326 - 350 of 402
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
326 Mancuso, Christy J.Fingernail keratin as a biomarker2018dissertation
327 Sharp, Ryan HughCareer crescendo: a mixed methods study on the developmental capacity of psychological capitalDevelopmental psychology; Occupational psychology; Personality psychology; Organizational behavior2017dissertation
328 Horns, Kimberly MaePhysiological stability of the extremely low birth weight infant impact of a reduced intervention nursing caregiving environmentNeonatal; Infant Demographics1995-08dissertation
329 Dixon, Melissa MarieTrichotillomania: a journey of personal empowerment: a qualitative study of women who engage in chronic hair pullingempowerment; hair pulling; obsessive compulsive; qualitative; trauma; trichotillomania2016dissertation
330 Deshotel, Malia J.Cytoplasmic MRNA decay in Arabidopsis: roles of MRNA decapping and SOV/ATDIS3L2Genetics; biology; plant sciences; ribonucleic acid; RNA2018dissertation
331 Tadje, MarshaSleep in the elderly cancer patientCancer; Patients1999-08thesis
332 Guo, JeremyRapid throughput solubility screening assay development and its applications in preformulationAnalysis; Drug Development; Drug Solubility2007-05dissertation
333 Powers, Matthew A.Modulation of the Tumor Supressor Programmed Cell Death 4 by the Protein Arginine Methyl Transferase 5: From Biology to Biomarker2010-12dissertation
334 Kaggie, Joshua D.Improving the image and quantitative data of magnetic resonance imaging through hardware and physics techniquesMagnetic Resonance Imaging; Renal MRI; RF Coils2015-08dissertation
335 Hyde, Robyn MarieSenseless nucleic acid macromolecules: synthesis, charatcerization and biological studiesPhysiology; Metabolism; Analysis2002-05dissertation
336 Ridges, SuzanneThe discovery and characterization of lenaldekar: a selective compound for the treatment of T-Cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia2013-05dissertation
337 Anderson, Tamara LynnFeasability study of a prototype miniaturized metabolic gas analysis system for maximal exercise testingExercise testing; Flow coefficient; Gas; Luminescence; Metabolic gas analysis system; Oxygen sensor; Respiratory gas monitoring; Miniaturized2010-08thesis
338 Ou, MeiPolymer transfected primary myoblasts- mediated angiogenic Gene therapy for ischemic heart diseaseCoronary Heart Disease; Myoblast Transfer Therapy2010-02-10dissertation
339 Johnson, Todd JosephAntiretroviral eluting intravaginal rings to prevent the sexual transmission of HIVBiological sciences; applied sciences; health and environmental sciences; antiretrovirals; drug delivery vehicles; HIV infection; intravaginal rings; sexual transmission; vaginal drugs2012-12dissertation
340 Jayamohan, HarikrishnanNanomaterial based detection and degradation of biological and chemical contaminants in a microfluidic systemBiosensors; Electrochemical Detection; Lab-on-a-chip; Microfluidics; Nanotechnology; Pathogen2015-08dissertation
341 Karnik, Satyajit KanchanRole of elastin in regulating vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation during development and diseasePhysiology; Proteins; Receptors2004-05dissertation
342 Pace, Julia G.Milk lines: tainted headwaters of heritageBreast milk; Breasts; Chemicals; Contaminants; Lineage; Mothers2013-08thesis
343 Okawa, Jean NakamuraA Systems approach to mild essential hypertension: educational lifestyle adjustments versus biobehavioral techniques.Biofeedback (Psychology); Life Style1986-08dissertation
344 Isackson, DorothyannReducing infection susceptibility of titanium percutaneous implants: a study of porous and smooth surfaces and mesenchymal stem cell treatmentsAnimal models; Histology; Infection; Stem cells; Surface text;ure; Titanium2012-05dissertation
345 Hill, Douglas WayneStudies on the pathogenesis of experimental candidiasisCandidiasis1959-08thesis
346 Dixon, Andrew S.Capture of BCR-ABL for induction of apoptosis in chronic myelogenous leukemia: from inhibition to nuclear escort2011-12dissertation
347 Darlington, Ann Elizabeth; Lloyd, Thomas WalterPostpartum hemorrhage and its relationship to anemia and oxytocin stimulation among Navajo womenChildbirth; Navajo Indians; Mothers; Hemorrhage1981-06thesis
348 Nelson, Brent DalmasAnalysis, prioritization, and simulation of space station medical careSpace medicine1987-06thesis
349 Kondapaneni, MuralidharPathological mechanisms of interleukin-two induced hypotension and vascular leak syndromePhysiology; Pathology2007-05dissertation
350 Ryskamp, Daniel AaronPolymodal sensation in the visual system: implications for retinal function and disease2014-12dissertation
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