76 - 100 of 213
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
76 Objeto Ativo (Active Object)Willys de Castroc. 1960 CE
77 View of the Monumental Axis with the Triangular Praça dos Três Poderes at its Eastern Tip and the Ceremonial Esplanade Leading to the National Congress
78 The Mall on the Monumental Axis, Brasília
79 Inauguration Day (View of the National Congress Palace)Thomaz Farkas1960 CE
80 Arte Física: Clareira (Caixas de Brasília) [Physical Art: Clearing (Brasília Boxes)], detail of mapCildo Meireles1969 CE
81 Vermelho Cortando o Branco (Red and White Cutting)Hélio Oiticica1958 CE
82 Bichos (Critters or Beasts)Lygia Clark1960 CE
83 Bichos (Critters or Beasts)Lygia Clark1960 CE
84 Tripartite UnityMax Bill1948 - 1949 CE
85 Princess Maria Leopoldina of Austria, Empress of Brazil (1822)Georgina Albuquerque1922 CE
86 Tarsila do Amaral at Galerie Percier, Paris, July 19261926 CE
87 Plan of Brasilia, called Plano Piloto or Pilot PlanLucio Costa
88 Ideia Multipla (Multiple Ideas)João José da Silva Costa1956 CE
89 Faixas Ritmadas (Rhythmic Tracks)Ivan Serpa1953 CE
90 Tema Circular 1 (Circular Track 1)Aluísio Carvão1957 CE
91 Bicho (Animal)Lygia Clark1962 CE
92 Trepante (Climbing)Lygia Clark1965 CE
93 Relevo Espacial (Space Relief)Hélio Oiticicac. 1960 CE
94 Installation View of the Neo-Concrete Exhibition III at the Museum of Modern Art, São Paulo1961 CE
95 CoffeeCandido Portinari1935 CE
96 Founding of São VicenteBenedito Calixto1900 CE
97 Grupo da Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922 (Group from A Week of Modern Art, 1922)Anonymousc. 1922 - 1928 CE
98 Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in a Favela, Rio de Janeiro, 1926Anonymous1926 CE
99 Cabeça de Cristo (Head of Christ)Victor Brecheret1919 - 1920 CE
100 Mulher Diante do Espelho (Woman at the Mirror)Vicente do Rego Monteiro1922 CE
76 - 100 of 213