football with Hog's HeadSue Coe1995 CE
18 Up to Six Minutes to DieSue Coe1995 CE
19 Selection for SlaughterSue Coe1995 CE
20 It Got Away From ThemSue Coe1995 CE
21 Butcher to the WorldSue Coe1995 CE
22 Egg MachinesSue Coe1995 CE
23 Wall StreetSue Coe1995 CE
24 DebeakingSue Coe1995 CE
25 Shots from www.sandmonkey.org reproducing pages from October 17, 2005 edition of "El Fagr"Alex Adam (aka Sandmonkey)2005 CE
1 - 25 of 201