476 - 500 of 1,936
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
476 Heffernan, Sean T.Developing signtures in uranium oxides for use in nuclear forensic science2020thesis
477 Branch, Kyle JoeDevelopment and analysis of an introductory chemical engineering laboratory course2018dissertation
478 Hao, JianmeiDevelopment and the environment in China: a multilevel analysis 2004-2013Sociology; Environmental health; Aeronomy; Asian studies2018dissertation
479 DiNapoli, Ryan M.Development and validation of an instrumented test fixture for vehicle seats in low-speed rear-end collisions2020thesis
480 Lance, Dwight DouglasDevelopment of a biomimetic double network hydrogel with a dual mechanism for increased toughness and sustained tobramycin elution inspired by the underwater caddisfly silkBioengineering2017dissertation
481 Lee, Ji-YoungDevelopment of a biomolecule sensor based on ultraviolet plasmanics-enhanced fluorsecence and insulator-based dielectrophretic exosome trapping2022dissertation
482 Eichinger, Colin DavidThe development of a functional whole blood assay to assess the priming of platelets by surface bound agonistsAgonist; Antiplatelet; Assay; Flow; Platelets2016-05dissertation
483 Paquette, Andrew MichaelDevelopment of a high-throughput funcitonal assay to classify Brac1 ring missense substitutions2018dissertation
484 Sommer, TessaThe development of a lab-based paradigm to explore principles of adherence engineering in the context of hand hygieneAdherence Engineering; Decision Making; Hand Hygiene2017thesis
485 Pelster, Lindsey NicoleDevelopment of a mitochondrial membrane biomimic for characterization of the electron transport chain metabolon bioelectrocatalysisbioelectrochemistry; Electron transport chain; enzyme; metabolon; tethered lipid bilayer2016dissertation
486 Maas, SteveDevelopment of a nonlinear finite element code for computational biomechanics and biophysicscomputational biomechanics; computational biophysics; nonlinear finite element method2017dissertation
487 Loomis, Geoffrey WilliamThe development of a resilience and resiliency instrument using factor analysis2019dissertation
488 Shareh, Fatemeh BabazadehDevelopment of a subsurface heater technology for In-situ heatingChemical engineering; Energy2018dissertation
489 Oga, MisaThe development of allegro: exploring how music, throught predagogical practices in ballet class, can have lasting effects on a dancer2019thesis
490 Bailey, Dallin J.Development of an aphasia treatment targeting verbs with low concreteness2016-12dissertation
491 Allen, Jamie ReneeDevelopment of an enantioselective, intermolecular AZA-Wacker reaction utilizing a redox-relay approach2019thesis
492 Vinitchagoon, ThanitThe development of an objective scoring system for evaluating mediterranean diet recipesinformatics; Mediterranean diet; nutrient profiling; nutrition; scoring system2017thesis
493 Rishi, Avinash RajeshDevelopment of an on-site method to determine water-to-cement ratio of concrete and mortar mixitures2019thesis
494 Kim, Sun JinDevelopment of fluorescent and luminescent probes to investigate biointerfaces in Breast Cancer2019dissertation
495 Kim, Jin HwanDevelopment of glucose responsive insulin therapeutics2019thesis
496 Taylor, Thomas DaleDevelopment of low-cost, mobile, and scalable motion tracking using wireless AHRS modulesComputer Engineering; Robotics2017dissertation
497 Park, JooneonDevelopment of magnetic labels for magnetic immunoassays: towards multiplexed detection of pancreatic cancer markers using giant-magnetoresistive sensorChemical engineering; Nanotechnology; Physiology; Oncology2017dissertation
498 Appusamy, KanagasundarDevelopment of materials for ultraviolet plasmonicsEllipsometry; Magnesium alloy films; Nanostructured films; Optical constants; Thin film microstructure; UV Plasmonics2016dissertation
499 Salvant, Justin MichaelDevelopment of N-ACYL-2-Aminoimadazole Zinc ionophores2019dissertation
500 Weavil, Joshua ClewellThe development of neuromuscular fatigue during exercise in healthy older individuals and patients with heart failure with a preserved ejection fractionKinesiology; Physiology2017dissertation
476 - 500 of 1,936