1 - 25 of 258
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1 Subcortical origins of orientation and direction sensitivity in the cat's visual pathwayir_etdText
2 Four projection streams from primate V1 to the cytochrome oxidase stripes of V2ir_etdText
3 Computation of surround modulation across layers of the primate primary visual cortexir_etdText
4 Information transfer and transformation in the primate ventral auditory processing streamir_etdText
5 The immediate early gene arc regulates the development of binocular visionir_etdText
6 Orientation specificity in the mammalian visual pathway and retinal ganglion cell dendritic morphology.ir_etdText
7 Developing a cortically-based visual prosthesis for the blind in a chronic nonhuman primate modelir_etdText
8 The role of extrastriate feedback in contextual computations in the primate visual cortexir_etdText
9 An investigation of masked facial affect in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder using electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imagingir_etdText
10 Morphology of v1 neurons projecting to v2 in macaque: cell types and circuits revealed by projection targetir_etdText
11 Microstimulation via chronic intracortical microelectrode arrays: studies of functionalityir_etdText
12 Spatiotemporal dynamics of orientation-selective neural populations in the visual cortexir_etdText
13 Investigation of human cortical activity with microelectrode arrays during anesthesia and movementir_etdText
14 Functional connectivity of emotional well-being: over-connectivity between default and attentional networks is associated with attitudes of anger and aggressionir_etdText
15 Quantitative analysis of shape changes in the cerebral cortex across the adult human lifespanir_etdText
16 A computational framework to characterize the fast neural coding dynamics during eye movementsir_etdText
17 Binding, uptake, and release of L-glutamate and related compounds in the brain : comparisons between DBA and C57 mice.ir_etdText
18 Event-related potential and oscillatory correlates of chronometric task performance: individual differences in anticipatory processes predict higher cognitive abilityir_etdText
19 Sustained connectivity: A new method that explores the temporal domain of functional connectivity and its implications for Autism researchir_etdText
20 Atypical neurodevelopment in auditory and language cortex and the corpus callosum in autismir_etdText
21 Event-related potential indices of a two-factor model of cognitive controlir_etdText
22 The role of glucose and fatigue in cognitive control and sustained attention: an electroencephalographic assessmentir_etdText
23 Movement-related beta oscillations in the cortico-subthalamic network in healthy and parkinsonin ratsir_etdText
24 Unit recording and muscle activation in peripheral nerves for improved nueroprosthesesir_etdText
25 Using eye-tracking to optimize skin self-examination trainingir_etdText
1 - 25 of 258