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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Hadley, Joan LouiseThe effects of an outdoor adventure on mood and self-concept.Nursing; Psychotherapy1994-12thesis
2 Frances, Mary BrownIdentification of alcohol problems among health maintenance organization patients, using the MacAndrew Alcoholism Scale.Diagnosis; Psychotherapy1981-08dissertation
3 Parkinson, Alice RichardsFamilies of hospitalized psychiatric patients : a descriptive study of attenders and nonattenders of a family support group.Psychotherapy; Demographic Characteristics1985-06thesis
4 Asbrand, James PatrickThe phenomenological experience of cross-cultural differences in the therapeutic relationshipCross-cultural differences; Multicultural counseling; Psychotherapy; Qualitative; Therapeutic relationship2012-05dissertation
5 Juretic, Meghan AnnPredictors of treatment success for parents of abused childrenChild abuse; Abused children; Psychotherapy2008-12thesis
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