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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Scraper (Apoxyomenos)Lysipposbronze original ca. 350 - 325 BCE, excavated in Trastavere in 1849 CE
2 Hermes and DionysusPraxitelesoriginal ca. 340 BCE
3 Royal Cemetery (Greece), Tomb I, main façade, frieze painting of Hades carrying off PersephoneNikomachosca. 340 BCE
4 Royal Cemetery (Greece), Tomb II, cut-away diagram of the view towards the northca. 340 - 330 BCE
5 Shrine Tomb (Turkey), reconstruction drawingPytheos (?) of Priene; Skopas of Paros; Leocharesca. 353 BCE and after
6 Standing YouthPraxitelesca. 340 BCE, recovered from the sea in 1925 CE
7 Krater350 - 300 BCE, found in 1962 CE
8 Athena Alea Temple, reconstruction drawing of south wall of the cellaSkopas of Parosca. 340 BCE
9 Ancient City (Turkey), aerial view of model4th Century BCE and later
10 Megaron House, reconstruction drawing from aerial perspective4th Century BCE
11 Athena Alea Temple, west pediment: Head of TelephosSkopas of Parosca. 350 BCE
12 Artemis Temple (Artemision), restored elevationca. 560 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE
13 Artemis Temple (Artemision), ground planca. 550 BCE; ca. 356 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE.
14 Sarcophagus, exterior, long side A: scene of Macedonians battling Persians, with Alexander on far left attacking on horsebackca. 320 BCE
15 Sarcophagus, exterior, short side A: pediment: scene of battle, panel: Persians huntingca. 320 BCE
16 Sarcophagus, exterior, long side B: scene of Macedonians and Persians hunting, Alexander (center) and another rider fighting a lionca. 320 BCE
17 Ancient City (Turkey), view of the Celsus Library
18 Artemis Temple (Artemision), column drum showing Thanatos, Alkestis, and Hermes, view 1after 356 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE
19 PelikeMarsyas Painterca. 340 BCE
20 Demeterca. 340 - 330 BCE
21 Apollo Temple, general view from the staircaseDaphnis of Miletos; Paionios of Ephesosca. 330 BCE
22 Artemis Temple (Artemision), column drum showing Thanatos, Alkestis, and Hermes, view 2after 356 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE
23 Artemis Temple (Artemision), column drum showing Thanatos, Alkestis, and Hermes, view 3after 356 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE
24 Artemis Temple (Artemision), column drum showing Thanatos, Alkestis, and Hermes, view 4after 356 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE
25 Demeterca. 340 - 330 BCE
26 Ancient City (Turkey), view of ruins and the ampitheater
27 Ancient City (Turkey), view of the ampitheater and road
28 Attic red figure cup: Dionysus, Eros, and female (interior)Meleager Painterc. 390 - 380 BCE
29 Aphrodite (Venus)Praxitelesca. 350 BCE
30 Attic Grave SteleSkopas of Parosca. 340 BCE
31 Dionysus Theater, view from the topPolykleitos (the Younger)ca. 350 BCE
32 Dionysus Theater, ground planPolykleitos (the Younger)
33 Aphrodite (Venus)Praxitelesmarble original ca. 350 BCE
34 Scraper (Apoxyomenos)Lysipposbronze original ca. 350 - 325 BCE, excavated in Trastavere in 1849 CE
35 Shrine Tomb (Turkey), reconstruction drawingPytheos (?) of Priene; Skopas of Paros; Leocharesca. 353 BCE and after
36 Shrine Tomb (Turkey), reconstruction drawingPytheos (?) of Priene; Skopas of Paros; Leocharesca. 353 BCE and after
37 Shrine Tomb (Turkey), reconstruction drawingPytheos (?) of Priene; Skopas of Paros; Leocharesca. 353 BCE and after
38 Shrine Tomb (Turkey), reconstruction viewPytheos (?) of Priene; Skopas of Paros; Leocharesca. 353 BCE and after, watercolor commissioned in 1922
39 Shrine Tomb (Turkey), Greeks battle Amazons (Amazonomachy)Pytheos (?) of Priene; Skopas of Paros; Leocharesca. 353 BCE and after
40 Athena Alea Temple, ground planSkopas of Parosca. 340 BCE
41 Athena Alea Temple, west pediment: Head of AchillesSkopas of Parosca. 350 BCE
42 Athena Alea Temple, HygieiaSkopas of Parosca. 360 BCE
43 Artemis Temple (Artemision), diagram of components in religious ceremonyca. 550 BCE; ca. 356 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE.
44 Tetradrachm117 - 138 CE
45 Artemis Temple (Artemision), reconstruction engravingca. 550 BCE; ca. 356 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE.
46 Artemis Temple (Artemision), reconstruction drawingca. 550 BCE; ca. 356 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE.
47 Artemis Temple (Artemision), reconstruction viewca. 550 BCE; ca. 356 BCE, burned in 356 BCE; restored by Alexander in 250 BCE; destroyed by the Ostrogoths in 262 CE. watercolor commissioned in 1922
48 Krater350 - 300 BCE, found in 1962 CE
49 Royal Cemetery (Greece), Tomb II, cut-away model of interior volumesca. 340 - 330 BCE
50 Royal Cemetery (Greece), Tomb II, main façade, hunting scene in a landscapeca. 340 - 330 BCE
51 Apollo Temple, cut-away perspective drawingDaphnis of Miletos; Paionios of Ephesosca. 330 BCE
52 Ancient City (Turkey), reconstruction drawing after model4th Century BCE and later
53 Athena Polias Temple, ground planPytheos (?) of Prieneca. 340 BCE
54 Athena Polias Temple, view of colonnadePytheos (?) of Prieneca. 340 BCE
55 Faun House (Pompeii) oecus floor mosaic, Alexander meets Darius at the battle of Issusca. 80 BCE
56 ApolloLeocharesbronze original late 4th Century BCE
57 Standing YouthPraxitelesca. 340 BCE, recovered from the sea in 1925 CE
58 Vessel, with head of Heraklesc. 340 - 310 BCE
59 Alexander the Great350 - 325 BCE
60 Philip II350 - 325 BCE
61 Tanagra Figurine with Fanlate 4th Century BCE
62 Peplos Kore, reconstruction Bca. 530 BCE
63 Alexander Sarcophagus, partial color reconstruction based on surviving pigment tracesca. 320 BCE
64 Peplos Kore, reconstruction Aca. 530 BCE
65 AlexanderLysipposmarble original ca. 325 - 300 BCE
66 Agora (Priene, TUrkey), site plan4th Century BCE and later
67 Agora, Zeus Eleutherios Stoa, restored ground planlate 5th Century BCE
68 Dionysus Theater, aerial viewPolykleitos (the Younger)350 BCE
69 Shrine Tomb (Turkey), south side, Greeks battle Amazons (Amazonomachy)Pytheos (?) of Priene; Skopas of Paros; Leocharesca. 353 BCE and after
70 EphebeEuphranor (?)ca. 350 BCE, recovered from the sea about 1900 CE
71 Shrine Tomb (Turkey), east side, Greeks battle Amazons (Amazonomachy)Pytheos (?) of Priene; Skopas of Paros; Leocharesca. 353 BCE and after
72 Shrine Tomb, LionPytheos (?) of Priene; Skopas of Paros; Leocharesca. 353 BCE and after
73 Apollo Temple, general view towards the staircaseDaphnis of Miletos; Paionios of Ephesosca. 330 BCE
74 Apollo Temple, general viewDaphnis of Miletos; Paionios of Ephesosca. 330 BCE
75 Agora, Choragic Monument, general view334 BCE
76 Apollo Temple, ground planDaphnis of Miletos; Paionios of Ephesosca. 330 BCE and later
77 Philippeion,view from the south, partially restoredc. 330 BCE
78 EphebeEuphranor (?)ca. 350 BCE, recovered from the sea about 1900 CE
79 Tholos of Epidauros, ground plan and reconstruction drawingc. 360 - 340 BCE
80 Sanctuary of Asklepios, ground plan4th Cenutry BCE and later
81 Villa of Good Fortune, ground plan4th Century BCE
82 Olynthos (Greece), plan showing grid layout of streets and housing5th - 4th centuries BCE
83 Plan showing typical domestic architecture5th - 4th centuries BCE
84 Aphrodite (Venus)Praxitelesc. 350 BCE
85 Athenac. 350 BCE
86 Red figure krater: Visitors at a Tombattributed to Ilioupersis Painterc. 380 - 370 BCE
87 Sauroktonos (Lizard Slayer)c. 275 BCE - 300 CE
88 Attic Panathenaic Amphora: Striding Athenac. 332 - 331 BCE
89 Bellerophon and the Chimera with floral, maeander, and wave surroundsearly 4th Century BCE
90 Grave Stele of Dexileos: Battle Scenec. 390 BCE
91 Tomb of Persephone, wall painting: Hades carrying off Persephonec. 340 BCE
92 House of Dioscourides, fresco: Perseus freeing Andromeda1st Century CE
93 Tomb of Persephone, wall painting: Persephone's companion, kneeling to gather flowers when surprised by Hades' capture of Persephonec. 340 BCE
94 Vessel, with head of Heraklesc. 340 - 310 BCE
95 Pella mosaic: Dionysus riding a pantherc. 325 - 300 BCE
96 Stag HuntGnosisc. 300 BCE
97 Great Tumulus, Tomb of Philip, perspective drawingc. 340 - 310 BCE
98 Palace at Vergina, ground planlater 4th Century BCE and Hellenistic
99 Philippeion, plan and reconstruction drawingc. 330 BCE
100 Pella mosaic: Lion Huntc. 325 - 300 BCE
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