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Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Standing Buddha (now destroyed)5th Century CE
2 Site of the Giant Standing Buddha5th Century CE
3 Great Stupa, East Gateway (detail)ca. 50 - 25 BCE
4 Niche of the Giant Standing Buddha with 3D Projection of Buddha5th Century CE
5 Great Stupa, East Gatewayoriginal stupa ca. 250 BCE, enlarged and renovated ca. 50-25 BCE
6 Great Stupa, East Gatewayoriginal stupa ca. 250 BCE, enlarged and renovated ca. 50-25 BCE
7 Standing Buddha (now destroyed)5th Century CE
8 Site of the Giant Standing Buddha5th Century CE
9 Bodhisattva Maitreya3rd Century CE
10 Great Stupa, West Gatewayoriginal stupa ca. 250 BCE, enlarged and renovated ca. 50-25 BCE
11 Standing Buddha (now destroyed)5th Century CE
12 Site of the Giant Standing Buddha5th Century CE
13 Standing Buddha2nd - 3rd Century CE
14 Plaque with Yakshi (nature spirit) or Mother Goddessca. 200 BCE
15 Great Stupa, West Gatewayoriginal stupa ca. 250 BCE, enlarged and renovated ca. 50-25 BCE
16 Great Stupa, East Gateway, The Great Departureca. 50 - 25 BCE
17 Great Stupa, West Gatewayca. 50 - 25 BCE
18 Great Stupa, South Gatewayca. 50 - 25 BCE
19 Great Stupa, South Gateway (detail)ca. 50 - 25 BCE
20 Great Stupa, North Gateway (front)ca. 50 - 25 BCE
21 Great Stupa, North Gateway (back)ca. 50 - 25 BCE
22 Stupa 3 Gatewayca. 50 - 25 BCE
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