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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Saint Francis in EcstasyGiovanni Bellinica. 1485 CE
2 On the Proportions and on the Movements of the Human FigureLeonardo da Vincica. 1485 - 1490 CE
3 Santa Maria delle Grazie Monastery, refectory fresco: The Last SupperLeonardo da Vinci1495 - 1497/98 CE
4 Linaiuoli TriptychGiovanni da Fiesole (Fra Angelico)commissioned 1433 CE
5 DavidDonato di Niccolò Bardi (Donatello)later 1420s CE
6 Duke and Duchess of UrbinoPiero della Francescaafter 1474 CE
7 DavidDonato di Niccolò Bardi (Donatello)later 1420s CE
8 Triumphs of the Duke and Duchess of UrbinoPiero della Francescaafter 1474 CE
9 Madonna and ChildAndrea del Verrocchioca. 1470 - 1480 CE
10 Cantoria, reconstruction after Luca della RobbiaLuca della Robbia1431 - 1438 CE, originally adorned the left sacristy of Florence Cathedral, removed in the seventeenth century
11 Cantoria: Singing BoysLuca della Robbia1431 - 1438 CE, originally adorned the left sacristy of Florence Cathedral; removed in seventeenth century
12 Cantoria: Singing AngelsLuca della Robbia1431 - 1438 CE, originally adorned the left sacristy of Florence Cathedral; removed in the seventeenth century
13 Cantoria: Musicians and Dancing ChildrenLuca della Robbia1432 - 1438 CE, originally adorned the left sacristy of Florence Cathedral; removed in the 17th century
14 San Petronio Church, main portal relief: Expulsion from the Garden of EdenJacopo della Querciaca. 1429 - 1434 CE
15 Trenta Altar: detail of Saint LawrenceJacopo della Quercia1416 - 1422 CE
16 Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, north sacristy doors, relief depicts the ResurrectionLuca della Robbia1442 - 75 CE, relief 1442-1445 CE, sacristy doors 1446-1475 CE
17 Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, typanum, north sacristy, The ResurrectionLuca della Robbia1442 - 1445 CE
18 Santa Maria Novella Church, chiostro verde (green cloister), DelugePaolo di Dono (Uccello)ca. 1450 CE
19 Santa Croce Church, Monument to Carlo Marsuppini (tomb)Desiderio da Settignanobegun ca. 1453 CE
20 San Lorenzo Basilica and Monastery relief, Lamentation Over the Dead ChristDonato di Niccolò Bardi (Donatello)1460s CE, completed by students of Donatello at a later date
21 Santa Trinità Church, Sassetti family chapel, scenes from the Life of St. FrancisDomenico Bigordi (Ghirlandaio)1479 - 1486 CE, altarpiece 1485 CE
22 San Francesco Church (Arezzo), Bacci Chapel, Legend of the True CrossPiero della Francesca1454 - 1458 CE
23 Project for a ChurchLeonardo da Vincica. 1490 CE
24 Santa Maria Cathedral (Orvieto Cathedral), San Brizio Chapel, Rule of the AntichristLuca Signorelli1499 - 1500 CE
25 Santa Maria delle Grazie Monastery, refectory, with a view of the Last SupperLeonardo da Vinci1495 - 1497/98 CE
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