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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Carlisle, McKenzieSubliminal activation of social ties moderates cardiovascular reactivity during acute stressCardiovascular reactivity; Relationships; RSA; Social support; Subliminal priming2010-12thesis
2 Asante, SamuelSocial determinants of health among older adults: evidence from the utah fertility, longevity, and aging (flag) studyMental health; Older adults; Physical health; Social connectedness; Social support2015-08dissertation
3 Carlisle, McKenzieEffects of explicit and implicit friendship attitudes on appraisals and cardiovascular reactivity during a negative event discussionCardiovascular reactivity; Friendship; Implicit attitudes; Social cognition; Social support; Stress; Social psychology; Psychology2013-08dissertation
4 Bowen, Kimberly SuzanneYour support touches my heart: testing a mediational model of receiving social support, culture, and ambulatory blood pressureAmbulatory Blood Pressure; Culture; Interdependence; Japan; Self-schema; Social support2015dissertation
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