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Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Wilton Diptych (detail of obverse side)ca. 1395 CE
2 Notre Dame Cathedral (Chartres), Month of April Windowca. 1145 - 1155 CE
3 Canterbury Cathedral, Window Showing Noah's Sonsca. 1200 CE
4 Saint Denis Abbey Church, ambulatory, Tree of Jesse window (detail): Abbott Suger1140 - 1144 CE
5 Saint Denis Abbey Church, ground plan1140 - 1144 CE
6 Saint Denis Abbey Church, View of the Nave and Choir1140 - 1144 CE
7 Notre Dame Cathedral (Amiens), nave from the altar1220 - 1269 CE
8 Sainte Chapelle, upper chapel1239 - 1243 CE
9 Sainte Chapelle, exterior view1239 - 1243 CE
10 Sainte Chapelle, interior view1239 - 1243 CE
11 Sainte Chapelle, exterior view1239 - 1243 CE
12 Canterbury Cathedral, View east from the Choir to Trinity Chapelca. 1200 CE
13 Canterbury Cathedral: The Coronaca. 1200 CE
14 Canterbury Cathedral, Naveca. 1200 CE
15 Altneuschul, exterior viewlate 13th Century CE, bimah after 1483
16 Magdeburg Cathedral, interior view looking eastc. 1209 CE
17 Magdeburg Cathedral, exterior viewc. 1209 CE
18 Naumburg Cathedral, exterior view1028 CE
19 Canterbury Cathedral, west facadeca. 1200 CE
20 Canterbury Cathedral, exterior viewca. 1200 CE
21 Canterbury Cathedral, distant viewca. 1200 CE
22 Notre Dame Cathedral (Reims), west façade: Gallery of Kings1225 - 1290 CE
23 Saint Riquier Abbey Church (Centula), exterior viewc. 790 - 799 CE
24 Der Heilband und die Maria Cathedral, view from the southwest9th Century CE, additions 14th - 15th Century CE
25 Santa Maria Novella Church, Ground PlanLeonbattista Albertibegun 1246 CE; façade 1458 - 1470 CE
26 Ingeborg Psalter: Christ and the Woman taken in AdulteryMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
27 Ingeborg Psalter: Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane and Sleeping DisciplesMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
28 Ingeborg Psalter: Resurrection of Lazarus and Christ's Entry into JerusalemMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
29 Ingeborg Psalter: The Last Supper; Christ Washes Peter's FeetMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
30 Ingeborg Psalter: Flagellation of Christ; Christ Bears the CrossMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
31 Ingeborg Psalter: Arrest of Christ; Christ before PilateMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
32 Santa Maria Novella Church, Navebegun 1246 CE
33 Senlis Cathedral, exterior view1153 - 1191 CE
34 Byland Abbey, exterior viewc. 1155 CE
35 Exeter Cathedral, exterior viewcompleted ca. 1400 CE
36 San Francesco Church (Assisi), general view of the site from Mt. Subiacobegun 1228; decorated ca. 1280 - 1305 CE
37 Saint Maclou Church, groundplan
38 Notre Dame Cathedral (Reims), interior of navebegun 1210 CE
39 Saint Denis Abbey Church, View of the Choir1140 - 1144 CE
40 Saint Denis Abbey Church, Chapel of Saint Cucuphas1140 - 1144 CE
41 Façade of Strasbourg Cathedral (Plan A1)1260s CE
42 Bible Historiale: Christ Enthroned and Four Evangelistsc. 1330 - 1340 CE
43 Psalter of St. Louis (Book of Psalms): Destruction of Sodom, Lot's Wife turn into a Pillar of Saltc. 1250 - 1270 CE
44 Strasbourg Cathedral, Plan B, reconstruction drawing of the original plan1176 - 1439 CE
45 Jumièges, Abbey Church of Notre Dame, Chapter House, ground plan of main structurec. 1100 CE
46 Sainte Chapelle, cross-section drawing showing the proportions of the upper and lower chapels1243 - 1248 CE
47 St. Urbain Collegiate Church, interior of choir and transeptbegun 1262 CE
48 Saint Denis Abbey Church, elevation of navebegun after 1231 CE
49 Morienval Abbey Church, ground plan of east endc. 1125 CE
50 Ripon Minster, choir interior reconstitution according to the intended scheme1160 - 1547 CE
51 Byland Abbey, reconstruction drawing of south transeptc. 1155 CE
52 Byland Abbey, ground planc. 1155 CE
53 Notre Dame Cathedral (Chartres), ground plan around 1100 CE
54 Ripon Minster, east wall of the north transept1160 - 1547 CE
55 Canterbury Cathedral, reconstruction drawing of summer 1175, after fire and before reconstruction1175 CE
56 Worcester Cathedral, west bays of nave, north side1084 - 1504 CE
57 Canterbury Cathedral, Presbytery and Trinity Chapelca. 1200 CE
58 Senlis Cathedral, reconstruction drawing of a 13th Century double bay elevation1153 - 1191 CE
59 Canterbury Cathedral, ground planca. 1200 CE
60 Altneuschul, groundplanc. late 13th Century CE, Bimah after 1483 CE
61 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Figures and BirdsVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
62 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: front cover (view 2)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
63 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: front cover (view 1)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
64 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: front cover interiorVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
65 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Plan of a Tower of the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Laon), Canopy or Tabernacle, and Bust of a Bearded ManVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
66 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Elevation of a Tower of the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Laon)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
67 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Horologe House and Dragon in the Form of the Letter SVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
68 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Two Gamblers, Boar and Rabbit, Tantalus Cup, and Hand WarmerVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
69 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Crucifixion with the Virgin and St. John the EvangelistVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
70 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Lectern with an Eagle and Evangelist FiguresVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
71 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Insects, Cats, Crawfish and LabyrinthVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
72 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Sepulchre or Tomb of a SaracenVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
73 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Two HorsemenVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
74 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Water-Powered Saw, Crossbow, Jack Hoist, Device for Making an Angel always Point to the Sun, and Mechanical Lectern Eagle (Mechanical Inventions)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
75 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Hungarian Church Pavement, Section of a Compound Pier, and West Facade Rose of the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Chartres)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
76 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Chevet Plan devised by Villard de Honnecourt and Pierre de Corbie, and Plan of the Chevet of the Cathedral of St. Etienne (Meaux)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
77 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Plan of the Chevet of the Cistercian Abbey Church of Notre Dame (Vaucelles), and Prone Sleeping ApostleVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
78 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: South Transept Rose of the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Lausanne), and Seated Gesturing FigureVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
79 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Roof Trusses and Portable LanternVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
80 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Foliate Faces and Seated and Standing NudesVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
81 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Wheel of FortuneVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
82 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Seated ChristVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
83 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Interior of a Radiating Chapel of the Cathedral of Notre Dame (Reims)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
84 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Man Fighting a Lion and Martyrdom of Sts. Cosmas and DamianVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
85 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Section and End of a Choir Stall, and Standing FigureVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
86 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Man wearing Chlamys and SkullcapVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
87 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Building, Heads, AnimalsVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
88 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Scenes from the PassionVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
89 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: End of a Choir StallVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
90 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Base of a TrebuchetVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
91 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Standing FiguresVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
92 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Plan of a Chapter House, Pear Tree, Pentagonal Tower, Voussoirs, Tas de Charge, Rib Profile, and Arches (Mechanical Inventions and Architectural Design)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
93 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Pinwheel Masons, Three Fish with Common Head, Heads, and FiguresVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
94 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Geometries (Mechanical Inventions and Architectural Design)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
95 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Geometries (Mechanical Inventions)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
96 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Preface and Figures of Twelve Apostles, Man, Woman, and DancerVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
97 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Fragment, Upper Part of a Cross, and Ionic VoluteVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
98 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Bear, Swan, and Buildings and TowersVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
99 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Ecclesia (Church Triumphant)Villard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
100 Portfolio of Villard de Honnecourt: Standing Soldier and SnailVillard de Honnecourtca. 1230 CE
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