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1 100 anos: revolucion Mexicana 1910-2010 (100 years Mexican revolution 1910-2010)White, Luz del Carmen Paredes Almeida deThis is a final project paper based on the celebration of the centennial of the Mexican Revolution 1910-2010. 00 aiios, Revolution Mexicana 1910-2010 is a multimedia exhibition inspired by the celebration of the Centennial of the Mexican Revolution. The exhibition is composed of a series of magneti...Art/Art History2010-08
2 A history of the Utah Museum of Fine ArtsAllen, Ronald C.In April 2003, an assessment of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts was completed. The results of the assessment revealed that there were substantially differing accounts of the museum's history. This study raised a critical question: What is the history of the Utah Museum of Fine Arts? The last few years ...Art/Art History2005-05
3 A revolution revealed: David Alfaro Siqueiros' from porfirio to the revolutionPeay, Casey JamesIn his mural From Porfirio to the Revolution, found in the National Museum of History in Mexico City, David Alfaro Siqueiros paints the history of the 1910 Revolution. However, the history of the 1910 Revolution is only one topic of this complicated mural, which contains several layers of meaning...Art/Art History2007-05
4 A study in form: process and resultsBurgos, FranciscoThis thesis documents the interests that inspired the body of work that is the core of this MFA; it mentions the biographical antecedents that led to it; it muses on the thoughts and dilemmas that were present while the work progressed; it describes the technical details of such progre...Art/Art History2006-12
5 Across the RoadMeikle, David W.The rolling foothills, rugged mountains, and sharp red rock found in the West have always held great appeal to me. I am a keen observer of the environment around me. I am con­stantly making mental notes about what is happening to the land at various times of day and at different times of year. A...Art/Art History2006-05
6 Aerial AlchemyJames, JanOn a trip to Egypt, as I was floating down the Nile, it was easy to envision the alchemists observing the mystical powers that transformed the desert. Black silt borne down the river is deposited on the land when the water overflows its banks during flood time. The black earth gives a rich lining ...Art/Art History2010-05
7 American landscape painting: Dutch influences in the works of Thomas Doughty, Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, George Inness, Frederick E. Church, and Albert BierstadtNapper, Angela SierraMany connections exist between the American artists of the Hudson River School, specifically Thomas Doughty, Thomas Cole, Asher B. Durand, George Inness, Frederick Church, and Albert Bierstadt, and the Dutch landscape painters of the seventeenth century. Among these connections are similarities in ...Art/Art History2007-12
8 The architectural development of block eighty-eight, plat A, Salt Lake City survey during the era of Brigham Young 1847 to 1877Rogers, Janie L.The object of this thesis is to document the architectural development of Block Eighty-eight, Plat A, Salt Lake City Survey during the time of Brigham Young's presidency of the LDS church in Utah, 1847-1877. The history of the block is introduced by discussing the architectural trends of the per...Art/Art History1996-08
9 The art of Aaron Douglas, the evolution of jazz and the Harlem RenaissanceDuffin, Lance W.Never before in American history had there been a more concentrated and energetic outpouring of literary, visual and musical artistic production than that of the period known as the Harlem Renaissance. This period, from 1919 through 1934, was an optimistic, dynamic time for many African Americans ...Art/Art History1998-08
10 The art of staringGraham, Richard NathanMy Master of Fine Arts exhibition consists of six monoprints on paper, two acrylic paintings on paper, and eighteen oil and/or acrylic paintings on canvas. My goal has been to explore new ways of paint application, to further develop my skills in dealing with formal issues in painting, and to reach ...Art/Art History1996-03
11 The art of the bookPowers-Torrey, Mary NoreenThese six books were produced between May 1999 and November 2000. The process of making these books became inherently involved with the process of formulating the story. The story is my own story. These books that I have written, designed, illustrated, printed, and bound are made of my experience...Art/Art History2001-05
12 The art world expandedTruxes, AnnaThis paper explores the evolution of the concept of the art world, starting with the going-away, in order to show that effective art criticism requires knowledge of the art world. The nature of criticism implies that a critic logically identify, define and evaluate a work of art. Reasons are use...Art/Art History2008-12
13 Automatic Processing PitfallsWatson, JustinI used this text to examine processes by mirroring the internal structures of my mental processes. This paper is arbitrary to the source of the experience examined, although this arbitrariness is also an impetus to the survival mechanisms depicted. When we elucidate our meanings we grow more lost. M...Fine Arts2016
14 Be somewhereHabben, DavidI've always been intrigued by the idea of creating motion within my work. Simple dynamics in composition or figure have failed to truly capture, from my perspective, the sense of fluidity that can be found so readily in other media, such as film and animation. It seems odd to be so concerned about i...Art/Art History2017-05
15 Be somewhereHabben, DavidWhen the School of Dance welcomed me into their studios and performances, it quickly became apparent that there was an opportunity to explore the incredibly expressive movements they performed. Their manipulation of their bodies through three-dimensional space combined with the powerful live music t...Art and Art History2017-05
16 The big unknownBeard, KeithMy MFA experience has taught me that when I allow myself to be vulnerable to the unknown, it creates a better outcome for my work as an artist. My unknowns are based on fear of not knowing how my choices will play out, and a fear of not achieving my full potential. The unknown also represents my rel...Art/Art History2016-08
17 Bodily housedPerreault, Alison MarieExhibiting work has to do with communication. Like the Berkeley illustration of a tree falling in the forest, a receiver must be present in order for the sound to be heard. In the sharing of the work is the desire to communicate the experience. My Master of Fine Arts graduate exhibition consists of...Art/Art History1999-05
18 Break the squareWang, FeiThis thesis traces the process of my two years' study. After graduation from college in China with a BFA degree in graphic design, I still felt something was missing in my education, that is, the typography experiments. It became one of the reasons I chose to pursue graduate study in the US, a Weste...Art/Art History2004-08
19 Carl Theodor Dreyer and La Passion de Jeanne D'Arc: expanding avant-garde modernism in the early twentieth centuryDixon, HilaryDanish film maker, Carl Theodor Dreyer (1889-1964) is acknowledged as one o f the world's great directors. His 1927 film, La Passion de Jeanne d 'Arc is often cited as his greatest masterpiece. However, the works of Dreyer are rarely screened or discussed because they cannot be cate...Art/Art History1999-08
20 Change through processCoberly, Claudia FurnishAfter maintaining a professional painting career for more than twenty years, my primary objective for graduate school has been to gain maturity in my painting. I was determined to expand my work ethic beyond self-imposed limitations. I believe growth and renewal can be achieved through the willin...Art/Art History1998-12
21 Concerning the spiritual in Spiral TaffyChristensen, Kent DavidMy thesis documents the body of work I have built since May 2004. This work was the result of an exploration o f the Still Life tradition since the 16th Century. I looked at the unique aspects and historical evolution of the Still Life tradition from the 16,h Century to the present. An examination ...Art/Art History2005-12
22 Constructed realities and metaphotography Gregory Crewdson's twilight seriesCook, AshleeGregory Crewdson's Twilight (1998-2002) is a series o f photographs depicting scenes o f American suburbia embedded in psychological anxiety and uncanny undercurrents. Crewdson stages these photographs, constructing fragmented narratives evoking fantasy, magic and the supernatural, pulling fro...Art/Art History2009-12
23 Creative visions of communityMoyer, Sarah ElizabethWondering how to utilize my freshly issued BFA, I became captivated by the publicly accessible format of mural paintings. Always on display, murals can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless o f their age or socio-economic background. Many have become landmarks in their community, often catalysts for ne...Art/Art History2008-08
24 DeficientSpurgeon, TylerThe work in Deficient is composed primarily of large-scale oil paintings, yielding from two bodies of work that have merged to become something greater than the sum of their individual scopes. The combined body of work is able to more clearly encapsulate the ideas I am interested in exploring. A...Art/Art History2012-05
25 Design methods inspired by the Bonneville Salt FlatsConger, Jeffrey ScottThis creative project examines the unlikely topic of automobile rac­ing at the Bonneville Salt Flats to foster new ways of working with graphic design layout. Through this project I created four graphic design methods by studying the principles and methodologies of hot rodders and dry lake racers...Art/Art History1998-08
26 Design of NatureBunker, Carol AnnThis paper embodies three main topics that repeatedly surfaced throughout my graduate experience. What is a design process? An intense study of the thing that you are designing. The design process is different for each individual depending on his or her attitude, character, and personal experience...Art/Art History1998-06
27 Dormiens vigils (while sleeping, watch)Webster, Maryann S.Dreams about a disappearing ecosystem and an increasing awareness of the fragile nature of our existence inspired the eighteen works in this exhibition. These works express a deepened concern through understanding of life and nature as fragile, precious and sacred. I have interpreted the gallery s...Art/Art History2001-05
28 Emanuel de Witte's market scenes reexamined: an analysis in economic studies and material cultureStout, Jeffrey DaleEmanuel de Witte (1617-1691/92) is generally considered the finest Dutch architectural painter of the seventeenth century. Scholars have focused almost exclusively on De Witte's paintings of church interiors; however, De Witte produced a number of exceptional market scenes that have gone relatively ...Art/Art History2006-12
29 The endurance of memoryCharles, JamesMy Master of Fine Arts exhibition consisted of nine prints and five mixed-media paintings. A variety of print making techniques were used. Photographic elements were incorporated with a Xerox-transfer method. The mixed-media paintings were done with traditional and nontraditional materials. My ...Art/Art History1998-03
30 Evolutionary intuitionBarton, Kent J.This body of work is the result of exploring new directions. The desire to push and to open myself to new information has always been my driving force. Making these forms required me to work and think about clay in a different way, building on my vocabulary with the material. Producing this series...Art/Art History2002-05
31 Exhaling the earthHedrick, AntoniaMy Master of Fine Art exhibit consisted of nine translucent, fiberglass body shells installed with seven graduated photographs, four sculptural briefcases, five oil on canvas paintings, and 40 home-made artifacts in plexiglass boxes. I completed this chronology of works during two years of gradua...Art/Art History1997-06
32 Exploration of the art objectDeCola, Jacob NicholasI am a sculptor who works with materials, an object maker concerned with both physical and conceptual process. A critical part of my method of working is to allow a record of this process to exist in the finished sculptures. Perhaps the most difficult and rewarding part of my graduate experien...Art/Art History2001-08
33 FactitiousLewis J. CrawfordThis paper is a journey into how I discovered the word factitious and re-defmed it for my artistic practice. I have broken down the paper into four different chapters that explore and explain this process. "Narrative Is Necessary," the first chapter, discusses the history of my research on narrati...Art/Art History2009-05
34 Final project paperSmolarkiewicz, Zuzanna JoannaThe examination of personal identity inevitably leads to questions - the most common of which is what enables the perpetuation of the self. Who am 7? Am I myself because of my past, my present, or what I hope for in my future? Or does my identity emerge from my personal relationships with others,...Art/Art History
35 Final project paperCarpenter, TaraMy work explores the way people form connections, both inside their brains, and with other people. Neurologist Joseph LeDoux says, "The particular patterns of synaptic connections in an individual's brain, and the information encoded by these connections are the keys to who that person is" (3). In o...
36 The four gracesAshby, M. GraceThe Four Graces is the culmination of two years of graduate work in the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Utah. All but three pieces in my MFA exhibit were inspired by early- to mid-Twentieth-Century photography. It was the space and the placement of the figures that I wanted t...Art/Art History2004-12
37 Four stage & 3 months in-betweenRomo, VanessaTime stops right before change occurs. As you cease to exist in your usual state of mind, you find yourself alone, reflecting, and ask what lies ahead? This sliver in time feels like a terminal. Years pass and you move far from the moment you thought was the death of newness. It becomes a distant pa...Art/Art History2017-07
38 Gather-piece-stitch: the art of placeDownen, CélinePhilosopher Gaston Bachelard celebrates the "naive wonder we used to feel when we found a nest. This wonder is lasting, and today when we discover a nest it takes us back to our childhood or, rather, to a childhood; to the childhoods we should have had." I use the nest as a metaphor in my art with t...Art and Art History2016
39 Gather-piece-stitch: The art of placeDownen, CelinePhilosopher Gaston Bachelard celebrates the "naive wonder we used to feel when we found a nest. This wonder is lasting, and today when we discover a nest, it takes us back to our childhood or, rather, to a childhood; to the childhoods we should have had." I use the nest as a metaphor in my art with...Art/Art History2016
40 Hand to mouthRamachandran, Sylvia MeenaJust as we make tools to try to overcome our limitations, we make gestures to try to connect with people and things beyond ourselves. In this exhibition, I consider the utensil as a poetic extension of the body. The work follows a decade of contemplating the meaningfulness of daily tasks and of th...Art/Art History2006-08
41 The hat peopleKimball, PatriciaThe paintings in this exhibit are the result of two years of exploration dealing initially with landscape and then primarily with the figure. Looking back, the challenges were similar regardless of subject: first, how to expand the subject beyond an "objective" reality more or less faithfully r...Art/Art History2001-05
42 Herbarium obscura: shadow of natureRivera, Nancy E.Nature is ephemeral, fragile, and wild. Over time, we have learned to tame and control it: We grow lawns, cultivate houseplants, and manufacture synthetic facsimiles of nature for aesthetic and ornamental purposes. In this way and more, we manipulate how we experience and understand it. In my exhibi...Art/Art History2016
43 Iconography of the trailBrunvand, Sandra LynneA focusing element in my work is to confront the theme of life and death and how this dichotomy could be cast as metamorphoses of states of being. In many ways this is such a fundamental theme of our existence as to be at once too simple and too pervasive to be fully comprehended. As I co...Art/Art History2004-12
44 Improvisational structureHixon-Longaker, VictoriaI believe archetypal rhythms create life cycles and are manifest in the emotional, philosophical, and physical world. This environment is continuously churned by forces both positive and negative. My work is a direct response to this environment and its impact on the human experience. The power o...Art/Art History1996-06
45 In my neighborhood: an installationHart, AllynMy thesis installation, titled "In My Neighborhood," combined collage prints, paintings, and sculptural elements. The installation was loosely based on the structure of an ideal 1950's suburban American home. Found objects played a prominent role in both two- and three-dimensional constructions. ...Art/Art History1996-08
46 IntersectionDolberg, Daniel GlenThe unifying theme that runs throughout the paintings in my MFA show is that of space versus form. Light versus darkness and the interaction and relativity of color are secondary themes that I explore in my paintings. The subject matter I have chosen to explore in-depth is the architectural form o...Art/Art History2005-12
47 Jackson Pollock and Andy Warhol: two disparate American artistic identities shaped by the nature-machine dichotomyVergadavola, Salvatore F.In 1942, in response to Hans Hofmann urging him to look outside himself and seek sublimity in nature Jackson Pollock replied, "I am nature," and later moved to The Springs, a rural area on Long Island, where in the isolation of his bam/studio created his signature hand-poured canvases. Two decades ...Art/Art History2004-12
48 Left behindMoore, Jeremiah LeeThis project paper contains a description of the development of my thesis exhibition. The introduction covers just over a year of work on a wood construction project, research on medieval maps, and how both endeavors influenced the advancement and outcome of my paintings. The second section titled ...Art/Art History2008-08
49 Mabel Dodge Luhan: portrait of a patronSteadman, Kandace CelesteMabel Dodge Luhan (1897- 1962) occupies an important and pivotal place in the artistic culture o f early twentieth-century America. Yet despite her prominence, Luhan is seldom heard o f today. This study examines Luhan's life and significance, using painted portraits, word portraits, and photograp...Art/Art History2006-05
50 MFA exhibitionBench, Ryan JoeThe subject of my paper is a body of work representing my personal interpretations, experiences, memories, and processes of creating images using the mediums of printmaking, painting and drawing. The subject matter represents broad visual sketches of the landscape, not direct visual copies; but inst...Printmaking2017-09
51 MFA thesis show by: James McGeeMcGee, JamesThe body o f work represented it this packet reflects on remembered and imagined experiences from childhood. Mostly symbols from a suburban world, the subject matter includes above ground pool and BMX bikes; the people portrayed are my family. These paintings illustrate what is specific about memor...Art/Art History2005-06
52 Motion picturesMoore, Amanda JaneArt cannot be created in a bubble. Motion Pictures is no exception. This body of work is a culmination of my education, location, and personal interaction with pop culture. Without my move from Atlanta to Salt Lake City, I would not have become so obsessed with my subject matter. Without my subje...Art/Art History2006-05
53 Multicultural: Facts and findings from the two years I spent living under a microscopeMehr, AnnetteThis final project paper is an accompaniment of my thesis work: a series of 11 oil paintings of bacterial cultures. These bacterial cultures were collected from volunteers, throughout 2016-2017. The paintings of these cultures are defined as portraits of the people who volunteered their bacteria. Th...Art & Art History2017-12
54 Onchi Koshiro and individualism in Japanese woodblock printingDee, David L.By the turn of the twentieth century, the vitality of the traditional woodblock print industry in Japan had dissipated. Out of this dormant state of the graphic arts, two woodblock printmaking movements emerged in early twentieth- century Japan: (a) shin-hanga (new prints) and (b) sosaku-hanga (cr...Art/Art History2000-08
55 Painter of sentiment, painter of politics: Lilly Martin Spencer's allegorical truth unveiling falsehoodWeiss, Jessica R.Lilly Martin Spencer was one of the foremost American female painters of the nineteenth century. Having built her career on domestic genre painting using the language of sentiment to communicate with her audience, her large allegorical work Truth Unveiling Falseho...Art/Art History2009-08
56 Paper & tapeTachinni, Eugene RonaldThis final project paper has two components; text and imageiy. The first component, the text, has two parts. The first part is a collection of four personal narratives written by the artist, contained in the first four chapters. The second part is a response to an assignment given in a course ca...Art/Art History2008-05
57 Pathway to color: the art and life of Henri MoserAlder, Thomas MoyleJohn Henri Moser's (1875-1951) paintings are among the most collected in the State of Utah. He is represented in numerous museums and private collections, but his Parisian art training, prolific Expressionist artworks, and adoption of Fauvist colors and painterly techniques have been largely negle...Art/Art History2007-12
58 Prime PropertyLiebich, ThomasThis Final Project Paper is concerned with my art project Prime Property. The final exhibition of the project opened on August 24, 2007 and ran through September 14, 2007 in the Alvin Gittins Gallery of the University of Utah. In this paper, I'm attempting to shed light on my rational and intentio...Art/Art History2008-05
59 Project paperRingger, Kirsti AsplundHegel believed the aim of a human mind is to know itself, but that a human mind develops a notion of itself within a community of other minds, and that throughout history, humans collectively build upon what has gone before and improve. Art is one way that the collective knowledge is learned by eac...Art/Art History2010-10
60 The quasic gardenSevenans, Monique AnnWithin this thesis I will discuss the origins of the work I have created for The Quasiac Garden. It will begin with an explanation of how I use the creation of art as an instigator of my intuition. There is a dependent relationship between the creation of materials and the formal elements of de...Art/Art History1998-03
61 Querl dismantling the bookDykes, StefanieWhen an artist adopts an intuitive working methodology, the creation of images or objects often appear before a final clear conceptual idea is defined. My artistic practice changed dramatically with my desire to dismantle books, to unburden myself from outdated or discarded texts, and to fold them ...Art/Art History2010-07
62 RecollectionJorgensen, Eva ChristinaI would like to thank the following: my committee, Justin Diggle, Maureen O'Hara Ure, and Kaiti Slater, for their helpful criticism and advice; my fellow graduate students, especially Zuzanna Smolarkiewicz, Thomi Liebich, Meredith Prevot, and Leah Moses Gandhi, for their insight, camaraderie, and h...Art/Art History2007-08
63 ReflectionLockett, Steven DennisMy art is based on my life. These life experiences acquired fuel my imagery. They speak a personal language of emotions both positive and negative. Using the human figure as my subject, I look for interesting ways to capture the essence of my thoughts as I create an image. The focus is on an inn...Art/Art History2006-04
64 Rembrandt's landscapes: a study of visual languageBradley, JulietteRembrandt van Rijn seems most well-known as a painter of histories and portraits. Yet, he expressed a fervent interest in rendering landscapes. Eight authentic landscape paintings survive today. A previously biased academic tradition delayed analysis of these paintings by considering them meanin...Art/Art History2005-05
65 Ritual - ceremony - immortalityFreeman, Etsuko OguraThe following pages describe my experience in the University of Utah's Master of Fine Arts graduate program in ceramics. The technical aspects are not the main focus. The focus is on the symbolism, ritual and ceremony of the installation, "Ritual - Ceremony - Immortality."The challenge was to sea...Art/Art History2005-12
66 Rural declineHill, Jay DavidDriving past Burley, Idaho on my way to Boise for what must be the umpteenth time, I pass an aged and worn out motel sign, broken and unlit, perched far above the highway on three naked metal poles. The motel, once an oasis for the road-weary traveler, is gone. The sign stands proud but weary, in th...Art/Art History2006-08
67 Saint John the Baptist: the model Florentine the transformaiton of John the Baptist's image in fifteenth-century Florentine paintingMuren, Gladys ElizabethSince the earliest years of Italian painting, artists have depicted John the Baptist as an emaciated, weathered, hermit-prophet, a portrayal that reflects his reclusive biblical experience in the wilderness. In the mid-fifteenth century, some Florentine patrons commissioned images of John the Bapti...Art/Art History2005-12
68 Salt and mortarFlack, Douglas McGarrenMy work constructs a culture that lives in the salt flats. I desire to understand why people do what they do and 1 achieve this by capturing my own experiences through every day life and translating them into a visual representation on the salt flats. I choose to paint these people in their contex...Art/Art History2008-05
69 Seeing and reflectionBateman, Edward JamesArt has become a term that eludes definition. Inasmuch as art is a truly human activity, I believe that any attempt to explore this complex topic must establish as its foundation basic human capacities. I propose that this foundation consists of three aspects of human interest that come together i...Art/Art History2003-08
70 Sequential figurationGerhart, Daniel LyleThe show contained twenty-two sculptures of the human form. All but three of the figures in the show were derived from five half life-size figures. Of these five figures three were female and two male. The group of five figures were each represented in the three media of beeswax, aluminum, an...Art/Art History2001-12
71 Simple stuff...?Kurtz, MichelleWe are all part of the human condition that I describe as being human in a social, cultural, and personal context. To be part of this plays a part in shaping who we are. Often times we are not aware of, or have forgotten situations in our lives that have shaped us. In SIMPLE STUFF... ? I use clic...Art/Art History2010-08
72 Simulations of inputRagland, Gregory S.My art is based on my dreams. By viewing my work you are experiencing simu­lations and reproductions of my dreams. My work is in paint, ceramics, and other mixed media. I use whatever media it takes to re-create the image I saw. I am an artist who uses signs, symbols and dreams to make decisions ...Art/Art History2003-08
73 Study for my voiceAllred, Matthew WadeWithin myself I find many perspectives, there are places to think from, places to stand in, and places to speak about. This work touches many of these places and examines the experiences of occupying them. These photographs are the manifestation of an exploration to understand my­self, and the natu...Art/Art History2008-08
74 Suggested thinking spots: on suggested photo spots and the center for land use interpretationBacall, Analisa CoatsDesigned by Melinda Stone and Igor Vamos for the Center for Land Use Interpretation, Suggested Photo Spots is a multisited project engaging with the intersection between tourism and anthropic, or human-altered, landscapes. The project consists primarily of photographs of sites in which "Suggested P...Art/Art History2008-05
75 Surface image selfLindsay, MarjorieThe work in my Master of Fine Arts show consists of seven large oil paintings on a paper structure with collage, twelve mixed-media prints, and three mixed-media drawings. I have moved away from making art based on perceptual experience of the environment toward work that derives from my persona...Art/Art History1996-06
76 Surface...ingZimmer, Cristin ElizabethWhat happens inside our minds is often just as important as what transpires in the natural world. These private thoughts, feelings, emotions and ambitions are crucial in forming our being. Although difficult to access and sometimes accept, these fragments that make up our psyche can be contradictor...Art/Art History2010-07
77 Survival skills: art and video installations at the Fort Douglas theatreHarding, Elaine S.This thesis reflects the six pieces developed as resident artist at a Salt Lake City inner-city elementary school. They cover a broad spectrum which include empathy, awareness, devotion, wonderment and transformation. Evidently the creative process is imperative to producing higher-order thinking ...Art/Art History1998-08
78 Swimming in the gene poolGillett, Eric A.Swimming in the Gene Pool is a creative project that applies specific concepts observed in genet­ics towards developing a working graphic design methodology. The methods, based on four types of genetic mutation that occur in nature, include duplication, deletion, translocation and inver­sio...Art/Art History2003-08
79 SymbiosisDewitte, ElizabethWe have arrived at a point where we, as a community, must reconsider our relationship with the Earth. Our impending growth and the resulting environmental destruction is an issue that must be re-evaluated and focused upon in our everyday lives. As an illustrator, I have set out to create work that ...Art/Art History2000-12
80 Symbolic duality computer animationYeom, Hee-KyungThe thesis project is an approximately ten-minute-long animation, produced through the use of computers and edited with sound. The animated story is about ancient Toaism and points out that these ancient ideas still dominate the people's life and belief. This project is motivated by the commonalit...Art/Art History2001-05
81 The symbolic image and its relation to Christianity and morality in contemporary paintingHoeft, David WilliamWeakening moral standards and the increasing speed and distractions of contemporary life have contributed to the diminished capacity of individuals within Western society to feel and comprehend more deeply. The scales of available information are tipped to the sensual, inconsequential and commercial...Art/Art History2002-08
82 TailingsLarkin, Vincent StuartThis paper describes the research leading up to and a description o f the MFA thesis exhibit titled "Tailings." The exhibit addresses the increasing saturation o f our environment with pollutants, toxins, and manufacturing waste through sculptural work that contains or represents the physical ...Art/Art History2008-05
83 TapisseriesPrevot, Meredith Louise MaynesPatterns appear throughout the history of visual art. It is on printed or woven cloth that these patterns are most ubiquitous, and at the same time, least noticed. Over the past few years, textile design and decorative arts patterning have become a significant interest in my artwork, especially the ...Art/Art History2007-12
84 TimepiecesDow, ValarieThis work involves my exploration of the beauty of places and objects which contain a human history and illustrates my interest in the passing of time. I illustrate this with the use of reflective surface. I hope to say that our past brings a richness to our present and deserves honor. The compil...Art/Art History1999-12
85 Tom Betts & ephemeral realismBetts, Thomas JohnAs Tom Betts researches his ontology through the creative act of art a hyperrealist oil painting is produced that alludes to society's consumption of time in an age where temporal states of awareness and interaction are governed by technology. He uses the subject of a teacup, a family heirloom that ...Art/Art History2010-05-05
86 Toward figurative expressionismKasicharemvat, VeeraThe paintings selected for my M.F.A. show evolved during the last year of my graduate study. These paintings were a result of my continual search for the life force or essence of the object through the immediacy of paint. The four monotypes and four series of paintings represented a consid...Art/Art History2002-08
87 The ultimate American icon is the astronaut: who is more heroic or more alone?Rice, AndrewMy work is about the human condition and specifically about loneliness and melancholy. Who or what is the subject of that loneliness? While I believe in most art as stemming from yourself, from within and somewhat autobiographical, I am confident that I am commenting on people and humanity as a who...Art/Art History2012-12
88 Van Chu photographic brushstrokeChu, VanPhotographic Brushstroke, a term that has been an oxymoron, is no longer. Being a visual artist is in many ways like being a singer, if you sound like everyone else then why even bother singing. If you go to my exhibition with a predetermination of what photography is, you will not find a single ...Art/Art History2010-05
89 Where things belongGawle, Benjamin JosephThe following is a written account supporting the sculptures in my MFA Thesis Exhibition. Each piece consists of ceramic objects along with ceramic containers to house such objects. These containers protect, present, and preserve the objects in an organized way. The containers are also labe...Art/Art History2006-06
90 Wolfenbuttel Sachsenspiegel: a codicological and pictorial examination of a mnemonic morrorJoyner, Daniell BethThe Wolfenbiittel Sachsenspiegel is a fourteenth-century German lawbook containing the territorial and feudal laws of Saxony. Its pages display two columns with the legal text on the right and the multi-colored images on the left. In this study I explore how the images supplemented the text, and ...Art/Art History1998-08
91 Woodfired ceramicsChristiansen, EricThis project is a study of the woodfired ceramic process. It is a personal journey that brought me back to the potters wheel in search of forms that could best respond to the effects of the flame and ash. A desire to recreate the elements typical in extended multiple day fires led me to find meth...Art/Art History1996-06
92 You are here: visualizing Provo agriculture an MFA community-based art education final projectLofgreen, CarlynAs an undergraduate student, I was consistently taught that art was anything that was in a museum or gallery. Art was a commodity to be bought and sold, and while the artist could derive pleasure from the making of it, art was in the end purely aesthetic and unattached to the mundane task of daily ...Art/Art History
93 Zan artYamanashi, KeikoThis world in which we live changes blindingly fast, never stopping. Photography is the only method for me to grab a moment in time and to leave it to posterity as a record of truth. There are nowadays many photographers who do not take photographs of objects as they are but who add special effec...Art/Art History2004-12
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