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51 Page 9
52 Surface...ingZimmer, Cristin ElizabethWhat happens inside our minds is often just as important as what transpires in the natural world. These private thoughts, feelings, emotions and ambitions are crucial in forming our being. Although difficult to access and sometimes accept, these fragments that make up our psyche can be contradictor...Art/Art History2010-07
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55 ReflectionLockett, Steven DennisMy art is based on my life. These life experiences acquired fuel my imagery. They speak a personal language of emotions both positive and negative. Using the human figure as my subject, I look for interesting ways to capture the essence of my thoughts as I create an image. The focus is on an inn...Art/Art History2006-04
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57 Aerial AlchemyJames, JanOn a trip to Egypt, as I was floating down the Nile, it was easy to envision the alchemists observing the mystical powers that transformed the desert. Black silt borne down the river is deposited on the land when the water overflows its banks during flood time. The black earth gives a rich lining ...Art/Art History2010-05
58 The four gracesAshby, M. GraceThe Four Graces is the culmination of two years of graduate work in the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Utah. All but three pieces in my MFA exhibit were inspired by early- to mid-Twentieth-Century photography. It was the space and the placement of the figures that I wanted t...Art/Art History2004-12
59 Left behindMoore, Jeremiah LeeThis project paper contains a description of the development of my thesis exhibition. The introduction covers just over a year of work on a wood construction project, research on medieval maps, and how both endeavors influenced the advancement and outcome of my paintings. The second section titled ...Art/Art History2008-08
60 Evolutionary intuitionBarton, Kent J.This body of work is the result of exploring new directions. The desire to push and to open myself to new information has always been my driving force. Making these forms required me to work and think about clay in a different way, building on my vocabulary with the material. Producing this series...Art/Art History2002-05
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63 The symbolic image and its relation to Christianity and morality in contemporary paintingHoeft, David WilliamWeakening moral standards and the increasing speed and distractions of contemporary life have contributed to the diminished capacity of individuals within Western society to feel and comprehend more deeply. The scales of available information are tipped to the sensual, inconsequential and commercial...Art/Art History2002-08
64 Toward figurative expressionismKasicharemvat, VeeraThe paintings selected for my M.F.A. show evolved during the last year of my graduate study. These paintings were a result of my continual search for the life force or essence of the object through the immediacy of paint. The four monotypes and four series of paintings represented a consid...Art/Art History2002-08
65 The art of Aaron Douglas, the evolution of jazz and the Harlem RenaissanceDuffin, Lance W.Never before in American history had there been a more concentrated and energetic outpouring of literary, visual and musical artistic production than that of the period known as the Harlem Renaissance. This period, from 1919 through 1934, was an optimistic, dynamic time for many African Americans ...Art/Art History1998-08
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67 Exploration of the art objectDeCola, Jacob NicholasI am a sculptor who works with materials, an object maker concerned with both physical and conceptual process. A critical part of my method of working is to allow a record of this process to exist in the finished sculptures. Perhaps the most difficult and rewarding part of my graduate experien...Art/Art History2001-08
68 RecollectionJorgensen, Eva ChristinaI would like to thank the following: my committee, Justin Diggle, Maureen O'Hara Ure, and Kaiti Slater, for their helpful criticism and advice; my fellow graduate students, especially Zuzanna Smolarkiewicz, Thomi Liebich, Meredith Prevot, and Leah Moses Gandhi, for their insight, camaraderie, and h...Art/Art History2007-08
69 Survival skills: art and video installations at the Fort Douglas theatreHarding, Elaine S.This thesis reflects the six pieces developed as resident artist at a Salt Lake City inner-city elementary school. They cover a broad spectrum which include empathy, awareness, devotion, wonderment and transformation. Evidently the creative process is imperative to producing higher-order thinking ...Art/Art History1998-08
70 Zan artYamanashi, KeikoThis world in which we live changes blindingly fast, never stopping. Photography is the only method for me to grab a moment in time and to leave it to posterity as a record of truth. There are nowadays many photographers who do not take photographs of objects as they are but who add special effec...Art/Art History2004-12
71 Swimming in the gene poolGillett, Eric A.Swimming in the Gene Pool is a creative project that applies specific concepts observed in genet­ics towards developing a working graphic design methodology. The methods, based on four types of genetic mutation that occur in nature, include duplication, deletion, translocation and inver­sio...Art/Art History2003-08
72 The ultimate American icon is the astronaut: who is more heroic or more alone?Rice, AndrewMy work is about the human condition and specifically about loneliness and melancholy. Who or what is the subject of that loneliness? While I believe in most art as stemming from yourself, from within and somewhat autobiographical, I am confident that I am commenting on people and humanity as a who...Art/Art History2012-12
73 FactitiousLewis J. CrawfordThis paper is a journey into how I discovered the word factitious and re-defmed it for my artistic practice. I have broken down the paper into four different chapters that explore and explain this process. "Narrative Is Necessary," the first chapter, discusses the history of my research on narrati...Art/Art History2009-05
74 Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol: two disparate American artistic identities shaped by the nature-machine dichotomyVergadavola, Salvatore F.In 1942, in response to Hans Hofmann urging him to look outside himself and seek sublimity in nature Jackson Pollock replied, "I am nature," and later moved to The Springs, a rural area on Long Island, where in the isolation of his bam/studio created his signature hand-poured canvases. Two decades ...Art/Art History2004-12
75 A study in form: process and resultsBurgos, FranciscoThis thesis documents the interests that inspired the body of work that is the core of this MFA; it mentions the biographical antecedents that led to it; it muses on the thoughts and dilemmas that were present while the work progressed; it describes the technical details of such progre...Art/Art History2006-12
51 - 75 of 128