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3 TapisseriesPrevot, Meredith Louise MaynesPatterns appear throughout the history of visual art. It is on printed or woven cloth that these patterns are most ubiquitous, and at the same time, least noticed. Over the past few years, textile design and decorative arts patterning have become a significant interest in my artwork, especially the ...Art/Art History2007-12
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5 TimepiecesDow, ValarieThis work involves my exploration of the beauty of places and objects which contain a human history and illustrates my interest in the passing of time. I illustrate this with the use of reflective surface. I hope to say that our past brings a richness to our present and deserves honor. The compil...Art/Art History1999-12
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9 Change through processCoberly, Claudia FurnishAfter maintaining a professional painting career for more than twenty years, my primary objective for graduate school has been to gain maturity in my painting. I was determined to expand my work ethic beyond self-imposed limitations. I believe growth and renewal can be achieved through the willin...Art/Art History1998-12
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14 The art world expandedTruxes, AnnaThis paper explores the evolution of the concept of the art world, starting with the going-away, in order to show that effective art criticism requires knowledge of the art world. The nature of criticism implies that a critic logically identify, define and evaluate a work of art. Reasons are use...Art/Art History2008-12
15 100 anos: revolucion Mexicana 1910-2010 (100 years Mexican revolution 1910-2010)White, Luz del Carmen Paredes Almeida deThis is a final project paper based on the celebration of the centennial of the Mexican Revolution 1910-2010. 00 aiios, Revolution Mexicana 1910-2010 is a multimedia exhibition inspired by the celebration of the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution. The exhibition is composed of a series of magneti...Art/Art History2010-08
16 Be somewhereHabben, DavidWhen the School of Dance welcomed me into their studios and performances, it quickly became apparent that there was an opportunity to explore the incredibly expressive movements they performed. Their manipulation of their bodies through three-dimensional space combined with the powerful live music t...Art and Art History2017-05
17 Beard_Big_Unknown_Page_08
18 Seeing and reflectionBateman, Edward JamesArt has become a term that eludes definition. Inasmuch as art is a truly human activity, I believe that any attempt to explore this complex topic must establish as its foundation basic human capacities. I propose that this foundation consists of three aspects of human interest that come together i...Art/Art History2003-08
19 Gather-piece-stitch: the art of placeDownen, CélinePhilosopher Gaston Bachelard celebrates the "naive wonder we used to feel when we found a nest. This wonder is lasting, and today when we discover a nest it takes us back to our childhood or, rather, to a childhood; to the childhoods we should have had." I use the nest as a metaphor in my art with t...Art and Art History2016
20 Herbarium obscura page 33
21 Multicultural: Facts and findings from the two years I spent living under a microscopeMehr, AnnetteThis final project paper is an accompaniment of my thesis work: a series of 11 oil paintings of bacterial cultures. These bacterial cultures were collected from volunteers, throughout 2016-2017. The paintings of these cultures are defined as portraits of the people who volunteered their bacteria. Th...Art & Art History2017-12
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23 Four stage & 3 months in-betweenRomo, VanessaTime stops right before change occurs. As you cease to exist in your usual state of mind, you find yourself alone, reflecting, and ask what lies ahead? This sliver in time feels like a terminal. Years pass and you move far from the moment you thought was the death of newness. It becomes a distant pa...Art/Art History2017-07
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