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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Lin, I-Kai Frank.The development of online patient asistance at a remotely-controlled kiosk.Software; Technology; Health Care2001-05thesis
2 Newton, Kathryn TurnerCase study approach to health science: design and implementation of an online courseOnline Courses; Implementation; Technology2001-08thesis
3 D'Astous, Valerie A.Grandparents and their grandchildren with autism spectrum disorder: building bridges through technologyAutism spectrum disorder; Communication; Grandparents; Intergenerational relationships; Technology2011-12thesis
4 Newbold, KatherineAdapting a tool to assess visual-spatial creativity in children with autism by building on their strengthsAssessment; Autism; Children; Creativity; Strengths; Technology2012-12thesis
5 Mielke, Benjamin AllenDance training as mechanism for overcoming the technologization of the bodyDigital realities; Interpersonal communication; Modern dance; Sociology; Technology; Time2013-08thesis
6 Linnell, LauraDescriptive analysis of the sibling relationships for families with a child with autism spectrum disordersAutism; Siblings; SketchUp; Technology2012-08thesis
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