1 - 100 of 899
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Winchester Psalter (Book of Psalms): Scenes from the Passionc. 1145 - 1155 CE
2 Book of the Properties of Things: Health ManBartholomew the Englishmanca. 1425 - 1453 CE
3 Madame Marie's Book of Images: Crucifixionca. 1300 CE
4 Huntingfield Psalter: The three temptations of Christca. 1215 CE
5 Salvin Hours: Christ before Caiaphasca. 1270 CE
6 Ingeborg Psalter (Book of Psalms) Miniature: Young David Anointed by SamuelMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
7 Moutier-Grandval Bible: Moses receiving the Law and teaching the Israelitesc. 840 CE
8 Cotton Genesis: Genesis 1:13-15: God introduces Eve to Adamca. late 5th - early 6th Century CE
9 Qur'anic manuscripts with angular script compaprable to mosaic script at Dome of the Rock
10 Qur'anic manuscripts with angular script compaprable to mosaic script at Dome of the Rock
11 Godescalc Evangelistary: Fountain of LifeGodescalc781 - 783 CE
12 St. Augustine Gospels (Gospel Book), Portrait and Symbol of St. Luke, with scenes from his Gospelca. 7th Century CE
13 Rossano Gospels (Gospel Book): Mark, Author Portrait6th Century CE
14 Soissons Gospels (Gospel Book): Fountain of Lifebefore 814 CE
15 Rabbula Gospels (Gospel Book): Canon Table I: David and Solomon with Nativity, Massacre of the Innocents, and Baptism of ChristRabbula (scribe)586 CE
16 Queen Melisende Psalter (Book of Psalms): The Harrowing of Hell, the Three Marys at the tomb of ChristBasilius1131 - 1143 CE
17 Melisende Psalter (Book of Psalms): Back Cover1131 - 1143 CE
18 Queen Melisende Psalter (Book of Psalms): Silk Binding with Jerusalem Cross (left) and Front Cover showing Scenes from the Life of David (right)ca. 1135 CE
19 Codex Amiatinus: Christ in MajestyCeolfrith, abbott of Wearmouth - Jarrowbefore 716 CE
20 Gospels (Gospel Book) of Theodelinda: Book Coverslate 6th or early 7th Century CE
21 Roman Vergil (Virgil): Georgics, Shepherds Tend Their Flocks6th Century CE
22 Canon table from the Garima GospelsAbba Garima IIIca. 330-660 CE
23 Mathematiké Sýntaxis (Almajisti or Almagest)Ptolemyc. 150 CE / 9th Century CE
24 Author portrait of St. Mark (left), chapter titles from the book of Mark (right)Abba Garima IIIca. 330-660 CE
25 Author portrait of St. Mark, Garima GospelsAbba Garima IIIca. 330-660 CE
26 Canon VIIII, Gospels of Saint-Médard de Soissons, fol. 11vproduced before 827 CE
27 Canon VI, Gospels of Saint-Médard de Soissons, fol. 11rproduced before 827 CE
28 Gospels of Saint-Médard de Soissons, fol. 24r9th Century CE
29 Detached leaf with a Canon Table from the Zeyt'un Gospels1256 CE
30 Canon VIIII (detail), Gospels of Saint-Médard de Soissons, fol. 11v.produced before 827 CE
31 Four-pillar structure, with pillars representing the four Gospels, Garima GospelsAbba Garima I
32 Canon X, Gospels of Saint-Médard de Soissons, fol. 12rproduced before 827 CE
33 Canon, Gospels of Saint-Médard de Soissons, fol. 10rproduced before 827 CE
34 Canon Table, Garima GospelsAbba Garima I
35 The Canon, a folio from the Georgian Adysh Gospels897 CE
36 Canon Table
37 Canon Table
38 Gospel Lectionary of Dionysiou Monastery: St. (Hosios) Symeon the Stylite, Initial Letter Tc. 1059 CE
39 Gospel Lectionary of Dionysiou Monastery: St. John the Evangelist and Prochorusc. 1059 CE
40 Theodore Psalter (Book of Psalms): The Virgin HodegetriaTheodore of the Studios Monastery1066 CE
41 Homilies of James of Kokkinobaphos: The Parents of the Virgin present her to the Priestc. 1130 - 1150 CE
42 Gospel Book: The Virgin and Joseph seek Christ in Jerusalemc. 9th Century CE
43 Codex Aureus of St. Emmeram: The Adoration of the Lambc. 870 CE
44 Ingeborg Psalter: Christ and the Woman taken in AdulteryMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
45 Ingeborg Psalter: Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane and Sleeping DisciplesMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
46 Ingeborg Psalter: Resurrection of Lazarus and Christ's Entry into JerusalemMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
47 Ingeborg Psalter: The Last Supper; Christ Washes Peter's FeetMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
48 Ingeborg Psalter: Flagellation of Christ; Christ Bears the CrossMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
49 Ingeborg Psalter: Arrest of Christ; Christ before PilateMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
50 Hours of Mary of Burgundy: Mary of Burgundy and her DevotionsMaster of Mary of Burgundy1475 - 1480 CE
51 Book of Hours of the Marechal de Boucicaut: Boucicaut at Prayer, kneeling before St. Catherine of AlexandriaBoucicaut Master1405 - 1408 CE
52 Les Tres Riches Heures Du Duc De Berry: June PageLimbourg Brothers (Paul, Hermann and Jean Limbourg)ca. 1413 - 1416 CE
53 Book of Hours of the Marechal de Boucicaut: Flight into EgyptBoucicaut Master1405 - 1408 CE
54 Leiden Aratea: Orion9th Century CE
55 Ashmole Bestiary: Nature of the Lion12th - 13th Century CE
56 Drogo Sacramentary: back cover, scenes of the bishop carrying out liturgical rituals850 - 855 CE
57 Drogo Sacramentary: front cover, scenes from the life of Christ850 - 855 CE
58 Psalter of Basil II: Six Scenes from the Life of David1017 CE
59 Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims (Ebbo Gospels): Saint Johnca. 816 - 835 CE
60 Eadwine Psalter (Book of Psalms): Ps. 2, Quare fremueruntca. 1155 - 1160 CE
61 Liturgical Homilies of Gregory of Nazianzos: Gregory of Nazianzosca. 1150 CE
62 Ashburnham Pentateuch: The Deluge (Gen 7:17-24)ca. 7th Century CE
63 Life of St. Cuthbert: King Aethelstan presenting book to St. Cuthbert934 - 939 CE
64 Eadwine Psalter (Book of Psalms): By the Waters of Babylonca. 1155 - 1160 CE
65 Bible Moraliseé (Moralized Bible): Conclusion of the Apocalypseca. 1227 - 1234 CE
66 Bible Moraliseé (Moralized Bible): Conclusion of the Apocalypse, the King of France (Louis VIII), and the Maker of the Bible Moraliseéca. 1220 CE
67 Worksop Bestiary: Flying Fish of Tyre (Sawfish)c. 1185 CE
68 Utrecht Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 1 (The Blessed Man)9th Century CE
69 Harley Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 103ealy 11th Century CE
70 Stuttgart Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 2820 - 830 CE
71 Eadwine Psalter (Book of Psalms): Plan of Christ Churchca. 1155 - 1160 CE
72 Eadwine Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 5ca. 1155 - 1160 CE
73 Leiden Aratea: Auriga9th Century CE
74 Leiden Aratea: Gemini9th Century CE
75 Paris Eadwine Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 2 (Sermon on the Mount)12th Century CE
76 Drogo Sacramentary: Historiated C, containing Ascension of Christ850 - 855 CE
77 Eadwine Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 1ca. 1155 - 1160 CE
78 Paris Eadwine Psalter (Book of Psalms): Psalm 3212th Century CE
79 Gospel Book of Otto III (Gospels of Otto III): Personification of Rome and Provinces (left) and Otto III Enthroned (right)ca. 998 - 1001 CE
80 Khludov Psalter (Book of Pslams): Iconoclasts Whitewashing an Icon of Christ and a Crucifixion Scene9th Century CE
81 Christ on the Crosslate 15th Century CE
82 Bible historiale: Christ Enthroned and the Four Evangelistsc.1330-1340 CE
83 Hours of Englebert of Nassau: Death and Coronation of the VirginMaster of Mary of Burgundyc. 1490 CE
84 Missal: Flagellation and Christ before PilateSchool of Jean Pucellemid 14th Century CE
85 Book of Hours: Mass for the DeadBoucicaut Masterfirst quarter of 15th Century CE
86 Dioskorides (Dioscurides) Herbal: Dioscurides Seated before Personification of Inventionca. 512 CE
87 Dioskorides Herbal: Seven Pharmocologist Physiciansca. 512 CE
88 Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims (Ebbo Gospels): Saint Matthew the Evangelistca. 816 - 835 CE
89 Qur'an fragment with Kufic scriptbefore 911 CE
90 Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims (Ebbo Gospels): 'Saint Matthew the Evangelist' and 'Initial Page to the Gospel of Saint Matthew'ca. 816 - 835 CE
91 Gospel Book of Archbishop Ebbo of Reims (Ebbo Gospels): Initial Page to the Gospel of Saint Matthewca. 816 - 835 CE
92 Folio from the Birmingham Qur'an568 - 645 CE
93 27098De Materia Medica, f. 1v, 2r, 2v, "Students present Dioscorides with his book"'Abd al-Jabbar ibn 'Alic. 1228 CE
94 De Materia Medica, f. 1v - 2r, "Students present Dioscorides with his book"'Abd al-Jabbar ibn 'Alic. 1228 CE
95 De Materia Medica, folio 2 verso, "Dioscorides and a Pupil"'Abd al-Jabbar ibn 'Alic. 1228 CE
96 Saint Matthew from the Coronation Gospels (Gospel Book of Charlemagne)c. 800 - 810 CE
97 Book of Gospels, frontispiecec. 1180 CE
98 Blackberry from Dioscorides, De Materia Medica512 CE
99 Opening from the Ibn al-Bawwab Qur'anIbn al-Bawwab1000 CE
100 Opening from the Ibn al-Bawwab Qur'anIbn al-Bawwab1000 CE
1 - 100 of 899