226 - 250 of 418
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
226 Dorcy, Kathleen Kay ShannonHope as a discursive practice in cancer decision-making2011-08dissertation
227 Anderson, Warren VannerImplications of thrust and detachment faulting for the structural geology of the Thermo Hot Springs Known Geothermal Resource Area, Beaver County, UtahBeaver County, Cave Canyon detachment, Mineral Mountains, Sevier geothermal anomaly, southwestern Utah, Thermo Hot Springs2012-12thesis
228 Kamrath, CatherineThe language of fibers: how movement emerges from space harmony theory and architectureArchitecture; dance; Laban; Space Harmony2016thesis
229 Weissinger, Kristen M.Nature-based experiences and mobile phones: a pilot study on the effects of text notifications on attention restorationattention restoration; directed attention network; distraction; fatigue; mobile phone2016thesis
230 Pokhrel, SwastikNumerical modeling of performance of highway bridge approach slabs and sleeper slabs2019thesis
231 Kuban, Adam JeremyPreparation for the profession: an examination of the triangulation among University of Utah journalism educators, their students, and the Salt Lake Valley media practitioners who hire themEducators; Journalism; Practitioners; Preparation; Skills; Students2012-12dissertation
232 Khvtisiashvili, TamrikaPrincipal aspects of xinaliq phonology and morphosyntaxDescriptive linguistics; Endangered languages; Grammar; Language documentation; Northeast Caucasian language family2013-08dissertation
233 Sales, Jennifer LeiteRace, sexuality, and power in Ivens Machado's video performance Escravizador-Escravo (1974)Brazilian Video Art; Escravizador-Escravo; Gilberto Freyre; Homosexual Relations; Ivens Machado; Racial Democracy2016thesis
234 Dykstra, Tiffany AnnRefugee resettlement rhetoric: investigating organizational practices of empowermentNew media; Nonprofit; Organizational communication; (Post/neo)colonialism; Refugee studies; Rhetoric2016dissertation
235 Kennington, Allen RussellRelating users' reported comfort, necessity, and value in vignettes of sensor-equipped environments2020thesis
236 Foster, SerenaScaring it out of us: how Candyman and psychological theories can be used to view the darker sides of our personalities and perpetuate the search for self-completion through confronting the 'other'Candyman; Psychological theories; Mirrors2011-08honors thesis
237 Thompson, RobynSocial stories: an intervention tool to help decrease undesired behaviors in children with characteristics of autism spectrum disordersbehavior; preschool; Social Stories2015-08dissertation
238 Rogers, Orion MerrellStratigraphy of paleontological collecting areas 106, 107 and 109, Koobi Fora region, Northern Kenya2010-08thesis
239 Conrad, Edward C.Using species distribution models to quantify climate change impacts on the rosy-finch superspecies: an alpine obligateboosted regression trees; calibrated AUC; climate change impacts; Leucosticte; niche modeling; random forest regression trees2015-08thesis
240 Schwehr, KatePaleoenvironment and organic geochemistry of cenomanian-turonian sediments from the central Atlantic Ocean Margins2018thesis
241 Geology of the upper Ogden Canyon, Weber County, Utah
242 Furlich, Greg DavidObservation of the GZK suppression with the telescope array fluorescence telescopes and deployment of the telescope array expansion2020dissertation
243 Edwards, SamanthaWhen the losers write history: the story of Barcelona under siege in the final year of the Spanish Civil War (1938-1939)Communication; European history; Mass communications2017thesis
244 Altizer, Roger Alan Jr.A grounded legal study of the breakdown of modders' relationships with game companies or legal threats shake moral bedscease and desist; chilling effect; grounded theory; modding; participatory culture; video games2013-05dissertation
245 Cardell, Elizabeth M.Addressing health inequities in people with intellectual disabilities through community-based participatory researchDisability; Health disparities; Occupational therapy; Photovoice; Qualitative research2012-08dissertation
246 Haslam, Michael DeanAligning carbon nanotubes using ultrasound to reinforce composite materialsacoustic, alignment, CNT, composties, nanotubes, ultrasound2012-12thesis
247 Schwartz, Michael ChristianAnalysis of cirrus particle size distributions from three in situ flight campaigns: applications to cirrus microphysics and parameterization, remote sensing, and radar forward model simulatorsCirrus; In situ; Parameterization2014-08dissertation
248 Cao, LinaAnthropogenic habitat disturbance and the dynamics of hantavirus using remote sensing, GIS, and a spatially explicit agent-based modelAgent-based model; Deer mouse; GIS; Hantavirus; MODIS; Peromyscus maniculatus2010-08dissertation
249 Naisbitt, AdamAvalanche frequency and magnitude: using power-law exponents to investigate snow avalanche size proportions through time and spaceAvalanche forecasting; Avalanche models2008-05-31thesis
250 Potter-McIntyre, Sally LathamBiogeochemical signatures in iron (oxyhydr)oxide diagenetic precipitates: chemical, mineralogical and textual markersBrushy Basin Member; diagenesis; Iron; Mars; Morrison Formation; Navajo Sandstone2013-05dissertation
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