1 - 25 of 7
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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Kalyx Krater, side A: Apollo and Artemis slay Niobe's daughtersNiobid Painterca. 460 BCE
2 Ludovisi Throne, central relief: Aphrodite Rising from the Seaca. 460 BCE
3 Agora, Painted Stoa (Stoa Poikile), perspective reconstructionca. 475 - 450 BCE
4 Diver's Tomb, proposed reconstruction of tomb in situca. 480 BCE
5 Diver's Tomb, long side: Banquet Sceneca. 480 BCE
6 Zeus Temple, section drawing showing cult statueLibon of Elisca. 470 - 450 BCE
7 Kouros (also known as 'Kritios Boy')Kritiosca. 480 BCE
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