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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Nicolosi, Emily AnnGeographies of climate change mitigation: an exploration of the climate change movementcarbon footprint; climate change; climate change mitigation; geography; social movements; Transition Towns2015thesis
2 Lahr, Kelsey Elaine"This is what I've seen": climate change communication and the articulation of local and scientific knowledge in Yosemite National Parkclimate change; environment; national parks; rhetoric2017thesis
3 Werner, Kevin VictorStates, water, and climate: who's planning for change?climate; planning; politics; vulnerability; water2015dissertation
4 Page 52
5 Sarnoff, Philip J.The effect of in-group and out-group persuasive communications about climate change on the environmental beliefs and behavioral intentions of winter recreationistsClimate change; Elaboration Likelihood Model; Social identity; Winter recreation2012-12dissertation
6 York, ChristopherImpacts of large-scale green infrastructure implementation and climate change on receiving water response in the Salt Lake City areaBioretention; Green infrastructure; Rainwater harvesting2015-05thesis
7 Jones, Eric CarverRelative importance of climate change and water demand for reservoir feasibilityClimate change; Reservoir feasibility; Water demand2010-05thesis
8 Moser, Megan ChristaVisitor responses to the possible recession of exit glacier at Kenai Fjords National ParkClimate Change; Glacier; Management; Parks; Recession; Visitor Perception2016thesis
9 Bailey, Vanessa J.Modeling vegetation distribution and carbon sequestration in the Pacific NorthwestEcology; Physical geography; Climate change2018thesis
10 Kimball, James PatrickLate quaternary environmental change as inferred from diatoms of the sediments of Bear Lake, Utah/Idahothesis
11 Whittle, Jason MatthewClimate change, asymmetric costs, and the challenge to the capitalist system of production: a macroeconomic perspectiveAsymmetric costs; Bayesian updating; Climate Change; Distribution; Macro; Post-Keynesian2015dissertation
12 Headman, Alexander O.Evaluation of fire regime shifts in boreal Alaska through the use of sedimentary charcoalPure sciences; Health and environmental sciences; Earth sciences; Paleoecology; Statistics; Environmental science2016thesis
13 Amburgey, Jonathan WadeToward a new conceptualization of environmental concern: perceptions of threat and motivation for change as underlying psychological dimensionsEnvironmental attitudes; Environmental concern; Proenvironmental behavior; Structural equation modeling2012-05dissertation
14 Conrad, Edward C.Using species distribution models to quantify climate change impacts on the rosy-finch superspecies: an alpine obligateboosted regression trees; calibrated AUC; climate change impacts; Leucosticte; niche modeling; random forest regression trees2015-08thesis
15 Williamson, Jeremiah I.Collaborative and adaptive wildlife management in a changing climateAdaptive management; Climate change; Collaboration; Public lands; Wildlife2013-12thesis
16 Bidez, Clarice LeeChanging agricultural suitability: model development and applications in the past and futurePhysical geography; Geography; Agriculture2018thesis
17 Mckinney, AshleyThe intersection of leadership for school improvement and school climate: a case study of one administrative team's journey to build an effective and equitable schoolEducational Leadership; Organizational Change; School Climate; School Improvement; School Turnaround2016dissertation
18 Scalzitti, JasonHigh-resolution dynamical downscaling of past and future climate of the western united states: validation of performance and analysis of changing snowpackClimate change; Meteorology2016thesis
19 Gelderloos, AndrewQuantifying the Interaction between Climate and Landscape on Water ResourcesHydrologic sciences; Water resources management2018thesis
20 Pennell, Christopher JOn the effective number of climate modelsClimatic changes; Climate forecasting2009-12-15thesis
21 Rakib, Zubayed BinPredicting nutrient and dissolved oxygen concentrations in the spokane river under future development and climate conditionsclimate change; hydrodynamic simulation; nonpoint source; TMDL; waste load allocation; water quality modeling2016thesis
22 Rutz, Jonathan JamesPast shifts in the general circulation: causation, structure, and effects on hydroclimateAtmospheric; Change; Circulation; Climate; General; Hydroclimate2011-05thesis
23 Page 104
24 Slotboom, GiselleThe influence of place attachment on proenvironmental behavior among winter recreationist in lift-served wasatch winter recreation areasNatural resource management; Sustainability2018thesis
25 Powell, AshleyUnderstanding the relationship between fire, climate, and population in Central Uganda from 1990-2010Climate; Fire; Population; Remote Sensing; Uganda2012-12thesis
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