651 - 675 of 684
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651 RecollectionJorgensen, Eva ChristinaI would like to thank the following: my committee, Justin Diggle, Maureen O'Hara Ure, and Kaiti Slater, for their helpful criticism and advice; my fellow graduate students, especially Zuzanna Smolarkiewicz, Thomi Liebich, Meredith Prevot, and Leah Moses Gandhi, for their insight, camaraderie, and h...Art/Art History2007-08
652 ReflectionLockett, Steven DennisMy art is based on my life. These life experiences acquired fuel my imagery. They speak a personal language of emotions both positive and negative. Using the human figure as my subject, I look for interesting ways to capture the essence of my thoughts as I create an image. The focus is on an inn...Art/Art History2006-04
653 Rembrandt's landscapes: a study of visual languageBradley, JulietteRembrandt van Rijn seems most well-known as a painter of histories and portraits. Yet, he expressed a fervent interest in rendering landscapes. Eight authentic landscape paintings survive today. A previously biased academic tradition delayed analysis of these paintings by considering them meanin...Art/Art History2005-05
654 Ritual - ceremony - immortalityFreeman, Etsuko OguraThe following pages describe my experience in the University of Utah's Master of Fine Arts graduate program in ceramics. The technical aspects are not the main focus. The focus is on the symbolism, ritual and ceremony of the installation, "Ritual - Ceremony - Immortality."The challenge was to sea...Art/Art History2005-12
655 Rural declineHill, Jay DavidDriving past Burley, Idaho on my way to Boise for what must be the umpteenth time, I pass an aged and worn out motel sign, broken and unlit, perched far above the highway on three naked metal poles. The motel, once an oasis for the road-weary traveler, is gone. The sign stands proud but weary, in th...Art/Art History2006-08
656 Saint John the Baptist: the model Florentine the transformaiton of John the Baptist's image in fifteenth-century Florentine paintingMuren, Gladys ElizabethSince the earliest years of Italian painting, artists have depicted John the Baptist as an emaciated, weathered, hermit-prophet, a portrayal that reflects his reclusive biblical experience in the wilderness. In the mid-fifteenth century, some Florentine patrons commissioned images of John the Bapti...Art/Art History2005-12
657 Salt and mortarFlack, Douglas McGarrenMy work constructs a culture that lives in the salt flats. I desire to understand why people do what they do and 1 achieve this by capturing my own experiences through every day life and translating them into a visual representation on the salt flats. I choose to paint these people in their contex...Art/Art History2008-05
658 Seeing and reflectionBateman, Edward JamesArt has become a term that eludes definition. Inasmuch as art is a truly human activity, I believe that any attempt to explore this complex topic must establish as its foundation basic human capacities. I propose that this foundation consists of three aspects of human interest that come together i...Art/Art History2003-08
659 Sequential figurationGerhart, Daniel LyleThe show contained twenty-two sculptures of the human form. All but three of the figures in the show were derived from five half life-size figures. Of these five figures three were female and two male. The group of five figures were each represented in the three media of beeswax, aluminum, an...Art/Art History2001-12
660 Simple stuff...?Kurtz, MichelleWe are all part of the human condition that I describe as being human in a social, cultural, and personal context. To be part of this plays a part in shaping who we are. Often times we are not aware of, or have forgotten situations in our lives that have shaped us. In SIMPLE STUFF... ? I use clic...Art/Art History2010-08
661 Simulations of inputRagland, Gregory S.My art is based on my dreams. By viewing my work you are experiencing simu­lations and reproductions of my dreams. My work is in paint, ceramics, and other mixed media. I use whatever media it takes to re-create the image I saw. I am an artist who uses signs, symbols and dreams to make decisions ...Art/Art History2003-08
662 Study for my voiceAllred, Matthew WadeWithin myself I find many perspectives, there are places to think from, places to stand in, and places to speak about. This work touches many of these places and examines the experiences of occupying them. These photographs are the manifestation of an exploration to understand my­self, and the natu...Art/Art History2008-08
663 Suggested thinking spots: on suggested photo spots and the center for land use interpretationBacall, Analisa CoatsDesigned by Melinda Stone and Igor Vamos for the Center for Land Use Interpretation, Suggested Photo Spots is a multisited project engaging with the intersection between tourism and anthropic, or human-altered, landscapes. The project consists primarily of photographs of sites in which "Suggested P...Art/Art History2008-05
664 Surface image selfLindsay, MarjorieThe work in my Master of Fine Arts show consists of seven large oil paintings on a paper structure with collage, twelve mixed-media prints, and three mixed-media drawings. I have moved away from making art based on perceptual experience of the environment toward work that derives from my persona...Art/Art History1996-06
665 Surface...ingZimmer, Cristin ElizabethWhat happens inside our minds is often just as important as what transpires in the natural world. These private thoughts, feelings, emotions and ambitions are crucial in forming our being. Although difficult to access and sometimes accept, these fragments that make up our psyche can be contradictor...Art/Art History2010-07
666 Survival skills: art and video installations at the Fort Douglas theatreHarding, Elaine S.This thesis reflects the six pieces developed as resident artist at a Salt Lake City inner-city elementary school. They cover a broad spectrum which include empathy, awareness, devotion, wonderment and transformation. Evidently the creative process is imperative to producing higher-order thinking ...Art/Art History1998-08
667 Swimming in the gene poolGillett, Eric A.Swimming in the Gene Pool is a creative project that applies specific concepts observed in genet­ics towards developing a working graphic design methodology. The methods, based on four types of genetic mutation that occur in nature, include duplication, deletion, translocation and inver­sio...Art/Art History2003-08
668 SymbiosisDewitte, ElizabethWe have arrived at a point where we, as a community, must reconsider our relationship with the Earth. Our impending growth and the resulting environmental destruction is an issue that must be re-evaluated and focused upon in our everyday lives. As an illustrator, I have set out to create work that ...Art/Art History2000-12
669 Symbolic duality computer animationYeom, Hee-KyungThe thesis project is an approximately ten-minute-long animation, produced through the use of computers and edited with sound. The animated story is about ancient Toaism and points out that these ancient ideas still dominate the people's life and belief. This project is motivated by the commonalit...Art/Art History2001-05
670 The symbolic image and its relation to Christianity and morality in contemporary paintingHoeft, David WilliamWeakening moral standards and the increasing speed and distractions of contemporary life have contributed to the diminished capacity of individuals within Western society to feel and comprehend more deeply. The scales of available information are tipped to the sensual, inconsequential and commercial...Art/Art History2002-08
671 TailingsLarkin, Vincent StuartThis paper describes the research leading up to and a description o f the MFA thesis exhibit titled "Tailings." The exhibit addresses the increasing saturation o f our environment with pollutants, toxins, and manufacturing waste through sculptural work that contains or represents the physical ...Art/Art History2008-05
672 TapisseriesPrevot, Meredith Louise MaynesPatterns appear throughout the history of visual art. It is on printed or woven cloth that these patterns are most ubiquitous, and at the same time, least noticed. Over the past few years, textile design and decorative arts patterning have become a significant interest in my artwork, especially the ...Art/Art History2007-12
673 Thesis_Final
674 TimepiecesDow, ValarieThis work involves my exploration of the beauty of places and objects which contain a human history and illustrates my interest in the passing of time. I illustrate this with the use of reflective surface. I hope to say that our past brings a richness to our present and deserves honor. The compil...Art/Art History1999-12
675 Tom Betts & ephemeral realismBetts, Thomas JohnAs Tom Betts researches his ontology through the creative act of art a hyperrealist oil painting is produced that alludes to society's consumption of time in an age where temporal states of awareness and interaction are governed by technology. He uses the subject of a teacup, a family heirloom that ...Art/Art History2010-05-05
651 - 675 of 684