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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Laocoön Group (Laocoön and his Sons Battling the Serpents)Hagesandros; Polydoros; Athenodoros2nd Century BCE or 1st Century CE
2 DemosthenesPolyeuktosbronze original ca. 280 BCE
3 Victory Monument (Large Gauls): Gaul and his WifeEpigonosGreek original ca. 220 BCE
4 Victory Monument (Large Gauls): The Dying Gaul (Trumpeter)EpigonosGreek original ca. 220 BCE
5 AphroditeAlexandros of Antioch-on-the-Meanderca. 150 - 100 BCE
6 Seated Boxerca. 100 - 50 BCE
7 Aphrodite, Eros, and Panca. 100 BCE
8 Hellenistic Rulerca. 150 BCE
9 Upper Citadel, site plan3rd - 2nd Century BCE
10 Agora, ground planca. 150 BCE
11 Winged Victory (Nike)Pythokritos of Rhodes3rd or 2nd Century BCE
12 Agora, Attalos I, II Stoa, general viewca. 150 BCE
13 Agora, Attalos I, II Stoa, ground floorca. 150 BCE
14 Agora, Odeion, aerial view of interiorafter 160 CE
15 DemosthenesPolyeuktosbronze original ca. 280 BCE
16 Weary HeraklesLysipposoriginal ca. 330 - 320 BCE
17 Kouros (Victorious Youth)300 - 100 BCE
18 Kouros (Victorious Youth)300 - 100 BCE
19 Victory Monument (Large Gauls): The Dying Gaul (Trumpeter)Epigonosbronze original ca. 220 BCE
20 Victory Monument (Large Gauls): The Dying Gaul (Trumpeter)Epigonosbronze original ca. 220 BCE
21 Victory Monument (Large Gauls), reconstruction drawing of original composition of figures on round baseEpigonosbronze original ca. 220 BCE
22 Victory Monument (Large Gauls), reconstruction drawing from aerial perspectiveEpigonosbronze original ca. 220 BCE
23 Kouros (Victorious Youth)300 - 100 BCE
24 Altar of Zeus, south frieze: Rhea/Cybele and Three Gods Fight Bull-neck Giantca. 165 BCE
25 Altar of Zeus, northwest section: Sea Gods Battle the Giants (Gigantomachy)ca. 165 BCE
26 Altar of Zeus, northwest section, Gods Battle the Giants (Gigantomachy)ca. 165 BCE
27 Altar of Zeus, east frieze: Hekate and Artemis with Opponentsca. 165 BCE
28 Altar of Zeus, south frieze: Helios with Team of Horsesca. 165 BCE
29 Altar of Zeus, south frieze: Two Godsca. 165 BCE
30 Altar of Zeus, east frieze, Zeus and Giantsca. 165 BCE
31 Altar of Zeus, view of west sideca. 165 BCE
32 Athena Polias Nikephoros Temple, reconstructed entrance façade3rd Century BCE
33 Altar of Zeus, east frieze, Athena Takes Young Alcyoneos by the Hairca. 165 BCE
34 Athena Polias Nikephoros Temple, frieze: the dying Gaul from group dedicated by Attalos3rd Century BCE
35 Stoa (Priene, Turkey), reconstruction drawing2nd Century BCE
36 Theater (Priene, Turkey), ground planlate 2nd Century BCE
37 Altar of Zeus, eastern frieze: Athena fighting the Giantsbegun ca. 165 BCE
38 Bell Krater330 BCE
39 Amphoras200 BCE
40 Sleeping Boy Vase330 - 310 BCE
41 Amphora300 - 100 BCE
42 Lebes Gamikos (Marriage Vase)300 BCE
43 Amphora200 - 150 BCE
44 Sleeping Satyr (Barberini Faun)original ca. 200 BCE, found in 1625 CE and restored by Bernini
45 Eros SleepingGreek, 3rd - 1st Century BCE or Roman copy of 28 BCE - 14 CE
46 Altar of Zeus, south frieze: The Titans, Phoebe and Daughter Asteriaca. 165 BCE
47 Altar of Zeus, north frieze: so-called Biter groupca. 165 BCE
48 Terracotta Group of Two Women (Demeter and Persephone)100 BCE
49 Sleeping Satyr (Barberini Faun), detailoriginal ca. 200 BCE, found in 1625 CE and restored by Bernini
50 Eros SleepingGreek, 3rd - 1st Century BCE or Roman copy of 28 BCE - 14 CE
51 Zeus Olympios Temple, general view520 BCE; 174 BCE and after
52 Winged Victory (Nike)Pythokritos of Rhodes3rd or 2nd Century BCE
53 Zeus Olympios Temple, ground plan with portions in black still extant and portions in outline conjecturally restored520 BCE; 174 BCE and after
54 Zeus Olympios Temple, ground plan520 BCE; 174 BCE and after
55 Upper Citadel, model of acropolis
56 Altar of Zeus, view from the northwestca. 165 BCE
57 Altar of Zeus, model showing roof sculptureca. 165 BCE
58 Altar of Zeus, site plan showing sculptural programca. 165 BCE
59 Altar of Zeus, east frieze, Leto in Battle with Tityos and Apolloca. 165 BCE
60 Boy Strangles a Gooseoriginal late 3rd Century BCE
61 AphroditeAlexandros of Antioch-on-the-Meanderca. 150 - 100 BCE
62 Alexander1st Century BCE
63 Asklepios Sanctuary, site planca. 140 BCE - CE 75
64 Asklepios Temple, north colonnade of inner percinctca. 140 BCE - CE 75
65 Athena Polias Nikephoros Temple, reconstruction drawing of north interior stoa colonnade3rd Century BCE
66 Upper Citadel, aerial view showing theater3rd - 2nd Century BCE
67 Dionysus Temple, view from the north3rd - 2nd Century BCE
68 Dionysus Temple, view of the theater from the north3rd - 2nd Century BCE
69 Demeter Temple, ground plan3rd Century BCE
70 Demeter Temple, cross-section drawing3rd Century BCE
71 Demeter Temple, reconstruction drawing3rd Century BCE
72 Assembly Hall (Ekklesiasterion), ground planca. 200 BCE
73 Assembly Hall (Ekklesiasterion), remains of seating and altarca. 200 BCE
74 Assembly Hall (Ekklesiasterion), reconstruction drawingca. 200 BCE
75 Agora, Stoa of Attalos, ground planca. 150 BCE
76 Agora, Stoa of Attalos, elevation drawingca. 150 BCE
77 Agora, Stoa of Attalos, section drawingca. 150 BCE
78 Stoa of Attalos II, Upper Colonnadec. 159 - 138 BCE
79 Council House at Miletos, reconstuction drawing of enclosurec. 170 BCE
80 Council House at Miletos, reconstuction drawing of propylonc. 170 BCE
81 Temple of Athena Polias Nikephoros, elevation drawing of the north facadec. 275 - 250 BCE
82 Temple of Artemis, elevation drawingc. 175 BCE
83 Temple of Apollo, perspective view of barrel-vaulted passage (partially exploded)c. 330 BCE and later
84 Temple of Artemis, ground planc. 175 BCE
85 Aphrodite (Venus)Alexandros of Antioch-on-the-Meanderca. 150 - 100 BCE
86 Winged Victory (Nike)Pythokritos of Rhodes3rd or 2nd Century BCE
87 Bouleuterion, isometric cutaway drawingc. 170 BCE
88 House XXXII, ground plan in the 4th century BCE (left), and amalgamated with contiguous building in the 2nd century BCE (right)4th Century BCE, 2nd Century BCE
89 Tyche of AntiocheEutychides
90 City of Miletos, ground plan of the commercial and public buildings2nd Century BCE
91 Sanctuary of Asklepios, restoration drawing of fully developed planc. 160 BCE
92 Nymph and Satyr
93 Canosan askos3rd Century BCE
94 Hadrian Villa, mosaic: Preening Doves2nd Century CE
95 Lagynos2nd Century BCE
96 Victory Monument (Large Gauls): The Dying Gaul (Trumpeter)Epigonosbronze original ca. 220 BCE
97 Aphrodite (Venus)marble original ca. 250 - 150 BCE
98 Aphrodite (Venus)marble original ca. 250 - 150 BCE
99 Headlate 2nd or early 1st Century BCE
100 Lower Citadel, site plan of Agora, Gymnasia, and Sanctuary of Demeter
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