251 - 275 of 836
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
251 Harris, Carolyn AnneNovel methods to reduce shunt catheter obstruction in the treatment of hydrocephalusCell adhesion; Flow; Hole size; Hydrocephalus; Shunt obstruction; Surface modifications2011-05dissertation
252 Potter, Stephen AustinCharacterizing background seismicity in the region surrounding Milford, UtahGeology; Geophysics2017thesis
253 Dame, Brittany EliseDeveloping a new passive diffusion sampling array to detect helium anomalies associated with volcanic unrestdissolved gas; gas; helium; helium isotopes; sampling techniques2014thesis
254 Ma, YingIntracellular localization of Borrelia burgdorferi : implications for persistence, pathogenesis, and immune responsiveness of Lyme diseasePathology; Endothelial Cell1991-06thesis
255 Fleming, Brittany AnnPosttranscriptional regulation of stress responses in extraintestinal pathogenic escherichia coli2019dissertation
256 Gooley, Jared ThomasAlluvial architecture and predictive modeling of the late cretaceous John Henry member, Straight Cliffs Formation, Southern UtahAlluvial architecture; John Henry Member; Kaiparowits plateau2010-12thesis
257 Burgess, Evan WindamIce flow dynamics of Alaska glaciersAlaska; Glaciers; Glaciology; Ice dynamics; Offset tracking; Remote sensing2013-05dissertation
258 Glauser, Walter JosephSimulating evolution of poroelasticity and deformation in Green River oil shale under in situ pyrolysisGreen River; oil shale; poroelasticity; pyrolysis; simulation; subsidence2016thesis
259 Nokes, Charles MormonThe Igneous Rocks of UtahIgneous rocks - Utah1912thesis
260 Tsegay, Yonas T.A simple poroelastic-based algorithm for evaluating anomalous fluid pressure attributed to surface loading: case study of michigan basin glaciationCivil engineering2016thesis
261 Babbitt, Geoffrey CarterAppendices pulled from a study on lightModern literature; American literature2010dissertation
262 Lin, Liang ChingThe kinetics of the pyrolysis of tar sands and of the combustion of coked sandsTar sands; Coked sands; Pyrolysis; Uinta Basin; Utah1988-12dissertation
263 Moore, Shawn A.Integrated depositional model and hydrocarbon potential of distal Ramp deposits, agrio formation, neuquén Basin, ArgentinaPetroleum Geology; Sedimentary Geology; Geochemistry2018thesis
264 Gupta, Kavita MadanlalNovel technologies for vaginal delivery of microbicidesDrug Delivery Systems; AIDS (Disease)2009-12-21dissertation
265 Zentner, Gaylen M.Steroid permeation through polymer filmsProgesterone; Diffusion1979-08dissertation
266 Kennedy, James PaulA cellularized biomaterial model of cardiac fibroblasts for evaluation of fibroblast induced changes in stiffnessbioreactor; cardiac fibroblasts; perfusion; scaffold2013-05dissertation
267 Brown, DanielDrug release mechanisms from heterogeneous interpenetrating networksPolymetic Drug Delivery Systems; Copolymer Networks1994-06dissertation
268 Francis, James NicholasPushing the envelope: enhancing the potency of D-peptide HIV entry inhibitors by membrane localizationCholesterol; D-peptide; Gp41; HIV; HIV entry2012-12dissertation
269 Hansen, Carly HyattUsing remote sensing to evaluate historical trends and contributing factors to algal bloom dynamics and forecasting future conditions in the Great Salt Lake System2018dissertation
270 Zhuo, XiaoyuEndogenous retrovirus evolution in mammalian genomesGenetics; Evolution and Development; Virology2017dissertation
271 Panthail, Jai kanthThe impact of black carbon deposition on snowpack and streamflow in the wasatch mountains in utah: a study using modis albedo data, statistical modeling and machine learninghydrology; machine learning; MODIS; snow; statistical; water resources2015-05thesis
272 Changani, HosseinPorosity and moisture effects on dynamic strength of two sandstones from UtahCompressive strength; Porosity; Sandstone; SHPB; strain rate; Tensile Strength2015-08thesis
273 Thompson, Joshua CaineChemo-mechanical effects on rock strength, Young's modulus and poisson's ratioPoisson's ratio; Rock fluid interactions; Rock mechanics; Strength alteration; Young's modulus2010-08thesis
274 Tan, Cherie ShuoDetection of DNA Base Modifications by Biological NanoporesChemistry; Analytical chemistry2018dissertation
275 Subramanian, MurugesanSupercritical fluid extraction of oil sand bitumens from the Uinta Basin, UtahSupercritical fluid extraction; Uinta Basin; Bitumens1996-12dissertation
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