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Number of results to display per page
1 20202020 Report to the Community10.7278/S5d-m6kj-qvq5
2 20222030 Olympic and Paralympic winter games in Utah estimated economic and fiscal impact10.7278/S5d-n6h4-feha
3 20232030 Olympic and Paralympic winter games in Utah: demographic, social, and environmental factors10.7278/S5d-cs84-5bkx
4 2022A blueprint for growing Salt Lake City's health care innovation economyDOI 10.7278/S5d-6rzt-8tfq
5 2022A business vision for Utah's energy future10.7278/S5d-e10g-4paj
6 2022A cloudy Crystal Ball pandemic forecasting challenges highlight need for budget relief valvesDOI 10.7278/S5d-t6q9-9s1d
7 2023A comparison of State-funded affordable housing programsDOI 10.7278/S5d-e9r1-2h9b
8 2022A Decade of Declining Fertility in Utah, the Intermountain West, and the Nation: 2010-202010.7278/S5d-7285-8x4d
9 2023A Look into the 2010-2020 decline in Salt Lake City's youth population10.7278/S5d-1h1k-yrb3
10 2020A roadmap for improving Utah's behavioral health system10.7278/S5d-ds0n-fw98
11 2021A roadmap for improving Utah's behavioral health system10.7278/S5d-89t5-t0jr
12 2023A synthesized resource document for the 2023 General Legislative SessionDOI 10.7278/S5d-vske-kn9e
13 2023A visual guide to tax modernization in Utah Part four: individual income tax10.7278/S5d-3vtw-p9d8
14 2022A visual guide to tax modernization in Utah part three: understanding property taxes10.7278/S5d-3x3h-7ryd
15 2022Accuracy analysis of long-term planning projections for Utah and its counties10.7278/S5d-re24-jzy5
16 2022An economic analysis of Utah's direct selling industry10.7278/S5d-s56e-rrk0
17 2020An economic analysis of Utah's industrial banks10.7278/S5d-czms-gma5
18 2020An economic analysis of Utah's industrial banks10.7278/S5d-y92a-0wzp
19 2023An economic overview for Utah and U.S.10.7278/S5d-gmvx-mp4e
20 2023An economic summary of Davis County's cultural industry10.7278/S5d-hpyg-savq
21 2023An economic summary of Salt Lake County's cultural industry10.7278/S5d-0hwb-whf6
22 2022An economic summary of Utah's arts, culture, and entertainment industry10.7278/S5d-v66r-t342
23 2024An economic summary of Utah's cultural arts industry, 202210.7278/S5d-1nfq-4cmk
24 2023An economic summary of Utah's cultural industry10.7278/S5d-as8m-c93g
25 2023An economic summary of Washington County's cultural industry10.7278/S5d-wy6j-628t
26 2020An historic overview of office, industrial, and retail development and their recent demand drivers in Salt Lake CityDOI 10.7278/S5d-1x58-kz1f
27 2024Banking and financial services10.7278/S5d-4pr3-exmc
28 2019Beaver County population by age, sex, race and ethnicity, 2010-2018DOI 10.7278/S5d-zqxt-prww
29 2022Beaver County, 202010.7278/S5d-gvzr-p4mg
30 2023Beaver County, 202210.7278/S5d-z6f1-bev8
31 2023Box Elder County, 202110.7278/S5d-maew-r1ve
32 2022The changing dynamics of the Wasatch Front apartment market10.7278/S5d-e4b6-6jxd
33 2023Characteristics of Utah's migrants: a 2021 update10.7278/S5d-33rm-24x3
34 2023The Covid-19 State sales tax windfall10.7278/S5d-7yam-5tnm
35 2023Data compendium Utah strategic energy framework10.7278/S5d-xvzt-p2pc
36 2023Demographic impacts of zero migration in Utah - a projection scenario10.7278/S5d-4hgp-chaw
37 2023Demographic inputs for Utah's long-term baseline and scenario planning projections10.7278/S5d-4esb-v3c7
38 2023The dignity index Utah pilot project technical summary10.7278/S5d-sxkw-sgjc
39 2021Diversity in Utah race, ethnicity, and sex10.7278/S5d-w3ez-99hc
40 2023Econimic impacts of Utah's life sciences and health care innovation industry10.7278/S5d-tyj0-yh2b
41 2022Economic challenges and opportunities in Utah's coal Country10.7278/S5d-8gx4-fyhh
42 2020Economic contribution of University of Utah healthDOI 10.7278/S5d-347p-kmze
43 2018The economic contribution of Utah's life science industryDOI 10.7278/S5d-qcvf-5rqk
44 2017Economic impacts of Utah's energy industry, 2017DOI 10.7278/S5d-28vn-5enc
45 2020Economic report to the GovernorDOI 10.7278/S5d-6nha-pypg
46 2023Economic report to the governor highlights10.7278/S5d-rhh4-5917
47 2024Economic report to the governor highlights10.7278/S5d-xx4w-hkbm
48 2023El nuevo Utah Guardianes De La llama10.7278/S5d-knnv-jhnk
49 2022Experimental age, sex, race and ethnicity projections for every State for 2030, with scenarios10.7278/S5d-0hsw-0xnf
50 2016-10Fertility in Utah since the Great Recession: the new normal or a pregnant pause?10.26052/0D-7CV1-X4J0
51 2023First insights - 2020 census demographic and housing characteristic file10.7278/S5d-bk6s-wmr5
52 2020Frequently asked questions about CO2 emissions10.7278/S5d-tdqa-fxak
53 2023From Strength to Strength a conversation with Arthur Brooks10.7278/S5d-br5b-9p6w
54 2021Growth trends in Utah's life sciences industry10.7278/S5d-t00w-shfj
55 2021Growth trends in Utah's life sciences industry10.7278/S5d-kdv9-es5s
56 2023Guardians de la llama, October de 202310.7278/S5d-8hxg-96bb
57 2023Hachman index of economic diversity, 202110.7278/S5d-b6gv-3d0c
58 2023Housing prices and affordability10.7278/S5d-jz8e-pcec
59 2023Improving conveyance efficiencyDOI 10.7278/S5d-89wk-bdn2
60 2023Income tax lnsightsDOI 10.7278/S5d-f7de-bc9d
61 2023Informed decision™ maker of the year10.7278/S5d-94jr-znrt
62 2020Is Utah's relatively low COVID-19 death rate due to its younger population?10.26052/0D-HZXM-JGQV
63 2020Ivory experiencesDOI 10.7278/S5d-4abm-fwmc
64 2022Ivory-Boyer Construction Report10.7278/S5d-2cga-tceb
65 2022Ivory-Boyer Construction Report10.7278/S5d-prwk-7s3w
66 2022Ivory-Boyer Construction Report10.7278/S5d-qyyx-xrcy
67 2019Ivory-Boyer construction reportDOI 10.7278/S5d-ve6d-f4tw
68 2020Ivory-Boyer construction reportDOI 10.7278/S5d-cb3b-ctmf
69 2022Ivory-Boyer Construction Report10.7278/S5d-q842-rmqp
70 2023K-12 Teacher Shortage, retention, and salaries in UtahDOI 10.7278/S5d-zvpt-2fpk
71 2024Lake Partitioning and other playa modificationsDOI 10.7278/S5d-9mnh-m3s6
72 2022Long-Term planning projection scenarios10.7278/S5d-k7vw-8bgs
73 2020Measuring economic diversity: The hachman index, 2018DOI 10.7278/S5d-fa2c-73bp
74 2023Medicaid: what is FMAP and why does it matter?10.7278/S5d-ehgs-a2g9
75 2022Methodology - zero net migration simulation using cohort change ratiosDOI 10.7278/S5d-xhp0-r6cc
76 2020Moving toward 2020: Utah commuting patterns, 2000 to 2010DOI 10.7278/S5d-af9s-2q12
77 2020Moving toward evidence-based programs: medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder in Utah10.7278/S5d-h8rn-m804
78 2023NBA All-Star weekend talking points10.7278/S5d-dews-sxn4
79 2020New Americans in Salt Lake County10.7278/S5d-f2dn-xneh
80 2023The new Utah keepers of the flame10.7278/S5d-hgzd-g76n
81 2023The new Utah keepers of the flame: October, 202310.7278/S5d-r8c9-nfvq
82 2023The new Utah keepers of the flame: v.110.7278/S5d-x6s1-64sf
83 2023Opportunity knocks the fiscal impacts of declining school-age population in Utah10.7278/S5d-gm9d-2d5b
84 2024Optimize water pricing10.7278/S5d-tweg-rhsj
85 2019Oquirrh view existing conditions report Salt Lake County, Utah 201910.7278/S5d-9cf5-s11a
86 2024Payment in Lieu of Taxes (Pilot) programDOI 10.7278/S5d-tweg-rhsj
87 2022Point of the Mountain buildout scenarios economic and fiscal contributions10.7278/S5d-zkt0-690v
88 2023Policy options for post-pandemic eviction prevention10.7278/S5d-2njn-cej0
89 2023Preschool Development grant summary report10.7278/S5d-x095-1x1e
90 2022Property Tax insights10.7278/S5d-scga-jxes
91 2023Public health practice: effective technical assistance modalities to support chronic disease prevention programming10.7278/S5d-kfdh-0b1h
92 2022Race and ethnicity in the 2021 Wasatch front labor force: an equal employment opportunity analysis10.7278/S5d-w2mr-cc9h
93 2018Race/ethnicity in the 2018 Wasatch front labor force: an equal employment opportunity analysis10.7278/S5d-fvtz-y7dg
94 2023Refugees in Utah10.7278/S5d-f9dz-mhk1
95 2023Relational health: the connection between adult and childhood mental health10.7278/S5d-sepk-q3jt
96 2023Relational health: the connection between adult and childhood mental health10.7278/S5d-z8rt-c780
97 2022Renewable natural gas: a sustainable approach to the energy transition10.7278/S5d-wc8b-4f6q
98 2021Renewable natural gas: a sustainable approach to the energy transition10.7278/S5d-5wpf-cxvf
99 2024The road to prosperity dashboard tracks Utah's economic outlook. The dashboard, which is updated monthly, provides essential insights, tracks timely and leading measures, and shares salient indicators.10.7278/S5d-w7ep-1wpz
100 2023The road to prosperity dashboard tracks Utah's economic outlook. The dashboard, which is updated monthly, provides essential insights, tracks timely and leading measures, and shares salient indicators.10.7278/S5d-w7ep-1wpz
101 2023The road to prosperity dashboard tracks Utah's economic outlook. The dashboard, which is updated monthyly, provides essential insights, tracks timely and leading measures, and shares salient indicators.10.7278/S5d-9pq4-p5xv
102 2024The role of nonprofit hospitals in Utah's health care system10.7278/S5d-d6te-sngx
103 2020Salt Lake and Utah County subcounty estimates, 2010-201910.7278/S5d-9pry-9a6d
104 2022Salt Lake City 2022 data book10.7278/S5d-mwt0-7fs0
105 2023Salt Lake City's foreign-born residents: demographics of a dynamic population10.7278/S5d-bbcx-59z6
106 2023Salt Lake City: Utah's thriving urban center10.7278/S5d-kkjz-qq08
107 2022Salt Lake County cultural industry, 202010.7278/S5d-rxvn-67nw
108 2020Salt Lake County renter demographics10.7278/S5d-ar7g-weca
109 2023Sat Lake County's historic apartment boom: past, present, and future10.7278/S5d-6574-7kty
110 2017School and College age populations: 1980-206510.7278/S5d-f5s7-fpc1
111 2024Shifting households: decadal growth and change in Salt Lake City10.7278/S5d-w88a-4r5a
112 2022Short-term-rental Inventory10.7278/S5d-fgz4-a3n3
113 2023State and County population estimates FAQ10.7278/S5d-na2g-as6k
114 2022State and County population estimates for Utah: 202210.7278/S5d-6phn-2jyf
115 2023State and County population estimates for Utah: 202310.7278/S5d-hxxk-mnqk
116 2023State of the State's housing market, 2022-202410.7278/S5d-rrky-jw5z
117 2019State of Utah population by age, sex, race and ethnicity, 2010-201810.7278/S5d-mqw4-f2vj
118 2023The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry10.7278/S5d-6dt2-hnk5
119 2022The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry10.7278/S5d-qz5z-pgm7
120 2019The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry10.7278/S5d-262z-x67n
121 2021The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry 202010.7278/S5d-a1xt-rgk9
122 2023The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry 202110.7278/S5d-wey9-287a
123 2023The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry, 202310.7278/S5d-ghpm-9f9s
124 2024The State of Utah's travel and tourism industry, 202410.7278/S5d-6k0d-36ph
125 The Strike team offers six major insights and recommendationsDOI 10.7278/S5d-m5t2-kv50
126 2020Survey of Utah's top homebuilders10.7278/S5d-yhe8-wgem
127 2022U.S. and Utah debt policy: a study in contrasts10.7278/S5d-kyj6-pnrx
128 2024U.S. and Utah economic overview10.7278/S5d-sh1p-daxj
129 2023U.S. Census Bureau Estimates by County, 202210.7278/S5d-8n58-wcpp
130 2020U.S. census bureau estimates by County, metropolitan, and micropolitan areas, 201910.7278/S5d-xt8e-1y54
131 2022U.S. census Bureau Estimates by County, Metropolitan, and Micropolitan Areas, 202110.7278/S5d-xz22-kdv6
132 2023U.S. Census Bureau Estimates by Metropolitan and Micropolitan Areas, 202210.7278/S5d-dvgv-sn2y
133 2020U.S. census bureau estimates for age, sex, race and Hispanic origin vintage 2019: age10.7278/S5d-3p5j-2w7s
134 2022U.S. census bureau estimates for age, vintage 202110.7278/S5d-k2h3-jem0
135 2023U.S. Census Bureau estimates for age, vintage 202210.7278/S5d-v7xc-szhg
136 U.S. census Bureau Estimates for Cities and housing units, 202210.7278/S5d-vbw7-vgf5
137 2020U.S. census bureau estimates for Cities and housing Units, Vintage 201910.7278/S5d-fbfp-n8bn
138 2022U.S. Census Bureau estimates for cities and housing units, vintage 202110.7278/S5d-mxa3-a0zp
139 2020U.S. Census Bureau estimates for race and Hispanic Origin, Vintage 201910.7278/S5d-96br-fqek
140 2022U.S. census bureau estimates for race and hispanic origin, Vintage 202110.7278/S5d-ephn-392r
141 2023U.S. Census Bureau estimates for race and Hispanic Origin, Vintage 202210.7278/S5d-7ypb-m20p
142 2023U.S. economic indicators10.7278/S5d-acrq-18w6
143 2022The unprecedented federal fiscal policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on State budgets10.7278/S5d-52hc-bz9w
144 2020Utah and our changing climateDOI 10.7278/S5d-3jz1-vxw9
145 2024Utah and U.S. consumer sentiment fell slightly in February10.7278/S5d-6j99-3h9p
146 2024Utah behavioral health assessment & master plan10.7278/S5d-1prk-djqq
147 2023Utah behavioral health assessment & master plan10.7278/S5d-5z1q-fsd7
148 2023Utah Consumer Sentiment10.7278/S5d-rphe-er31
149 2017The Utah demographic and economic model10.26052/0D-MXMC-K7XZ
150 2023Utah economic council forecastDOI 10.7278/S5d-ajd7-h7rc
151 2023Utah Economic Council forecastDOI 10.7278/S5d-mxvt-4fq7
152 2023Utah Economic Council forecast - September 202310.7278/S5d-98se-0g29
153 2023Utah Economic Council forecast for selected economic and business indicators, 2024 and 202510.7278/S5d-7hv6-8010
154 2022Utah economic impacts from Utah retirement; systems 2021 pension; payments10.7278/S5d-5m19-d0g2
155 2022Utah informed visual intellection for 202210.7278/S5d-8xjz-92hs
156 2023Utah informed visual intellection for 202310.7278/S5d-3ck1-8zww
157 2024Utah informed visual intellection for 202410.7278/S5d-9ydt-j8vh
158 2022Utah long-term planning projections10.7278/S5d-2zxg-2732
159 2019Utah on the move: State and County migration age patterns10.7278/S5d-c7f4-whkg
160 2023Utah population committee estimates methodology: estimates for 2020 and beyond10.7278/S5d-p33z-b09c
161 2024Utah population committee estimates methodology: estimates for 2020 and beyond10.7278/S5d-cxpn-m0y7
162 2023Utah population committee postcensal estimates accuracy analysis, 2010-202010.7278/S5d-pf9p-5s7n
163 2022Utah resident opinions on tourism: local area survey results10.7278/S50d-r2yt-h4ea
164 2022Utah resident opinions on tourism: statewide survey results10.7278/S5d-y956-4prx
165 2020The Utah roadmap positive solutions on climate and air quality10.7278/S5d-9xbd-g970
166 2020The Utah roadmap: positive solutions on climate and air quality recommendations in briefDOI 10.7278/S5d-9jv7-g1en
167 2020Utah State and County annual population estimates by single year and sex: 2010-201910.7278/S5d-889w-jwyg
168 2019Utah State and County annual population estimates by single year of age and sex: 2010-201910.7278/S5d-pfn4-me10
169 2019Utah State and County Annual Population Estimates by Single-Year of Age, Sex, and Race/Ethnicity: 2010-201810.7278/S5d-xdet-gpag
170 2022Utah State government growth: following the feds or on its own path?10.7278/S5d-n1kc-r8kc
171 2023Utah strategic energy framework10.7278/S5d-0gm7-prpy
172 2020Utah System of Higher Education: State Aid Project10.7278/S5d-t4v6-aek0
173 2020Utah Travel and Tourism County profiles, 201810.7278/S5d-fgqf-zfsn
174 Utah's air & water innovation grant10.26052/d-qaqx-j2mh
175 2023Utah's changing households10.7278/S5d-p9fh-skp7
176 2022Utah's consumer sentiment continues to Fall in June10.7278/S5d-a2ta-xbyw
177 2023Utah's consumer sentiment drops in February10.7278/S5d-k26f-bdw7
178 2022Utah's consumer sentiment falls in July10.7278/S5d-pg5f-4ncx
179 Utah's consumer sentiment falls in May10.7278/S5d-zr4b-5b6e
180 2022Utah's consumer sentiment falls in November10.7278/S5d-jfj6-mjpc
181 2022Utah's consumer sentiment falls in September10.7278/S5d-mp8n-v89v
182 2022Utah's consumer sentiment falls sharply in March10.7278/S5d-4d8r-pjz3
183 2023Utah's consumer sentiment fell in August10.7278/S5d-af66-gxpb
184 2023Utah's consumer sentiment fell in October10.7278/S5d-9dg5-2xmn
185 2022Utah's consumer sentiment increases in August10.7278/S5d-262z-x67n
186 2022Utah's consumer sentiment rebounds in April10.7278/S5d-zap2-j6p0
187 2022Utah's consumer sentiment rises in December10.7278/S5d-yv77-q5dv
188 2023Utah's consumer sentiment rises in January10.7278/S5d-ew13-ydwp
189 2022Utah's consumer sentiment rises in October10.7278/S5d-zfnv-rqrs
190 2023Utah's consumer sentiment rose in December10.7278/S5d-1ab0-v6kq
191 2024Utah's consumer sentiment rose in January10.7278/S5d-t0hp-0gk7
192 2023Utah's consumer sentiment rose in June10.7278/S5d-n75c-ftc7
193 2023Utah's consumer sentiment rose in November10.7278/S5d-x47t-jfv1
194 2023Utah's consumer sentiment rose in September10.7278/S5d-jpxp-ap75
195 2022Utah's consumer sentiment rose slightly in January10.7278/S5d-hf3y-b9h0
196 2023Utah's consumer sentiment rose slightly in JulyDOI 10.7278/S5d-5dtb-7k34
197 2022Utah's consumer sentiment shows another modest increase10.7278/S5d-vg78-4frt
198 2023Utah's consumer sentiment steady in March10.7278/S5d-ktbt-2qtr
199 2023Utah's consumer sentiment steady in May10.7278/S5d-7cc3-gb21
200 2023Utah's County-to-County migration profiles10.7278/S5d-th8e-0x10
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