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Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Map: Renaissance Italy 1350 - 1600 CE
2 Loggia dei Lanzi, general viewBenci di Cione; Simone de Francesco Talentica. 1376 - 1381 CE
3 Santa Maria Cathedral, Annunciation to the VirginSimone Martinica. 1333 CE, frame reconstructed in the 19th Century
4 PietàGiovanni da Milano1365 CE
5 Mourning the Dead Christ (Lamentation)Enguerrand Quarton (Charonton)ca. 1470 CE
6 Saint Louis of Toulouse Crowns Robert of AnjouSimone Martini1317 CE
7 Equestrian Statue of Can Grande della Scala1330 CE
8 Madonna delle Grazie (2)Bernardo Daddi1347 CE
9 Madonna delle Grazie (detail)Bernardo Daddi1347 CE
10 Bowl14th Century CE
11 Campo Santo, Triumph of DeathFrancesco Trainica. 1340 CE
12 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
13 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
14 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
15 Arena Chapel, interior west wall, Last JudgmentGiotto di Bondoneafter 1305 CE
16 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
17 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
18 Arena Chapel, interior central space, view from the entranceGiotto di Bondone1303 - 1305 CE
19 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
20 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
21 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
22 Arena Chapel, interior west wall over main entrance, detailGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
23 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1306 CE
24 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
25 Arena Chapel, interior, view toward entranceGiotto di Bondone1303 - 1305 CE
26 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
27 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
28 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
29 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
30 Chartreuse de Champmol, cloister, Well of MosesClaus Sluter1395 - 1405 CE
31 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Assists at the Death of the Celano KnightGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
32 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, A Simple Man Honors Saint Francis in the MarketplaceGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
33 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis supports the Church that is VacillatingGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
34 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Poor Clares Mourn the Death of Saint FrancisGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
35 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Makes the Miracle of the SpringGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
36 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis appears to Gregory IXGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
37 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Preaches to the BirdsGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
38 San Francesco Church (Assisi), Scheme of Decoration in the NaveGiotto di Bondonebegun 1228 CE
39 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Prepares the First Crib in the Castle of GreccioGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
40 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Appears to the Monks in a Fiery ChariotGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
41 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Incredulous Knight Verifies the Stigmata of Saint FrancisGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
42 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Appears to the Monks at ArlesGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
43 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Preaches before Honorius IIIGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
44 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis appears to Saint AugustineGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
45 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Receives the StigmataGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
46 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Death of Saint FrancisGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
47 Chartreuse de Champmol, cloister, Well of MosesClaus Sluter1395 - 1405 CE
48 Orsanmichele Church Altarpiece, Virgin and Child with SaintsBernardo Daddi; Andrea Orcagnatabernacle 1350 - 1360 CE; panel insert 1346 - 1347 CE
49 Chartreuse de Champmol, main façade (view 1)Claus Sluterbegun 1390 CE
50 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Prays Before the Crucifix of Saint DamianoGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
51 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Dreams of a Palace Full of ArmsGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
52 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Leo dreams of Saint Francis' seat in heavenGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
53 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Expels the Devils from ArezzoGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
54 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Gives his Cloak to a BeggarGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
55 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Renounces his Worldly GoodsGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
56 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Innocent III approves the Franciscan RuleGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
57 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Saint Francis Submits to the Fire TestGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
58 San Francesco Church (Assisi), upper basilica, Ecstasy of Saint FrancisGiotto di Bondoneca. 1297 - 1299 CE
59 Palazzo Pubblico, sala della pace, Effects of Good Government in the Country (detail of right portion)Ambrogio Lorenzetti1338 - 1340 CE
60 Palazzo Pubblico, sala della pace, detail of left portion, Effects of Good Government in the CityAmbrogio Lorenzetti1338 - 1340 CE
61 Palazzo Pubblico, sala della pace, detail of left portion, Effects of Good Government in the CityAmbrogio Lorenzetti1338 - 1340 CE
62 Palazzo Pubblico, sala della pace: Effects of Good Government in the CityAmbrogio Lorenzetti1338 - 1340 CE
63 Virgin and ChildCenni di Pepo (Cimabue)ca. 1280 - 1285 CE
64 Virgin and ChildGiotto di Bondoneca. 1305 - 1310 CE
65 Birth (Nativity) of the VirginPietro Lorenzetti1342 CE
66 Chartreuse de Champmol AltarpieceMelchior Broederlam1394 - 1399 CE
67 Road to CalvarySimone Martinica. 1340 CE
68 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
69 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, middle register, left sideGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
70 Arena Chapel, interior north and south walls, ground level registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
71 Palazzo Pubblico, sala della paceAmbrogio Lorenzettifrescoes 1338 - 1340 CE
72 Palazzo Vecchio, Studiolo of Francesco I de' MediciGiorgio Vasari; Giovanni Batista Adriani; Vincenzo Borghini1570 - 1572 CE
73 Santa Maria Cathedral, Maestà AltarpieceDuccio di Buoninsegna1308 - 1311 CE
74 Santa Cecilia Altarpiece (detail)Santa Cecilia Masterca. 1300 - 1305 CE
75 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, top register, left sideGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
76 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, top register,right sideGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
77 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top register (detail 2)Giotto di Bondone1305 CE
78 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top register (detail 1)Giotto di Bondone1305 CE
79 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle register (detail)Giotto di Bondone1305 CE
80 Arena Chapel, interior south wallGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
81 Arena Chapel, interior fresco detailGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
82 Sketchbook: Birds14th Century CE
83 Memorie Villola, Preface: Parchment Seller's Shop14th Century CE
84 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, middle register, right sideGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
85 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
86 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
87 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
88 Arena Chapel, interior east end, triumphal arch, top register, left and right sidesGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
89 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, bottom registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
90 Chasublesecond quarter of 14th Century CE
91 Santa Maria Cathedral, Maestà AltarpieceDuccio di Buoninsegna1308 - 1311 CE
92 "The Elephant Clock", Folio from a Book of the Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices by al-Jazarica. 1315 CE
93 Saint Mark Preaching in AlexandriaGentile Bellini; Giovanni Bellini1504 - 1507 CE
94 The Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux, Queen of France: Lamentation (left), Flight into Egypt (right)Jean Pucelleca. 1324 - 1328 CE
95 Palazzo Vecchio, Main Façadebegun 1298 CE
96 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
97 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, middle registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
98 Arena Chapel, interior south wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
99 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
100 Arena Chapel, interior north wall, top registerGiotto di Bondone1305 CE
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