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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Fairley, Yasin AzizAbject/body: A performative perspective on race, gender, and violence in danceCommunication and the arts; social sciences; black performance; feminist thought; performance; queer theory; trauma; violence2017thesis
2 Baird, Nancy CoyneAttachment experiences of grandparent kinship caregivers and nonkinship foster parents with preschool-aged children in their careAttachment; attachment experiences; grandparent kinship caregivers; nonkinship foster parents; preschool-older people children; trauma2013-12dissertation
3 Heller, Molly AnneBecoming incredible: healing trauma through performancedance; healing; modern dance; performance studies; therapy; trauma2015-08thesis
4 Bennett, Diana CPsychophysiological correlates of primary and trauma-related acquired callousness in a sample of detained youthcallous-unemotional traits; PTSD; trauma2016dissertation
5 Dixon, Melissa MarieTrichotillomania: a journey of personal empowerment: a qualitative study of women who engage in chronic hair pullingempowerment; hair pulling; obsessive compulsive; qualitative; trauma; trichotillomania2016dissertation
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