26 - 50 of 125
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
26 Park, KyungjinNormal and shear force measurment and analysis for the three axis capacitive tactile sensorCapacitive; MEMs; Navigation; NET; Pressure; Testing2013-12thesis
27 Gillette, Karli KTemporal dilation of animal cardiac recordings registered to human torso geometriesarrhythmia; ECG; electrogram; registration; signal processing; simulation2016thesis
28 Allen, ChadDevelopment of a fast response building resolving urban energy modelCFD; Convection; GPU; Heat transfer; Radiation; Urban; QUIC; Urban wind; Particle dispersion2010-08thesis
29 Queiroz, Tiago EtieneTowards the theory and practice of verifying visualizationsIsosurface extraction; Medical imaging; Verifiable visualization; Verification; Visualization; Volume rendering2013-08dissertation
30 Herr, Jonathan DPicking a fight with water, and water lost ... an electroncationic water; copper catalyst; linear prediction; multiple-timestepping; water clusters; water oxidation2017dissertation
31 Kim, MarkGpu-enabled surface visualizationApplied sciences; GPU; Visualizing surfaces2016dissertation
32 Veni, GopalkrishnaSurface-based image segmentation using application-specific priorsAtrial fibrillation; Bayesian modelling; Geometric graph; Graph cuts; Image segmentation; Mesh generation; Computer Engineering; Medical imaging2016dissertation
33 Territo, Matthew JosephFlightcontroller2019thesis
34 Steffen, Kyle R.The difference potentials method for problems with evolving geometry and modeling fluid flow in Sea IceMathematics; Applied mathematics; Geophysics2018dissertation
35 Zala, VidhiConvex optimization-based structure-preserving filtering for polynomial-based numerical methods2021dissertation
36 Drew, Alexander JamesHumerus morphology and mechanics:informing design of a percutaneous osseointegrated docking system for above elbow amputees2018dissertation
37 Atzeni, SimoneLow overhead data race detection techniques for large openMP applicationsComputer science2017dissertation
38 Howe, Julia CorbettCharacterization of segmentation and long-term vertical slip rates of the wasatch fault zone, utahLake Bonneville; lidar; python; shorelines; Wasatch Fault Zone2017thesis
39 Viertel, Ryan DonaldA model of the external tufted cell and cross fields: analysis, computation, applicationsApplied Mathematics; Mathematics; Neuroscience2019dissertation
40 Lund, Albert MerrillEnhancements to the modified genetic algorithm for crystal structure predictionCrystal structure prediction; Density functional theory; Genetic algorithms; MGAC; Parallelism; Polymorphism; Chemistry; Bioinformatics2016dissertation
41 Sankaranarayanan, PreethiGeneralized singular value decomposition (GSVD) comparison of patient-matched normal and tumor aCGH profiles reveals global copy-number alterations predicting glioblastoma multiforme survivalCopy number; Glioblastoma multiforme; GSVD2013-05thesis
42 Hansen, Michael A.Pseudotransient continuation for the simulation of low-mach combustion with detailed chemical mechanisms2018dissertation
43 Maas, SteveDevelopment of a nonlinear finite element code for computational biomechanics and biophysicscomputational biomechanics; computational biophysics; nonlinear finite element method2017dissertation
44 Margairaz, FabienLarge-Eddy simulations of the atmospheric boundary layer above heterogeneous land-surface2019dissertation
45 Anderson, Daria NesterovichAdvances in deep brain stimulation programming to guide selective neural targetingDeep brain stimulation; Electrode design; Extracellular stimulation; Neural selectivity; Neuron orientation; Optimization2019dissertation
46 Sankaranarayanan, PreethiMatrix and tensor comparisons of genomic profiles to predict cancer survival and drug targetsOvarian Diseases - diagnosis; Ovarian Diseases - Research2015-05dissertation
47 Parra-Álvarez, John C.Theoretical and numerical aspects of eulerian polydispersity treatments in gas-solid systemsDensity Reconstruction; Maximum Entropy; Method of Moments; Multiphase Flows; Number Density Function2017dissertation
48 Sharma, Vishal ChandraTowards building efficient error detectors for improving system resilienceFault Injection; Fault Tolerance; Resilience; Soft Error Detectors; Computer science2017dissertation
49 Ray, Russell ScottAn examination of chiropteran HOXD regulation from an evolutionary perspectiveBiological sciences; chiroptera; evolution; Gene regulation; HoxD; myotis iucifugus; rhinolophus ferrumequinum2008-05dissertation
50 Stephens, Abraham J.Control of spatial and temporal fidelity with adaptive samplingInteractive computer graphics; Adaptive; Fidelity; Framelet; Graphics; Rendering; Spatiotemporal; Temporal fidelity; Spatial fidelity2011-05dissertation
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