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Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Imperial Familyca. 200 CE
2 Augustusearly 1st Century CE
3 Column of Trajan, view from base113 CE
4 Domitian / Nerva97 CE
5 Arch of Constantine, south facecompleted 315 CE
6 Arch of Constantine, north facecompleted 315 CE
7 Arch of Titus, general viewca. 81 CE
8 Arch of Titus, side of arch: Roman troops carry off spoils from the Jerusalem synagogueca. 81 CE
9 Arch of Titus, side of arch: triumphal procession of the troops into Rome81 CE
10 Arch of Constantine, diagram of the different periods of sculpture applied to the archcompleted 315 CE
11 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Hunts a Boar (Venatio)originally carved 130 - 138 CE; arch completed 315 CE
12 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Hunts a Boar (Venatio)originally carved 130 - 138 CE; arch completed 315 CE
13 Trajan Forum, ground planca. 100 - 112 CE
14 Column of Antoninus Pius, base relief: Apotheosis of Antoninus and Faustusca. 161 CE
15 Tetrarchsca. 305 CE
16 Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine (Basilica Nova), view of the ruins of three main nave bays307 - 312 CE; 313 - 320 CE
17 Arch of Constantine relief: the Emperor Departs for a Battle (Profectio)originally carved 176 - 182 CE; arch completed 315 CE
18 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Returns to Rome (Reditus)originally carved 176 - 182 CE; arch completed 315 CE
19 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Departs for a Hunt (Venatio)originally carved 130 - 138 CE; arch completed 315 CE
20 Arch of Constantine relief: A Barbarian Surrenders to the Emperor (Submissio)originally carved 176 - 182 CE; arch completed 315 CE
21 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Distributes Gifts (Liberalitas)originally carved 176 - 182 CE; arch completed 315 CE
22 Basilica (Herculaneum) fresco, niche, Hercules discovers son, TelephusTelephus Masterca. 70 CE, composition drawn from early 2nd Century BCE original
23 Caracalla Baths (Thermae Antoninianae), ground plan of the central section212 - 216 CE
24 Trajan Market, view of the hemicycle from the level of the forumca. 100 - 112 CE
25 Trajan Market, drawing of aerial view of siteca. 100 - 112 CE
26 Hadrian Villa, site plan with an enlarged view of the Piazza d'Oro124 CE
27 Augustusearly 1st Century CE
28 Pantheon, ground plan and section125 - 128 CE, original building under the pronaos dates from 27 BCE
29 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, southeast wall, episode VIII (G), flagellated woman and a dancing maenadmid 1st Century CE
30 Vettii House (Pompeii), oecus p (lxion room)before 79 CE
31 Villa of the Mysteries, drawing of the figural friezemid 1st Century CE
32 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, northeast wall, Scenes of a Dionysiac Mystery Cultmid 1st Century CE
33 Philip the Arab244 - 249 CE
34 Lepcis Magna, Amphitheater2nd Century CE
35 Liviaca. early 1st Century CE
36 Neptune and Amphitrite House, nymphaeumbefore 70 CE
37 Triumphal Arch26 CE
38 Pantheon, cut-away drawing to show interior space125 - 128 CE, original building under the pronaos dates from 27 BCE
39 Antinoös130 - 138 CE
40 Antinoösca. 130 - 138 CE
41 Vessel1st Century CE
42 Augustus Forum, Mars Ultor Temple, reconstruction drawingdedicated 2 BCE
43 Augustus Forum, architectural model, general viewdedicated 2 BCE
44 Neptune and Amphitrite House, garden room, east wall, Neptune and Amphitrite70 CE
45 Tiberiusca. 14 - 37 CE
46 Neptune and Amphitrite House, ground planbefore 70 CE
47 Golden House (Rome), corridor with large figuresFabullus (also known as Famulus)64 - 68 CE
48 Golden House (Rome), corridor (no. 70)64 - 68 CE
49 Golden House (Rome), ground plan64 - 68 CE
50 Golden House (Rome) fresco, room 78, landscape scenesFabullus (also known as Famulus)64 - 68 CE
51 Golden House (Rome), reconstruction drawing of the nymphaeum64 - 68 CE
52 Emperor Vespasianca. 70 - 79 CE
53 Palaestra (Herculaneum) fresco, scene of raised curtain revealing a late Hellenistic theater setbefore 79 CE
54 Trajan Forum, Ulpia Basilica, reconstruction drawing of interior spaceca. 100 - 112 CE
55 Trajan Forum, Ulpia Basilica, reconstruction drawing of interior spaceca. 100 - 112 CE
56 Trajan120 - 130 CE (posthumous)
57 Older Womanlate 1st Century CE
58 Trajan Forum, modelca. 100 - 112 CE
59 Hadrianca. 130 - 138 CE
60 Hadrianca. 117 - 118 CE
61 Lepcis Magna, Circus, ground plan2nd Century CE
62 Pantheon, model of the complex with the original courtyard125 - 128 CE, original building under the pronaos dates from 27 BCE
63 Pantheon, cross-section of materials used to construct the walls125 - 128 CE, original building under the pronaos dates from 27 BCE
64 Pantheon, diagram of theoretical and spherical geometry125 - 128 CE, original building under the pronaos dates from 27 BCE
65 Portogallo Arch relief, the Emperor Addresses the People136 - 138 CE
66 Portogallo Arch relief, Apotheosis of Sabina136 - 138 CE
67 Hadrian Villa, aerial view of the ruins124 CE
68 Column of Antoninus Pius, base relief: Military Review (decursio)ca. 161 CE
69 Jupiter Heliopolitanus Sanctuary, drawing of the restored site2nd Century CE
70 Jupiter Heliopolitanus Sanctuary, site plan2nd Century CE
71 Unswept Floor2nd Century CE
72 Sarcophagusca. 165 - 170 CE
73 Jupiter Heliopolitanus Sanctuary, Bacchus Temple, colored drawing of the reconstructed interior spaceca. 150 - 200 CE
74 Septimius Severus200 - 210 CE
75 Lepcis Magna, Arch of Septimius Severus, ground plan203 - 204 CE
76 Thamugadi (Timgad), detail of site planbegun ca. 100 CE
77 Serapis and Charioteers Insula, cut-away drawing to show ground plan and interior space3rd Century CE
78 Serapis and Charioteers Insula, reconstruction model3rd Century CE
79 Thamugadi (Timgad), site planbegun ca. 100 CE
80 Lepcis Magna, Septimius Severus Family Temple, reconstruction drawing
81 Painted Vaults Insula, room IV, ceilingearly 3rd Century CE
82 Lepcis Magna, Basilica, ground plandedicated 216 CE
83 Philosopher Sarcophagus relief: Philosopher Seated with Disciples and Donors (?)ca. 270 CE
84 Ludovisi Sarcophagus relief: Battle of the Romans and Barbariansca. 260 CE
85 Jupiter Heliopolitanus Sanctuary, Venus Temple, ground plan2nd Century CE
86 Philip the Arab244 - 249 CE
87 Porta Nigra, ground planca. 300 CE
88 Tetrarchsca. 300 CE
89 Arch of Constantine: Dacian Prisoner installed in the attic of the archca. 110 CE; arch completed 315 CE
90 Constantine, photomontage reconstruction of the original disposition of the figureca. 313 CE
91 Constantineca. 313 CE
92 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Sacrifices to Silvanus (Pietas)originally carved 130 - 138 CE; arch completed 315 CE
93 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Sacrifices to Apollo (Pietas)originally carved 130 - 138 CE; arch completed 315 CE
94 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Hunts a Lion (Venatio)originally carved 130 - 138 CE; arch completed 315 CE
95 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Sacrifices to Diana (Pietas)originally carved 130 - 138 CE; arch completed 315 CE
96 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Sacrifices to Hercules (Pietas)originally carved 130 - 138 CE; arch completed 315 CE
97 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor Presides at a Sacrifice (Lustratio)originally carved 176 - 182 CE; arch completed 315 CE
98 Arch of Constantine relief: The Emperor enters Rome (Adventus) (detail)completed 315 CE
99 Arch of Constantine relief: The Battle at the Milvian Bridge (proelium) (detail)completed 315 CE
100 Arch of Constantine relief: The Battle at the Milvian Bridge (proelium) (detail)completed 315 CE
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