1 - 25 of 16
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Habitation des Apiácas Sur l'Arinos (Apiácas Dwelling on the Arinos River)Hercule Florence1828 CE
2 Delia, daughter of RentyJ. Thomas Zealy1850 CE
3 Billy, Little Toby and JennyRoland Bonaparte1884 CE
4 Two Lovoni Warriors and Dwarf PriestAnonymousc. 1880 CE
5 "Ellen", South Australian Aboriginal FemaleAnonymous1870 CE
6 Death of Custer Staged with ActorsSiegel, Cooper & Co.1900 CE
7 A Popular Scene of Devoted Women Giving Offerings to the ParishLéonce Angrand1837 CE
8 The Flower Vendor, The Covered Limeñas (Women from Lima)Léonce Angrand1837 CE
9 An Announcement for a Bullfight in Acho PlazaLéonce Angrand1837 CE
10 An Announcement for a CockfightLéonce Angrand1837 CE
11 Sweetbread and Flower VendorsLéonce Angrand1837 CE
12 Children with Flower WreathsLéonce Angrand1837 CE
13 Blacks on HorsebackLéonce Angrand1837 CE
14 Bird VendorsLéonce Angrand1837 CE
15 Indians from the CoastLéonce Angrand1837 CE
16 Women from AngascasaLéonce Angrand1837 CE
1 - 25 of 16