51 - 75 of 727
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
51 Talbot, Justin JohnMolecules dancing with two left feet: multidimentsional spectorscopic studies of floppy complexes using quantum simulations2019dissertation
52 Beck, Raymond KellyThe molecular genetics of prehistoric hunting: inferring prey population histories with ancient dnaAncient DNA; Foraging ecology; Zooarchaeology2015-05dissertation
53 Hansen, Jody M.COMP-1 regulates male and hermaphrodite bias of sperm selection in Caenorhabditis elegans2015-05dissertation
54 Madsen, Curtis K.Stochastic analysis of synthetic genetic circuitsDesign space exploration; Stochastic model checking; Stochastic simulation; Synthetic biology2013-08dissertation
55 Oler, Andrew JosephHuman RNA Polymerase III transcriptomes and phosphatase regulation of yeast MAF12011-05dissertation
56 Chaturvedi, AashiMolecular dissection of the mechanism utilized by the EWS/FLI oncogene to influence the morphology and behavior of Ewing sarcoma cells2013-08dissertation
57 Balzotti, Christopher StephenExploring the use of fine resolution nested ecological niche models to identify greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat and connectivity potential across a diverse landscapeClimate change; Habitat model; Landscape ecology; Niche model; Sagebrush; Sage-grouse2014-12dissertation
58 Cooper, Jacob CarterThe molecular basis of hybrid incompartibility and detecting recurrent positive selection in genomic data2019dissertation
59 Han, Kyoung SimRegulation of Thioredoxin-Interacting Protein in response to changes in metabolic and energetic state2013-08dissertation
60 Misra, Jyoti RanjanTranscriptional regulation of xenobiotic detoxification in Drosophila2013-05dissertation
61 Kim, Sun JinDevelopment of fluorescent and luminescent probes to investigate biointerfaces in Breast Cancer2019dissertation
62 Nelson, Ryan HummelUnderstanding autism: disorder, disability, and diversity2019dissertation
63 Islam, Md ImdadulStudy of prokaryotes, their viruses, and interaction between them in the Great Salt Lake using bioinformatics - A metagenomic approach2019thesis
64 Flygare, StevenComputational approaches to biological data with applications in image analysis, human variant prioritization, and metagenomics2015-08dissertation
65 Goodman, Graham BriodyAntiparasite behavior of birds: the role of allopreening and scratching for ectoparasite controlBehavioral defense; lice; pigeon; ectoparasites2019dissertation
66 Schomay, Theodore EvanTensor generalized singular value decomposition with applications in Genomic signal processing2019dissertation
67 Drits, DinaElementary teachers' science practice, beliefs, and content knowledge during and following a reform-based professional development programInquiry science; Professional development; School context;; School factors; Science instruction; Teacher beliefs2011-05dissertation
68 Peters, Nicholas ThomasMicrotubule function during early development in Silvetia compressaEvolution and Development2010dissertation
69 Kaufman, Erin A.Biosocial correlates of identity disturbance among suicidal youthBorderline personality disorder; Identity disturbance; Parent-child relations; Psychopathology; Psychophysiological responding; Suicide2014-08thesis
70 Okal, AboodBypassing transdominant inhibition with chimeric p53 for cancer gene therapy2014-08dissertation
71 Myers, Grant AaronCharacterizing the interactions of molecules with phospholipid vesicles and bilayers by confocal raman and single-molecule fluorescence microscopyFluorescence, Microscopy, Raman, Single-molecule, Spectroscopy2012-12dissertation
72 Williamson, Jeremiah I.Collaborative and adaptive wildlife management in a changing climateAdaptive management; Climate change; Collaboration; Public lands; Wildlife2013-12thesis
73 Robb, Sofia Maria ChristinaDevelopment of bioinformatic tools and epigenetic approaches for the study of schmidtea mediterranea2011-08dissertation
74 Knutie, Sarah AnnEffects of an introduced parasitic nest fly on endemic avian hosts in the Galapagos IslandsConservation; Darwin's finches; Host defenses; Invasive; Ecology; Parasitology2014-12dissertation
75 Miles, Christopher EdwardA hop, switch, and jump: stochasticity in models of motor-mediated intracellular transportMathematics; biology; biophysics2018dissertation
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