176 - 200 of 214
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
176 Alcott, Trevor IainEnvironmental and orographic influences on Great Salt Lake-effect precipitationGreat Salt Lake-effect precipitation; Environmental influences; Orographic influences; Orographic processes2012-08dissertation
177 Cater, Benjamin MichaelHealth, medicine, and power in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah, 1869-1945Medicine; Mormon; Public health; Race; Religion2012-12dissertation
178 Ross, Thomas JamesMicroelectric discharge machining spindle designDesign; Discharge; Machining; Microelectric; Mill; Spindle2014-12thesis
179 Lundeen, Zachary J.Paleoecological and isotropic records of climate change and variability from lakes and speleothems, Bear River Range, Southeastern IdahoHolocene; Idaho; Paleoclimate; Paleoecology; Pollen; Speleothem2012-12dissertation
180 Petros, Lorin MariePolyamine stimulation of antizyme frameshiftingCell Physiology2006-05dissertation
181 Smith, Allison MarieRepresentations of attachment and sociometric status among preschoolersAttachment; Preschoolers; Sociometric status2011-05thesis
182 Pickett, Natalie NymanRules and resources of violence prevention programsBullying; Prevention; Violence2012-08thesis
183 Palma, Lombardo F.Salt Lake survey of health care and health beliefs: a comparison of Hispanics and Anglo-AmericansAnthropology; Health Care1986-03thesis
184 Manning, Bradford W.Species and strain differences in xenobiotic-mediated induction of hepatic drug metabolizing enzymesTherapeutic Use; Metabolism; Analogs and derivatives1991-03dissertation
185 Ned, J. DenaTitle V of the Indian Health Care Improvement act 36 years later: an interpretive policy analysisFederal Indian Policy; Health care policy; Indian Health Care Improvement Act; Urban Indian health organizations; Urban Indians2013-08dissertation
186 Patton, Gregory AlanValuing health information systemsIntermountain Health Care (Utah)1999-12thesis
187 Nicolosi, Emily AnnGeographies of grassroots sustainabilities: mapping the places and spaces of transition2019dissertation
188 Gardner, Weston CliveGeology of the West Tintic mining district and vicinity, Juab County, UtahGeology -- Utah -- Juab County -- Tintic Mining District; Thesis and dissertation georeferencing project1954-06thesis
189 Sasani, Thomas ArianThe long and short of it: investigating genome evolution using next-generation sequencing technologies2019dissertation
190 Bushong, MichelleEffects of teaching on the recovery patterns of postpartum womenPostnatal care1985-06thesis
191 Ang, DeborahThe role of the Escherichia coli heat shock protein, grpE, in Escherichia coli growth and [1ambda] DNA replication.Genetics; DNA Replication1988-12dissertation
192 Pineda W., Suan L.Trottoirs de Buenos Aires: Julio Cortazar and the Tango nationBuenos Aires; Cortázar; Nation; Paris; Tango; Trottoirs2013-05thesis
193 Gatti, Elise Theresa JacquelineTowards year-round participation: three investigations into the relationships between weather and outdoor recreation2019dissertation
194 Edson, Shauna LeeDigital publics: technology, belonging, and education in a digital community learning space2019thesis
195 Gelderloos, AndrewQuantifying the Interaction between Climate and Landscape on Water ResourcesHydrologic sciences; Water resources management2018thesis
196 Pappas, Alexandra GrandeThe influence of women's body dissatisfaction on career aspirations and perceived career barriersBody Dissatisfaction; Body Image; Career Aspirations; Career Barriers; Educational Aspirations; Women's Career Development2016dissertation
197 Lyon, James KennethMean and turbulent motion in and above a canyonWind; Turbulence; Canyons1973-02thesis
198 Blaz, Jacquelyn W.Out of their minds and onto the page: the production and use of nurses' paper "brains" in a medical oncology unit2015-05dissertation
199 Houf, Jessica ReneeBacteria, bodies, and boundaries: a critical genealogy of clostridium difficile and the human body2018dissertation
200 Fallahi, ZahraModeling and optimization framework for reducing emissions based on location and timing of electricity use in commercial buildings2019dissertation
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