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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Pottery Comparison: Middle Bronze Age2000 - 1500 BCE
2 Pottery Comparison: Early Bronze Age3000 - 2000 BCE
3 Pottery Comparison: Late Bronze Age1500 - 1100 BCE
4 Plan of Troy VI, with Troy I and II, showing comparative sizesEB I, EB II, c. 1800 - 1300 BCE; Troy I-V: founded in the 3rd millennium BCE, Troy VI: destroyed around 1300 BC, Troy VII: dated to the mid to late 13th century BCE
5 Troy VI / VIIa, ground plan showing fortificationsdestroyed around 1300 BC, Troy VII: dated to the mid to late 13th century BCE
6 Temple of Hera, conjectured plan of the first templeprobably 8th Century BCE
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