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Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Portrait of Emperor Caracallaca. 211 - 217 CE
2 Column of Trajan, general view113 CE
3 Arch of Constantine, diagram of the reused pieces (spolia) installed on the four facescompleted 315 CE
4 Column of Trajan, detail of St. Peter113 CE
5 Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aureliusc. 173 - 176 CE
6 Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aureliusc. 173 - 176 CE
7 Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aureliusc. 173 - 176 CE
8 Pompeii Fresco Detail1st Century CE
9 Interior of the PantheonGiovanni Paolo Paninica. 1750 CE
10 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, triclinium (Pentheus room), Hercules strangles serpents before Alcmene and Amphitrion63 - 79 CE
11 Vettii House (Pompeii), south triclinium (view 1)before 79 CE
12 Map: Pompeii in 79 CE
13 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, triclinium (Pentheus room), Pentheus slain by Maenads63 - 79 CE
14 House of the Faun, ground plan2nd Century BCE - 79 CE
15 Amphitheater (Pompeii), aerial viewca. 70 BCE
16 Pansa House (Pompeii), cut-away drawing to show ground plan and room arrangementbefore 79 CE
17 Amphitheater (Pompeii), view of seats and fieldca. 70 BCE
18 Villa of the Mysteries, ground planmid 1st Century CE
19 Aerial View of Pompeii1st Century CE
20 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, oecus n, south wall, central image, Zethus and Amphion tie Dirce to a bull to avenge their mother, Antiope63 - 79 CE
21 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, the loves of Mars and Venus; Mercury with two goddesses60 - 63 CE
22 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, oecus p (lxion room), Daedalus offers a wooden cow to Pasiphaebefore 79 CE
23 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, three woman converse under a portico1st Century CE, copy of an original from the 3rd Century BCE
24 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House, ground planca. 40 - 50 CE
25 Forum (Pompeii), ground plan1st Century CE
26 Vettii House (Pompeii), ground planbefore 79 CE
27 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House, tablinuim, west wall, Bacchus and Ariadne in processionca. 40 - 50 CE
28 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, north corner, episodes IV (C) and V (D)mid 1st Century CE
29 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, oecus p, east wall, 2nd aedicula from the north, Apollo and Pythiabefore 79 CE
30 Vettii House (Pompeii), oecus q, north and east wallsbefore 79 CE
31 Vettii House (Pompeii), small oecus63 - 79 CE
32 Vettii House (Pompeii), garden and peristylebefore 79 CE
33 Al-Khazneh (Treasury), general view2nd Century CE
34 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, northwest wall, episode II (B), preparations for a purification ceremonymid 1st Century CE
35 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, northeast wall, episode VII (F), revelation of the liknon and flagellationmid 1st Century CE
36 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, northeast wall, episodes V - VI (D - E), ritual of the mask and bowlmid 1st Century CE
37 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, southwest wall, episode X (I), a woman seated on the marriage bedmid 1st Century CE
38 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, northwest wall, episode IV (C), idyll with a dancing womanmid 1st Century CE
39 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, northwest wallmid 1st Century CE
40 Caracalla Baths (Thermae Antoninianae), aerial view of the ruins212 - 216 CE
41 Amphitheater (Colosseum), view of the barrel vaulted hallwaysca. 72 - 80 CE
42 Thamugadi (Timgad), aerial view of ruinsbegun ca. 100 CE
43 Amphitheater (Colosseum), drawing of the mechanics controlling the movable roof or velariumca. 72 - 80 CE
44 Amphitheater (Colosseum), view of the façadeca. 72 - 80 CE
45 Amphitheater (Colosseum), aerial viewca. 72 - 80 CE
46 Amphitheater (Colosseum), restoration drawing of the structure with the movable roof (velarium)ca. 72 - 80 CE
47 Amphitheater (Colosseum), reconstruction drawing of the animal cage systemca. 72 - 80 CE
48 Amphitheater (Colosseum), restoration drawing of the structure, aerial viewca. 72 - 80 CE
49 Amphitheater (Colosseum), ground plan of the subterranean levelsca. 72 - 80 CE
50 Amphitheater (Colosseum), seating plan for the different economic classes of society
51 Caracalla Baths (Thermae Antoninianae), colored drawing of the restored structure, aerial view212 - 216 CE
52 Caracalla Baths (Thermae Antoninianae), colored drawing of the reconstructed volumes212 - 216 CE
53 Caracalla Baths (Thermae Antoninian), drawing of the central hall (frigidarium)212 - 216 CE
54 Amphitheater (Colosseum), restoration drawing of the arena with a lion combat and spectators
55 Model of Imperial Rome (view 5)5/28/08
56 Model of Imperial Rome (view 3)5/28/08
57 Model of Imperial Rome (view 4)5/28/08
58 Model of Imperial Rome (view 2)
59 Model of Imperial Rome (view 1)
60 Altar of the Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae), cut-away drawing to show the altar in the interiorbegun 4 July 13 BCE; dedicated 30 January 9 BCE
61 Altar of the Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae), ground plan showing the location of sculptured panels and the later outer Hadrianic precinctbegun 4 July 13 BCE; dedicated 30 January 9 BCE
62 Priapus depicted with the attributes of Mercurybetween 89 BCE and 79 CE
63 House of Sallust, interior view with wall paintings2nd Century BCE
64 Roman Forum, view of ruins from the Arch of Titus1st Century BCE - 4th Century CE
65 Roman Forum, view of the ruins1st Century BCE - 4th Century CE
66 Young Flavian Womanca. 90 - 100 CE
67 Roman Forum, restored view from Arch of Titus1st Century BCE - 4th Century CE
68 Golden House (Rome), barrel vault of a corridor, birds, animals, and marine creatures64 - 68 CE
69 Hadrianca. 117 - 138 CE
70 Mummy Portrait: Maleca. 160 - 170 CE
71 House (Pompeii) fresco, woman holds a book and stylus1st Century CE
72 Fortified Wall (England), general view2nd Century CE
73 Field of Mars (Campus Martius), reconstruction drawing showing the Horologium and the Ara Pacisend of the 1st Century BCE
74 Gemma Augustea15 - 37 CE
75 Mummy: Artemidorus (detail of head)ca. 98 - 117 CE
76 Altar of the Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae), view of the west entrancebegun 4 July 13 BCE; dedicated 30 January 9 BCE
77 Amphitheater (Colosseum), view of the ruins of the arena areaca. 72 - 80 CE
78 Amphitheater (Colosseum), view of the façade (night)ca. 72 - 80 CE
79 Diagram of the parts of a round-headed arch with a drawing of the centering
80 Diagram of a round-headed arch showing the keystone
81 Diagram of thrusts exerted on a barrel vault with buttressed walls
82 Diagrams of groin, quadripartite rib, and complex rib vaults
83 Diagram of a groin vault showing the parts
84 Diagram of a tunnel or barrel vault showing the parts
85 Diagram of groin and tunnel / barrel vaults
86 Diagram of dome pendentives and squinches
87 Villa of Oplontis, wall painting with peacock and theater mask before columnsmid 1st Century BCE
88 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, northeast wall, episode VII (F), revelation of the liknon and flagellation, and southeast wall, episode VIII (G), flagellated woman and a dancing maenadmid 1st Century CE
89 Pompeii, reconstruction drawing of the room with garden paintingsmid 1st Century CE
90 Lepcis Magna, Hunting Baths, exterior view2nd Century CE
91 Nicomachi - Symmachi Diptych, side A: Symmachus panel388 - 401 CE
92 Commodusca. 190 CE
93 Augustus Forum, ground plan
94 Statue of an Old Woman14 - 68 CE
95 Trebonianus Gallus251 - 253 CE
96 Arch of Trajan, general view114 - 117 CE
97 Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius176 CE
98 Porta Nigra, general viewca. 300 CE
99 Celsus Library, view of the main façadeca. 117 - 120 CE
100 Aula Palatina (Basilica of Constantine), reconstruction drawingca. 310 CE
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