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Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Stavelot Altar, view of topsecond half of 12th Century CE
2 Stavelot Altarsecond half of 12th Century CE
3 Ivory plaque with the crucifixion and the three Maries at the tombca. 870 CE
4 Cathedral of Saints Peter and George (Bamberg Cathedral), Fürstenportal north façadebegun 1185 CE
5 Book of the Properties of Things: Health ManBartholomew the Englishmanca. 1425 - 1453 CE
6 Madame Marie's Book of Images: Crucifixionca. 1300 CE
7 Huntingfield Psalter: The three temptations of Christca. 1215 CE
8 Salvin Hours: Christ before Caiaphasca. 1270 CE
9 Map: The Hohenstaufen Empire under Frederick II
10 Cathedral of Saints Peter and George (Bamberg Cathedral), Fürstenportal north façade, tympanum: Last Judgmentbegun 1185 CE
11 Cathedral of Saint Peter, Saint George's Choir, Devil blinding a Jew (column beneath Synagoga)1212 - 1237 CE
12 Cathedral of Saints Peter and George (Bamberg Cathedral), view of interior1230 - 1235 CE
13 Cathedral of Saint Peter, Saint George's Choir, Evangelist symbols (column beneath Ecclesia)1212 - 1237 CE
14 Cathedral of Saint Peter, Saint George's Choir, Synagoga (detail)1212 - 1237 CE
15 Cathedral of Saint Peter, Saint George's Choir, Ecclesia (detail)1212 - 1237 CE
16 Cathedral of Saint Peter, Saint George's Choir, Synagoga1212 - 1237 CE
17 Cathedral of Saint Peter, Saint George's Choir, Ecclesia1212 - 1237 CE
18 Images taken from Nina Rowe, "Synagoga Tumbles, A Rider Triumphs" (2006)
19 Ingeborg Psalter (Book of Psalms) Miniature: Young David Anointed by SamuelMaster of the Ingeborg Psalterca. 1210 CE
20 Lustre bowl with a priest1050 - 1100 CE
21 St. Augustine Gospels (Gospel Book), Portrait and Symbol of St. Luke, with scenes from his Gospelca. 7th Century CE
22 Soissons Gospels (Gospel Book): Fountain of Lifebefore 814 CE
23 Queen Melisende Psalter (Book of Psalms): The Harrowing of Hell, the Three Marys at the tomb of ChristBasilius1131 - 1143 CE
24 Eleanor Vasebefore 1147 CE
25 Eleanor Vasebefore 1147 CE
26 Eleanor Vasebefore 1147 CE
27 Eleanor Vase, lower neck; enamel medallions 14th c., band with amethysts prob. first half/mid-13th c.before 1147 CE
28 Eleanor Vase, base, level view: AVO MIHI REX . S[AN]CTVSQ[VE] : SVGER[VS]before 1147 CE
29 Eleanor Vase, base, level view: REX . S[AN]CTVSQ[VE] ; SVGER[VS] + HOC VASbefore 1147 CE
30 Eleanor Vase, base with REX . S[AN]C[T]VSQ[VE] ; SVGER[VS] + HOC VAS SPObefore 1147 CE
31 Eleanor Vase, base with AVO MIHI REX . S[AN]C[T]VSQ[VE] ; SVGER[VS] +before 1147 CE
32 Eleanor Vase, base with VAS SPONSA . DEDIT . ANOR REGbefore 1147 CE
33 Eleanor Vase, base with OVICO . MITADOL[VS] AVO Mbefore 1147 CE
34 Eleanor Vase, lip and upper neckbefore 1147 CE
35 Monreale Cathedral, exterior view from the northwest1180 - 1190 CE
36 Monreale Cathedral, ground plan1180 - 1190 CE
37 Monreale Cathedral, exterior view of the apses from the north1180 - 1190 CE
38 Rock Crystal Ewerrock crystal from Fatimid, Egypt, probably made at the end of the 10th or beginning of the 11th Century CE, lid made in Italy in 11th Century CE
39 Seated ApostlesPietro Cavallinica. 1291 CE
40 Canon table from the Garima GospelsAbba Garima IIIca. 330-660 CE
41 Mathematiké Sýntaxis (Almajisti or Almagest)Ptolemyc. 150 CE / 9th Century CE
42 Author portrait of St. Mark (left), chapter titles from the book of Mark (right)Abba Garima IIIca. 330-660 CE
43 Author portrait of St. Mark, Garima GospelsAbba Garima IIIca. 330-660 CE
44 Detached leaf with a Canon Table from the Zeyt'un Gospels1256 CE
45 Four-pillar structure, with pillars representing the four Gospels, Garima GospelsAbba Garima I
46 Canon Table, Garima GospelsAbba Garima I
47 The Canon, a folio from the Georgian Adysh Gospels897 CE
48 Canon Table
49 Canon Table
50 Diptych Leaf with Scenes from the Passion of Christ (front)1250 - 1270 CE
51 Diptych Leaf with Scenes from the Passion of Christ (back)1250 - 1270 CE
52 Atlas of Maritime Charts (The Catalan Atlas), detail showing Mansa Musapossibly Abraham Cresques1375 CE
53 Atlas of Maritime Charts (The Catalan Atlas)possibly Abraham Cresques1375 CE
54 San Lorenzo Fuori le Mura (St. Lawrence Outside the Walls), exterior view6th Century CE, 13th Century CE
55 Hours of Mary of Burgundy: Mary of Burgundy and her DevotionsMaster of Mary of Burgundy1475 - 1480 CE
56 Bible Moraliseé (Moralized Bible): Conclusion of the Apocalypseca. 1227 - 1234 CE
57 Bible Moraliseé (Moralized Bible): Conclusion of the Apocalypse, the King of France (Louis VIII), and the Maker of the Bible Moraliseéca. 1220 CE
58 Diagram of typical spatial relationship between Altar and Altarpiece
59 Mirror Case with a Couple Playing Chess1325 - 1350 CE
60 Rothschild Canticlesca. 1300 CE
61 Chess Game Mirror Casec. 1320 CE
62 Chessboardlate 15th Century CE
63 Map: Europe during the 14th Century CE14th Century CE
64 Christ on the Crosslate 15th Century CE
65 Bible historiale: Christ Enthroned and the Four Evangelistsc.1330-1340 CE
66 Hours of Englebert of Nassau: Death and Coronation of the VirginMaster of Mary of Burgundyc. 1490 CE
67 Missal: Flagellation and Christ before PilateSchool of Jean Pucellemid 14th Century CE
68 Book of Hours: Mass for the DeadBoucicaut Masterfirst quarter of 15th Century CE
69 House, reconstruction drawing with cutaway view into the interiorIron Age foundations
70 Santa Maria Maggiore, triumphal arch mosaic: Annunciation432 - 440 CE
71 Santa Maria Maggiore, triumphal arch mosaic: Annunciation432 - 440 CE
72 Church of Santa Pudenziana, apse mosaicca. 400 CE
73 Map showing the dissolution of the former Roman Empire, c. 600c. 600 CE
74 Basilica di San Marco (St. Mark's), Apse, Main Altar with the Pala d'OroPala d'Oro begun in 1063 CE
75 Opera Varia of St. Ambrose: Misc Texts, frontispiece: Processes of Making Manuscriptsearly 12th century CE
76 Chilperic II DiplomaFebruary 28, 717 CE
77 Sketchbook: Psychomachia IllustrationsAdémar de Chabannesca. 1020 CE
78 Sketchbook: St. Gregory and St. Benedict, Meander, Flowers, and Birds12th Century CE
79 Codex Aureus: Portrait of St. Matthew and Decorated Text of the Gospel of St. Matthew starting at Matthew 1:18mid 8th Century CE
80 Vespasian Psalter (Book of Psalms): King David Playing the Harp, Surrounded by his Scribes and Musicians, and the Beginning of Psalm 26c. 730 - 743 CE
81 Liber Divinorum Operum (Revelations): Divine Creation with Universe and Cosmic ManHildegard von Bingenc. 1230 CE
82 Missal of Robert of Jumièges: The Three Marys at the Tombc. 1020 CE
83 Bowl used as architectural decorationlast quarter of 11th century CE
84 Coronation Mantle of King Roger II of Sicily1133 - 1134 CE
85 Bayeux Tapestry: scene 54: Here Bishop Odo, holding a club, gives strength to the boysc. 1070s CE
86 Chasuble (Opus Anglicanum)ca. 1330 - 1350 CE
87 Chasuble (Opus Anglicanum) detailca. 1330 - 1350 CE
88 Chasuble (Opus Anglicanum) detailca. 1330 - 1350 CE
89 Bayeux Tapestryc. 1070s CE
90 Bayeux Tapestryc. 1070s CE
91 Bayeux Tapestryc. 1070s CE
92 Bayeux Tapestryc. 1070s CE
93 Bayeux Tapestryc. 1070s CE
94 Tabula RogerianaMuhammad al-Idrisi1154 CE
95 Map: 11th - 12th Century Trade Routes including Rome, Constantinople, Damascus, Jerusalem, and Dura-Europos11th - 12th Century CE
96 Map: 11th - 12th Century Trade Routes11th - 12th Century CE
97 Regensburg Pentateuch: Five Scrolls, Haftarot, Job, Jeremiah 2:29, 8:12; 9:24; 10:15; Masorah magna and parvaScribes: David ben Shabetai; Baruch; Masorates: Jacob ben Meir and three others, unidentifiedca. 1300 CE
98 Notre Dame Cathedral (Chartres), Roland shattering his sword and Oliver sounding an oliphantca. 1225 CE
99 Comb with Lovers in a gardenca. 1320 CE
100 French versus Saracens, Story of Godfroi de Boulion, History of Outremer1337 CE
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