51 - 75 of 395
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
51 Nine Emigrés at the GuillotineUnknown1792 CE
52 The Marriage of the Emperor Napoleon I to the Archduchess Marie-Louise of Austria in the Grand Gallery of the Louvre on April 1, 1810Heinrich Reinhold, after Benjamin Zix1810 - 1811 CE
53 Map: The greatest extent of Napoleon I's First Empire, 1812
54 The Clemency of Henry IVAfter Hubert François Bourguignon Gravelot; Engraver: Charles le Vasseur18th Century CE
55 The Raising of Lazarus, with Christ standing at leftSimon Vallée, after Girolamo Muzianoca. 1729 CE
56 Opera omnia, illustrationFrederik Ruysch1744 CE
57 Human foetuses in Frederik Ruysch's museumC. Huybertsca. 1709 CE
58 Opera omnia, frontispieceFrederik Ruysch1744 CE
59 Thesaurus animalium primusFrederik Ruysch1710 CE
60 Anatomical FigureGiulio de Musi1783 CE
61 Components of Nautilus pompilius1705 CE
62 Slaves diamond mining in the Serro Frio region, Minas Gerais, BrazilCarlos Juliãoc. 1770 CE
63 Diamond Mine, Serro Frio region, Minas Gerais, BrazilCarlos Julião1775 CE
64 Washing the Diamondsunidentified artist1775 CE
65 Gold Miningunidentified artistc. 1780 CE
66 Antropophagos do Brasil devorando huns Portuguezesunidentified artist18th Century CE
67 Amerique Meridionale Publiee sous les Auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'OrleansJean Baptiste Bourguignon D'Anville1748 CE
68 Jean-Antoine WatteauRosalba Carriera1721 CE
69 Louis XVRosalba Carriera1720 - 1721 CE
70 Marriage à la Mode: Shortly After the Marriage (scene 2)1745 CE
71 Marriage à la Mode: Visit to the Quack Doctor (scene 3)1745 CE
72 Marriage à la Mode: Morning Levée of the Countess (scene 4)1745 CE
73 Marriage à la Mode: Killing of the Earl (scene 5)1745 CE
74 Marriage à la Mode: Suicide of the Countess (scene 6)1745 CE
75 VoltaireJean-Antoine Houdon1787 CE
51 - 75 of 395