1 - 25 of 37
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Ise Inner Shrine, aerial viewca. 687 CE
2 Ise Inner Shrine, Treasure Houses of East and Westca. 687 CE
3 Seated Bodhisattva in "Pensive Posture"7th Century CE
4 Miroku Bosatsu7th Century CE
5 Miroku Bosatsu7th Century CE
6 Tamamushi Shrine, detail of "Hungry Tigress" panelca. 650 CE
7 Horyuji Temple Complex7th Century CE
8 Shaka Triad623 CE
9 Horyuji Temple Complex: plan7th Century CE
10 Horyuji, Cross Section of Five Story Pagoda7th Century CE
11 Kannon (Bodhisattva of Compassion)7th Century CE
12 Horyuji, Five Story Pagoda7th Century CE
13 Tenjukoku Embroidery7th Century CE
14 Horyuji, Kondo (Main Hall)7th Century CE
15 Tamamushi Shrineca. 650 CE
16 Horyuji, Kondo (Main Hall)7th Century CE
17 Tamamushi Shrine, replica
18 Horyuji, Kondo (Main Hall), detail of Dragon Posts7th Century CE
19 Yakushi Buddha (detail of left hand in wish-granting mudra)second half of 7th Century CE
20 Yakushi Buddha (detail of head)second half of 7th Century CE
21 Shaka Triad623 CE
22 Yakushi Buddha, detail of Mandorla showing relief Buddha figuresecond half of 7th Century CE
23 Shaka Triad, rubbing of Shaka's Mandorla623 CE
24 Development of the Temple Plan in Japan
25 Shaka Triad, detail of Shaka's Mandorla showing relief Buddha figure623 CE
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