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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Laocoön Group (Laocoön and his Sons Battling the Serpents)Hagesandros; Polydoros; Athenodoros2nd Century BCE or 1st Century CE
2 Agora, Stoa of Attalos, ground planca. 150 BCE
3 Agora, Stoa of Attalos, elevation drawingca. 150 BCE
4 Agora, Stoa of Attalos, section drawingca. 150 BCE
5 Stoa of Attalos II, Upper Colonnadec. 159 - 138 BCE
6 Council House at Miletos, reconstuction drawing of enclosurec. 170 BCE
7 Council House at Miletos, reconstuction drawing of propylonc. 170 BCE
8 DemosthenesPolyeuktosbronze original ca. 280 BCE
9 Victory Monument (Large Gauls): Gaul and his WifeEpigonosGreek original ca. 220 BCE
10 Victory Monument (Large Gauls): The Dying Gaul (Trumpeter)EpigonosGreek original ca. 220 BCE
11 AphroditeAlexandros of Antioch-on-the-Meanderca. 150 - 100 BCE
12 Seated Boxerca. 100 - 50 BCE
13 Aphrodite, Eros, and Panca. 100 BCE
14 Hellenistic Rulerca. 150 BCE
15 Upper Citadel, site plan3rd - 2nd Century BCE
16 Agora, ground planca. 150 BCE
17 Winged Victory (Nike)Pythokritos of Rhodes3rd or 2nd Century BCE
18 Agora, Attalos I, II Stoa, general viewca. 150 BCE
19 Agora, Attalos I, II Stoa, ground floorca. 150 BCE
20 Agora, Odeion, aerial view of interiorafter 160 CE
21 DemosthenesPolyeuktosbronze original ca. 280 BCE
22 Weary HeraklesLysipposoriginal ca. 330 - 320 BCE
23 Kouros (Victorious Youth)300 - 100 BCE
24 Kouros (Victorious Youth)300 - 100 BCE
25 Victory Monument (Large Gauls): The Dying Gaul (Trumpeter)Epigonosbronze original ca. 220 BCE
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